Part One

I Don't Love Him

My college is messed up.

There are, like, NO cute guys in my classes, except Kim Namjoon in math. The teachers are rude, the students are rude, and I only have three friends: Sana, Jisoo, and Chanyeol. Sana is cool; she knows everyone, gets every question on every test right, teachers all respect her, she's popular and she has a boyfriend. Lucky.

Jisoo is neat too. She isn't popular but she's pretty, sweet, quiet and respectful, and she's a loyal friend. I'm  lucky to have her.

Chanyeol is...himself. Elf ears, dimples, wide eyes, tall with a sense of humor, and he cannot flirt. Overall, he's awkward but pretty sweet. I think he needs a girlfriend.

But that's all. I almost befriended Jinyoung before he moved, but I was too late. I seriously need more friends... and I know who I need to be friends with. Once I befriend her, I'll be cool. Everyone will like me. 

Kim Taeyeon. Diva, flirt, popular and snobby. The cool girl. All the boys like her.

I sigh as I climb out of bed. It's a weekend, so I'm home for now. I stagger to the kitchen only to see my best friend outside of college- Kim Taehyung, aka V. He's reading to my brother and sisters, and of course his sidekick, Jeon Jungkook, is there too.

'Hi,' I say. Immediately V, Kook, and my little siblings look up. 'Minya!!' My brother Hyuk shrieks as he runs to hug me. 

'Sleeping beauty awakens!' Kook says with a grin. Immediately V hits him. 'Heyyyy, I am the Prince. You have no right to-' 

Kook interrupts. 'If you're Prince can I be Elvis?'

'Can you shut up?' V whines. 'Why are you even my friend? You're annoying.' 

'Awww,' Kook makes mushy kissing sounds. 'Are you defending your priiiiiincess?'

I roll my eyes. V is over his crush on me. Silly Jungkook, still teasing him about his crush of three years ago.

'We are not a thing,' I say.

'Oh, right.' Kook smirks. 'You have your Chanyeollie.'

I groan. 'Seriously? If I'm with all these people, I might as well just date you.'

'Ew, no.' Kook makes a disgusted face. 'Anyway. Can we finish our book?'

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This is way too short


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