Not Another Cliche

Pandromeda OneShot Shop {CLOSED}

Requested By: littleevergreen

Written By: KissDromedaGirl




It’s like one of those usual stories you probably read about when ready fanfics –that’s what I’m about to tell you. It was a normal day like any other when I got the news that one of my close friends, whom I had a huge crush on, was going to be in training them become an employee/singer person, whatever you call them –I could care less about the music industry –and then he was gone. Like that. Of course, he kept in contact with me. He is still my friend, but he has changed.

It’s been several months since we last talked. By ‘talked’I mean we chatted a few minutes on the internet before he had a show to perform.

Sometimes, I wish I had the will power to turn on the TV to watch him perform. I just can’t though. He left. He traded a normal, good life for music. I mean, music is cool and all, but really? Yeah, so what? I’m in denial here. More so because my now ex-boyfriend just broke up with me over me griping because of Changmin. Changmin? Yes, that Changmin. Changmin from the famous DBSK or TVXQ. Whichever you prefer to call them.

My friend, my family…everyone was happy for him. I was, too. I still am.

So, are you ready to hear my story?

~~~~~A Few Months Ago~~~~

I was sitting in my local library, finding books for a book report I had due. College classes still require book reports. I hate it! Anyways, I was flipping through one book and it had no information in it that I required. So, I stood up from my seat and carried the large book back to the shelf. As soon as I was about to put it up, someone taps my shoulder.

“Excuse me, is the English to Korean translation books anywhere near this isle?”a man’s voice asks.

I sigh loudly, “Do I look like I work here?”

“Maybe. You are putting the books back on the shelf. You do look like a librari-“

“I dare you to say I look like a librarian. I will punch you!”I hiss at him.

He puts his hands up as if to surrender, “I’m sorry. You do, though.”

I turn to him and glare. He looks like- I stop glaring and brush a strand of my black hair behind my right ear. “Changmin?”

“Yeah. Why?”he looks at me, expressionless. “Do I know you?”

Figures. He forgot me! Wait! He’s here? Why is he here? He’s in that group…he’s an idol! Why is he…at a library?

“Shim Changmin? Figures you wouldn’t remember me. You’re always that way. Only paying attention to your most important priorities, that’s what you always do. Always have. Always wi-“

“Lee HyeSun?”he whispers, his eyes widening.

“My name . It is now Lee SunHye. You know…Soon-hye. Not the other way around.”I pull out a random book about Literature and flip through the word-filled pages.

He taps his lip twice and looks at me, “I missed you, HyeSun.”



I look at him. He hadn’t called me that since we were in elementary school. I remember the last time, too. We had been swinging on the swings and he was bugging me with that name and I was going to stop the swing, but instead and clumsily stopped it and fell…into a mud puddle. I threw mud onto him and forced him to stop when I shoved him into the puddle.

“There may not be any mud puddles around, but there are heavy books. I can easily-“

“You won’t hurt me. Don’t you miss me, too? We used to be best friends, Soon-Hye. Don’t you remember?”he asks, leaning against the tall bookshelf, examining me. He hadn’t changed looks all too much. What with dying his hair every few months, then growing it out and cutting it all over, and the excessive amounts of makeup and crap they shove on his eyelids and face –I’m surprised it hasn’t poisoned him.

I scoff, “How could I forgot? You are the one who forgot me. Some best friend you are!”I shove the book back into the shelf hard and walk past him, hitting him purposely with my shoulder. He shakes his head and chuckles to himself. I walk to my table and start packing my things. Of course, he followed me closely. I tried my best to ignore him, but some part of me wanted to just hug him. I am in a mental war because of that one small feeling.

“I didn’t forget you. I’ve just been really busy. You should know that. I have messaged you. I have told Kyungmin to tell you about things –to update you some.”

I stop what I’m doing and look at him, scoffing, “Kyungmin tells me nothing. He said I’m a who needs an attitude check and needs to be placed in the psych ward. I’m not crazy!”

Changmin laughs, covering his mouth with his fist. He must find it really amusing. Of course, thinking now, Kyungmin and Changmin have always teased me. They have always liked to get on my nerves just to see how I would crack each time. One time it got so bad I threatened to stab them…you should’ve seen what they did to me. Ugh! The nerves of those two back then! I’m glad I have matured some.

“I miss that about you. Your craziness!”he smiles wide and grabs a couple of my big books, “Now, where are you off to? I’ll help you carry your things.”

“No!”I yell too loudly and the lady at the desk shushes me. That lady! I’m not in the mood to be shushed. “I can carry my own books to my own car and go to my own favorite place.”

“The cafédown on Third Street?”he raises and eyebrow at me, dodging my hands that grab for my books.

“No.”I frown and turn away. “Keep the books then. I don’t need them or anything!”The lady shushes me again. I glare at for a second then turn away again and start to walk out the door. I open the door and sigh as the cool air hits me. I smile and walk out of the building.

When I reach my car, I sit my stuff on top of it and search through my purse for my keys and my cellphone. I search and search and nothing! Did I leave them in there…with him? Aigo~ No!

Someone clears their throat from behind me. I puff my cheeks and turn around, “What?”

He holds up my cellphone and keys, “You forgot these and your books.”

“You stole-“

“You forgot them.”

“Stop interrupting me!”I pout and grab for my keys. He holds them up higher. I hate being so short! I jump for them and he just laughs. I hit him on his other arm and pout some more. He wasn’t fair. I hated being teased. He knew that. I sometimes didn’t understand him teasing me like he did. Even now, after all these years, he remains the same; teasing, not listening, and interrupting me.

“Quit pouting, Soonie. You look like a baby when you pout,”he grins.

I continue to pout, “I’m not a baby. That reminds me…why are you at a library if you are an idol.”I exaggerated the word ‘idol’a little too much. Oh well!

“I go to college. Didn’t you know that?”he stops grinning, “Seems like you don’t miss me after all. Not wanting to keep up with me or anything.”

“I could care less for music crap. You know that!”

“You still have your heart set on being a veterinarian?”a sweet smile covers his face. Some part of me, deep down, that smile gave me butterflies. A smile tugged at the corner of my mouth, but I resisted. Must…resist…that…smile!

“Are you OK?”Changmin speaks up, looking concerned. He goes around to the passenger side of my car and smiles. “I’ll give you your stuff if we can hang out. I don’t have to be back at the dorm for awhile.”

I take a deep breath and nod, “Fine, fine. I’ll hang out with you. Just…give me my keys.”

He tosses my keys to me and I unlock my car, letting him in as I put my stuff in the backseat. I get into the driver’s seat and shut my door a little harder than expected. I blink a few times, then fasten my seatbelt. Before I start the car, I look at Changmin, “My phone?”

He looks at it, “I keep it until we are done hanging out.”

I growl quietly as I start the car and backup. Great. Just great!


We pull up to the caféI like to go to. He smiles wide and looks at me as if to say ‘I thought you said you didn’t like this place anymore’. I just sigh and turn the car off, getting out and shutting my door. I put my purse over my shoulder and walk up onto the sidewalk and watch as he gets out, observing my phone closely.

“Who’s ‘~~~’? Is that your boyfriend?”he looks at me, smirking slightly.

“No.”I walk up to the door and open it. “Come on!”

He follows behind. I turn to him, “Why are you looking through my stuff? How did you even know my password?”

He shrugs, “I thought about your favorite things, favorite color, birthday…I just figured it had something to do with those things.”

I glare at him and turn around to find a seat. I find an open booth and walk over, take my seat, and wait for him to sit down. He keeps his eyes glued on my phone. What did I have in there? I already forgot. Wait! I have those rants about him in there! That’s too embarrassing!

“Give me back my phone! Now!”I reach across the table.

“Why? Hiding something?”he looks up finally.

“No! Just..give it to me!”I stand up. He leans away, more into the booth as I stand there beside him, frowning. “Please?”

“Now I know you have something hidden! What is it? A dirty letter? pictures? I never took you for that type of girl!”he chuckles.

“It’s not that! Chan-“he covers my mouth and shakes his head. I knew if I yelled out his name, someone might recognize him. I didn’t need that. Someone might think I’m his girlfriend! I mumble into his hand, “Please.”

A grin crosses his face as he keeps his hand over my mouth, “Or what?”

“Mmm…”I tried to think of something, but nothing crosses my mind. I stand there, with his hand over my mouth, looking stupid. My eyes form an eye-smile and I grin under his hand. I suddenly reach forward quickly and he leans back farther. I didn’t think this through, because all of a sudden I fell on top of him and our faces were inches apart.

I knew scenes like these. The ones where each person falls for each other and they kiss…literally! I didn’t want that. Although, I had butterflies and my face started to turn a deep red. He was staring into my eyes as I was his. I shake my head and start to stand.


To my luck, I slipped. I fell back onto him, this time our lips meeting. The memories came back and flooded my mind, the feeling overwhelmed me. I couldn’t stand knowing this moment right here was like the moments you see in movies. I hated that, but some part –the one that was growing rapidly –didn’t care anymore. Before I knew it, the kiss deepened.

“Get a room!”the lady at the cash register yells at us, her high pitched voice piercing our ears.

I pull back and steadily stand up. My face was still a deep red. I fix my hair and start to stutter, “M-my ph-phone p-p-please!”

He hands me my phone and smiles, “That’s why I’ve always teased you, Soonie. So, one day, you’d fall for me like that. Admit it, you like me!”

My eyes go wide, “I-I d-d-don’t l-like you!”

“You like him! Now go get a room! I don’t like seeing people making out in my booths! Too many young customers! Too many old!”the lady yells at me.

Changmin chuckles, “So, what do you say?”

“I-I-“I begin and he cuts me off by standing up and talking, “Soonie, stop playing pretend!”

He then leans down and puts his hand behind my neck and pulls me forward. Our lips meet again and my eyes flutter closed. I-I don’t like him, right? No! I don’t…I-I…do. Aigo~

I wrap my arms around his neck and the lady’s voice rings through the caféand people stare, “I said to get a room! Kids don’t listen these days! Aish! No food for you two!”


“Soonie?”Changmin calls from downstairs.

I stop my typing and look over my shoulder at the door, “Yes?”

“Dinner’s ready!”he calls back.

A smile crosses my face as I type the last paragraphs:

There. My story. As I said, I grew mad at Changmin for leaving. Who knew so soon he would reenter my life, change it, and then now…we are together. We’re happy together, too. We got to know each other again and hung out too much. It didn’t bother me though. That feeling –the one that kept growing –it kept on growing and I finally realized it was the hidden crush I had had. It developed into something more…something better.

That day still replays in my head over and over. I guess you can say I’m still bossy, or y, or just overall not nice, but truthfully I can be. Changmin leaving just made me different. He’s back in my life for good now. I know for sure. How do I know?

He proposed to me last night.

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December28th #1
I have requested!
byzeloxoxo #2
Chapter 16: thank you, I'll wait for part 2 ^^
I have reqiested
Chapter 1: I've requested! :)
Chapter 16: I requested on Oct 7, 2014 :( Please can you write my requested one shot? I really want to read it :O
byzeloxoxo #6
Requested :}
Lillybellsun #7
-invoker #8
requested eue
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #9
Herro I sent in my request I hope you like my idea!! *squeaks* keep doing a great job!! Xoxo