
trick or treat

Joy's not pissed - no, she swears she isn't, even if she already hit Yerim twice because of the younger's teasing, and even if she refused to help Wendy baking when she usually would've happily accepted.

Joy's not pissed, just sulking childishly as she watches Irene and Yerim with envious eyes while they get ready to leave for some halloween party tonight.

Originally, Seulgi and her were supposed to tag along - Joy even got them custom matching costumes that Seulgi hated (she claimed it made her skin itchy, but Joy doesn't care), only for Seulgi to cancel their plans the night before.

She didn't understand at first. She was confused and angry, because her girlfriend didn't give her a valid excuse after she dropped out of their plans. Seulgi had just muttered incoherent words as she hung her head low that day, and Joy only caught the words 'super important' and 'family meeting'.

Who the heck calls for a family meeting on halloween night?
Seulgi's family, as it seems. Joy was a huge halloween lover, she really liked dressing up and joining couples' costumes competitions, Seulgi was perfectly aware of it.

"It's fine, don't worry about it," She had told the older one even though she felt bitter.

She only let it go because Seulgi seemed really apologetic and guily, so she couldn't stay mad at her.

After all, she trusted Seulgi. Seulgi, her girlfriend of only two months that she adored and would do anything for.

Even if it meant she had to spend halloween at Wendy's, poor Wendy who tried her best to cheer Joy up by suggesting they watch horror movies. And Joy agreed because she doesn't really care, plus horror movies sounded okay.

So no, Joy's not pissed. Just stuck in Wendy's living room with her friends.

"Cheer up, unnie," Yerim smiles teasingly. "I'll bring you candy?"

"Oh shut up," the older glares at her from her position on the carpet.

Yerim giggles, crouches down and envelops her friend in a tight, short hug, "I'll see you tomorrow morning, don't kill Wendy unnie!"

Joy scoffs, pushes Yerim off of her with force and crosses her arms childishly.

"Definitely not pissed," Irene'ss laugh resonates as she walks down the stairs.

She looks so gorgeous that Wendy's eyes grow large exaggeratedly. Irene's aura would've been much more intimidating if only she knew how to walk in those heels she wore, except she didn't, and she just stumbled as she walked.

At least it made all of them, including Joy, crack a laugh.

"I hate you all. Come on, Yeri. We're leaving," Irene huffs as she grabs Yerim's wrist and drags her to the door clumsily, shouting a quick goodbye.

Joy's smile remains on her face for a maximum of two seconds before she returns to sulking, her hand automatically grabbing a pile of pillows and blankets.

"Want to pick the first movie?" Wendy suggests, offering a gentle smile.


The older sighs and randomly picks one of the DVDs, inserting it in the DVD player. She glances at Joy, who ignores her completely, wrapped in a huge blanket so that only her face is visible.

Typical Joy. Though Wendy thinks Seulgi's sulking was much, much worse when Joy performed a play last month with the handsome Yook Sungjae.

Seulgi really looked like she was about kill the innocent man back then.

So Wendy just makes herself comfortable on the couch, feeling sorry for the girl on the floor. After a quarter of the movie passed, Joy murmurs quietly, "we would've won all the competitions with the costumes I prepared."

The blonde was about to reply when she realizes her friend was just talking to herself, eyes never leaving the TV screen but her mind elsewhere, probably somewhere far away where she was enjoying halloween with her girlfriend.

"I doubt that," Wendy smirks. "Yerimie's costume is really, really nice."

Joy raises an eyebrow and pauses the movie, smirking back, "but she doesn't have a partner, does she?"

And without waiting for a response, she resumes the movie and this time, Wendy swears she's never seen Joy gripping a blanket so tightly, hands trembling.

 It's about to be a long night for sure.



"If one more kid knocks on the ing door, oh I'm gonna give them candy alright," Joy growls, annoyed at having to pause the movie every ten minutes to open the door.

Just as she's returning to her mini-fort, the doorbell rings again. Letting out a whine, she throws her hands up in defeat and snaps at Wendy, "I'm not getting that. Feel free to open the door if you want to, but, I. am. not. moving."

"You're in a really pissy mood," Wendy laughs as she gets up to answer the door and returns after two minutes to her initial position.

"I've been planning this for a whole week, unnie!" Joy pouts in a child-like manner.

"So you're mad at Seulgi?"

"No...not at Seulgi, never," she sighs. "Why am I mad again?"

"Uh, I don't know. Because you spent quite the amount on your costumes?" Wendy laughs again, shaking her head.

The younger ponders briefly then shakes her head, "Oh my God, those really were the best costumes. Can you imagine how we would've looked? Jesus Christ, now I'm pissed again."

"- And I could've wore those new shoes I got from the mall yesterday..."

"Jesus, unnie, this isn't about you!"

Wendy remains silent for a while, simply eyeing Joy as she rambles until she gets tired and settles down.

"Are you sure this is only about the party?" she asks cautiously.

Joy frowns, focusing her attention on twirling the bracelet around her wrist. Seulgi and her got matching ones during summer, and Joy rarely took it off.

She sighs deeply, "Seulgi was busy all week and we didn't get to meet, so I was really hoping to see her," she admits sheepishly.

Wendy smiles sympathetically and ruffles the younger's hair affectionately, "Are you hungry? it's already seven. I'll make dinner."

"No, I'm not."


"I said I'm not hungry," Joy affirms stubbornly.

When she's like that, no one really can get through her. Except for Seulgi, but even then, she struggles to convince Joy to do something she doesn't want.

"Fine. I'm gonna go pee," Wendy retorts in defeat and heads for the stairs, "and you better open the door, and be nice to the kids."

"Yeah yeah, sure."

Cuddled in a warm blanket for comfort, eyes glued to the bright TV screen, Joy feels slightly better. It's only a matter of minutes before sleep takes over her and she's lightly snoring.

It's already past ten when there's knocking on the door that startles the girl and wakes her from her nap. She groans, assuming Wendy will answer it, but after a few minutes and repetitive knocking, she yells out Wendy's name.

"I'm kinda busy in the kitchen right now, open the door please!" Wendy shouts back.

The younger groans and grumbles under her breath as she stumbles towards the door and opens it rather harshly.

"Hey Wannie, I got your texts so I went and got something from Joy's favourite rest- Joy-ah?"

Joy stood there as if paralysed, blinking rapidly the sleep away to make sure the beautiful woman standing in front of her wasn't a hallucination.

And it wasn't, because she felt Seulgi gently cup her cheek with her soft yet cold hand.

Seulgi, who stood at the doorstep, holding a bag of take-out and wearing a ridiculous, childish costume of a ladybug that looked hilarious, and a yellow basket in her other hand.

"This is what you meant by family meeting?" Joy's eyes widen, not sure whether she was about to laugh or yell at her girlfriend.

"Yeah uh... My mom forced me to go trick or treating with the kids because she doesn't like them being out alone at night," Seulgi explains, casting her gaze to her shoes in embarrassment. "Also had to wear a costume."

Joy proceeds the words in her head for a second then launches herself at Seulgi without warning, engulfing the older girl in a tight hug.

Slightly taken aback, it took Seulgi a few seconds to return the hug, rubbing the taller girl's back comfortingly.

"I missed you so much," Joy whispers, gripping the back of Seulgi's costume tightly.

"I missed you too, Sooyounggie, I'm really sorry," Seulgi's words are muffled as she presses a kiss on the crown of her girlfriend's head, swaying the two of them gently.

They finally pull away after a good minute, and Joy happily drags her girlfriend inside, ignoring the confused look Wendy's sending their way.

"Hi Wannie," Seulgi waves her hand awkwardly, blushing when Wendy throws a smirk in her direction.

"Sooyoung-ah," Seulgi smiles, pronouncing the girl's name as softly as ever. "I got you dinner, and you're gonna have to eat because I got your favourite."

The two of them plop down on a couch after Seulgi's borrowed some clothes from Wendy, Joy wrapping her arms tightly around the shorter girl as she fed her pieces of fried chicken.

"Wendy texted me and told me you were pretty upset," Seulgi teases, wiping her girlfriend's mouth using a napkin.

"That's... not true," Joy denies in between mouthfuls of chicken.

"Sure it wasn't," Seulgi cracks a wide grin, her eyes literally vanishing behind her puffy cheeks. Joy sometimes wonder if Seulgi's cheeks do not hurt from all the laughing and smiling on a daily basis.

She smiles back, spontaneously planting a kiss on the girl's lips, and if even possible, Seulgi's smile just grows wider until she's unable to hide it, her cheeks tinted a pale pink.

"I love you, but don't lie to me again," Joy mumbles, kissing her again.

"I thought you would get mad at me," Seulgi replies with a humiliated chuckle.

"No, never."


Joy nods, sighing in relief when she feels Seulgi's hands on her cheeks, Seulgi's thumb tracing circles on her cheekbones. Her eyes close instinctively and a small smile emerges on her lips.

And in the end, screw the halloween party, if it meant she could cuddle with Seulgi and sleeping in each other's arms until morning.

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Chapter 1: Worth an upvote
Chapter 1: Awww that's the cutest thing I've read today xD seulgi in lady bug costume tho lmao
aaah so cute author-nim !! a fic joygi <3
mad joy is really so so cute , ah this baby
hopefully Seulgi is here !!