✗ Λ P Θ С Λ L У P T Θ ✗ Marvel!AU || A Mutants Themed Literate Facebook Roleplay || NEW ! || OPEN AND ACCEPTING !! || EVENT COMING SOON !
Time Manipulation
Strong Force Manipulation
Weak Force Manipulation
Electromagnetism Manipulation
Gravity Manipulation
Fundamental Force Manipulation
Atom manipulation
Power Negation
Power Replication
Reactive Adaptation
Universal Manipulation
Cosmic Manipulation
Physics Manipulation
Space-Time Manipulation
Omnipotence / Night Omnipotence
Reality Warping
Aether Manipulation
Transcendent Physiology
Absolute Condition
Psionic Manipulation
Absolute Immortality
Life / Death Force Manipulation
Mythological Physiology / Mimicry

Mutants are individuals born with what is commonly referred to as the X-Gene, which grants them superhuman abilities and / or unusual physical characteristics. The X-Gene has also been known to cause physical changes varying between mutants. They can have wildly varying biologies depending on the nature of their mutation. While some may show no changes to their appearance, others have exhibited such changes to their skin, hair or other body parts. Mutation is caused by the X-Gene in the mutants' DNA. For most people, mutations normally manifest themselves during puberty, often as a result of a stressful or traumatic event, although, some mutants possess an active X-Gene from birth.
The X-Gene Test done to find out whether an individual is a mutant or not runs on a genetic color coded system which can be determined by the color the mutant's eyes turn to when their power is in use. Mutant power levels can be broken into six broad categories :
Omega ( Orange ) : Omega mutants are the most powerful class of mutants. An Omega-level mutant is one with the most powerful genetic potential of their mutant abilities. Some abilities depicted by mutants described as Omega level include immortality, extreme manipulation of matter and energy, high psionic ability, strong telekinesis, and the potential to exist beyond the boundaries of the known physical universe. Mutants that have been confirmed as Omega level were known to include Jean Grey, Vulcan, Rachel Summers, Iceman, Legion, Elixir, and Franklin Richards, Storm and Blur. ( Omega Class is closed ! Only Non Playable Characters / NPC taking part in a plot can be Omega level. The leaders of Institute X and Evo, Psyche and Khaos, are also Omega level NPC and they are seen as some of the few existing Omega class mutants in this age. )
Alpha ( Red ) : Alpha mutants are some of the most powerful and most feared mutants. Alpha mutants have extremely powerful mutant traits without any significant flaws. Less than 10% of mutants are Alpha mutants so they are very rare. Some of the Alpha mutants were known to include Cyclops, Gambit, Professor X, Havok, Colossus, Emma Frost, Phantasma, Mustang and Vortex. ( Alpha Class is open ! 2 / 10 Spots Available )
Beta ( Blue ) : Beta mutants may have powers as impressive as Alpha mutants, but their powers may not be as versatile, or they might not have the raw power of an Alpha mutant, or they might have some kind of weakness. Some examples of Beta mutants were known to be Beast, Wolverine, Mystique, Sabretooth, Prism, Surf, Bast, Blindfold, Panzer and Medic. ( Beta Class is open ! 5 / 10 Spots Available )
Gamma ( Golden ) : Gamma mutants may have powers that are versatile, but without much raw power and with an obvious weakness, often physical. Alternatively, a Gamma mutant’s power might be powerful, but not very versatile and with an obvious weakness. Lastly, a Gamma mutant might not have any weaknesses, but might have an ability that isn’t very powerful or versatile. Some examples of Gamma mutants were known to be Angel, Cypher and Pixie. ( Gamma Class is Open ! 3 / 10 Spots Available )
Delta ( Purple ) : Delta Mutants have powers that aren’t versatile, don’t have much power, and have obvious weaknesses. These would include mutants that can see in the dark, breathe underwater, or have other minor abilities. ( Delta Class i open ! 0 / 10 Spots Available )
Epsilon ( Green ) : Epsilon Mutants are unfortunate mutants. Epsilon mutants pretty much have no chance of having a regular life in society due to their major flaws. If that isn't bad enough, Epsilon mutants usually only have minor superhuman powers. ( Epsilon Class is open ! 0 / 10 Spots Available )


Genocide Corporation is a government agency within the nation's Department of Defense. Its single, greatest purpose is the protecting of humanity against lawless mutant threats, or so they claim. This agency has been accused of targeting and imprisoning mutants in detention centers needlessly. While it's not illegal to be a mutant, it is illegal to hide it from the government, thus the need for an X-Gene test, which is conducted by Genocide Corps. to determine whether any given individual is a carrier of the gene or not. Using a mutant ability in public is equivalent to using a deadly weapon in public and can result in incarceration.
Genocide Corps. was founded several years ago after the constant battles of warring mutant groups resulted in many innocent humans getting caught in the crossfire. The government and public demanded something be done to contain mutant threats. They employ different technologies in the aid of capturing mutants, such as drones to scan locations and neighbourhoods for suspects. At some point, Genocide Corps. also created the Sentinels for the purpose of hunting and capturing mutants too dangerous for agents to approach, as well as a drug called X-Gene Suppressants.
PRESIDENT: Barbara Scarlet ( NPC )


Institute X is a mutant controlled community. They seek to provide refuge for persecuted mutants, and work to come to a settlement with the government designed to imprison them.
Institute X is a nationwide welcoming place that was founded after the anti-mutant laws were enacted. The network was created shortly before the X-Men, their founders, were gone. Initially, their only goal was to provide refuge for mutants but when it was discovered that mutants were being forced into hunting each other for Genocide Corps., they made it their secondary objective to put an end to it and all other anti-mutant agendas by trying to peacefully cooperate with the government and gain mutant rights. This, in turn, brought them into conflict with Evo, who preferred using extreme measures to achieve their goals.
LEADER: Psyche ( NPC )
Black Ghost
Mutant Alias


Evo is a mutant terrorist organization operating against Genocide Corps. and their mutant hunting ways. Like Institute X, it tries to fight against anti-mutant movements, however, they believe that humans and mutants will never be able to truely co-exist and favor using excessive force and aggressive actions to defend themselves and to wreak havoc in retaliation.
The precise date Evo started is unknown but they are shown to have been in operation as far back as the 1950's and were founded by the Brotherhood. Eventually, the club's activities brought them into conflict with the X-Men and they apparently "disappeared" while running from them. Currently, the organization is attempting to revive itself and have sent several agents to infiltrate positions of political power. Some mutants were convinced that Institute X wouldn't do what is necessary to ensure their survival so they joined Evo instead.
LEADER: Khaos ( NPC )
Mutant Alias
Mutant Alias
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genocide_rp #1
genocide_rp #2
genocide_rp #3

genocide_rp #4
genocide_rp #5
✗ Verena Guilloux (Blackpink's Jennie)


≻24 hours
genocide_rp #6

≻24 hours
genocide_rp #7
✗ Harper Estevan Kostas/ Syna (Jeon Somi )
✗ Emotion Manipulation
✗ Alpha

✗Sansa Bödenheim (Weki Meki's Kim Doyeon)
genocide_rp #8
✗Sansa Bödenheim/ Meteor (Weki Meki's Kim Doyeon)
✗Fear Projection
genocide_rp #9
✗ Bonnie Lockhart (Lisa Blackpink)