CH 3

Meant to Be

"So, does this mean you two... um..." Changkyun can't bring himself to say it, chewing anxiously on his bottom lip as he watches Hyungwon go through his closet and toss clothes towards the bed Changkyun is currently sitting on. The older visibly stiffens at the unspoken question, his grip tightening on the hanger he's currently holding. 

"We're just taking a break," Hyungwon answers, his voice soft and fragile. The sound of it makes Changkyun's eyes widen, and suddenly he's worried that the older will begin crying. Oh God, he's never dealt with another person's tears before, what's he supposed to do then??  

"I-I'm sure it'll all work out!" Changkyun finds himself declaring, at a loss for what else to do. Hyungwon releases a shaky laugh, smirking over at his dongsaeng with fond eyes. 

"Thanks, Kkungie," he says. He then sighs loudly, turning his attention back to the task at hand. "Now, make yourself useful and go find my suitcase. It should be in the hall closet." Changkyun nods and scurries from the room, earning a lighthearted chuckle from Hyunwon as he goes. A sound that quickly dies, however, when he sees a sweater much too small for him shoved off to the side. It's fluffy and dark brown, and suits its real owner so well... 

Hyungwon's heart constricts painfully, so suddenly that it steals the breath from him. He wonders at first if he's having a heart attack or something, and he grips at his chest to try and stave off the hurt. But, no, it definitely isn't a heart attack... Maybe heartburn? Or a , even? 

What the am I doing...? he silently asks himself, gaze unwaveringly glued to that stupid sweater. He remembers the last time Kihyun had worn it. The older was over at his apartment, just hanging out and cuddling together on the couch. They'd fallen asleep while watching a movie, but it hadn't mattered as Kihyun's parents had been out of town to visit relatives.  

He slowly reaches out, unable to recall why the sweater is still here. Perhaps he'd stolen it to have something to remind him of Kihyun, or maybe the older had forgotten it after taking a shower and leaving the next morning... Either way, Hyungwon hadn't yet returned it. He pets the soft fabric once, tears beginning to threaten to flow from his eyes as he thinks of how much softer Kihyun's hair is than any sweater...  

"I found it~!" Changkyun suddenly shouts, jolting Hyungwon from his thoughts. The boy sniffs once, forcing the tears back down as he turns with a grateful smile for his returning dongsaeng. "When're you leaving, hyung?" 

"I'm already done with finals," Hyungwon tells him in a voice full of bravado, "so I don't have anything to stick around for... I guess I'll leave as soon as I get the ticket from my parents." He trains a hard gaze on his own clothes in the closet, shoving the sweater aside. 

He has to be strong during this time apart, to prove to himself that he deserves someone as strong as Kihyun...  


"Taking a break?" Minhyuk asks, raising a confused brow at this new development. Kihyun hums, nodding as he takes a small sip from his coffee. He hadn't really wanted the coffee, but Minhyuk and Jooheon had dragged him out to treat him after school that day. Jooheon had separated from them only to return five minutes later with everyone's usual orders, saying it was on him. "That's quite a break, if he's really going to Japan." 

"He is," Kihyun mumbles, his voice a bit raspy. Today was the first day he's ever played hooky from class, having been too caught up in his own heartbreak on the roof to realize how much time had passed until after two classes had passed by already. He fights back a sigh, adding apology notes for his teachers onto his to-do list.  

"I mean," Minhyuk goes on, frowning a bit, "I know Wonnie's always been welcome to join his parents whenever he wanted, but this is just ridiculous. Did you tell him that this is ridiculous?" 

"I," Kihyun tries to say, his voice cracking on the single syllable. He can only manage to shake his head, his grip tightening around his coffee. He remembers the way Hyungwon had said he was leaving, in the same way one might say he was thinking of getting a fish... So casual, as if it meant nothing to him. 

Is that what Kihyun means to him? Nothing more than a damn fish?? 

"Well then I will," Minhyuk states simply, shifting in his seat to pull his phone from his pocket. Kihyun begins to mentally panic, head snapping up with frantic eyes. "Honestly, you'd think he was—" He's cut off by Kihyun's hand suddenly clasping onto his wrist, physically stopping him from going any further with his intended action. 

"Minhyuk-ah, please don't," Kihyun says, practically begging. Minhyuk freezes at this, utterly shocked by the light in his same-age friend's eyes. He's never seen Kihyun look so... desperate. "I appreciate the thought, but don't. Hyungwon-ah and I will figure this out ourselves." 

Minhyuk doesn't know what it is. Perhaps it's because he actually does have self-control, and knows when to out when he needs to... But, when he sees Kihyun sigh gratefully and release his wrist with a shaky hand, he knows it isn't that. The panic in Kihyun's eyes dissipates, but remains in the corners, and Minhyuk knows it's for him, just to set his mind at ease. 

He swears, he's gonna rip Hyungwon a new one when he sees him next. 


Jooheon watches the whole thing silently, his coffee long-forgotten as he hears all this. He can't believe they've broken up... He'd thought for sure they were forever...  

But, he guesses that's how it is with high school relationships. One minute you're hot, the next minute... 

Oh, , Jooheon mentally grumbles, staring at Kihyun's broken demeanor. He wants nothing more than to take Kihyun's hand and just run away, far away from this place and all the ty people in it. Well, mainly Hyungwon, but that's beside the point. He gulps nervously, the small light of hope within his heart beginning to grow in strength. 

They've broken up... He's single again...  

The boy bites hard on his lower lip, telling himself he's the absolute worst friend ever for zeroing in on that fact alone. He does his best to not immediately begin thinking of all the comfort Kihyun will need, of all the free time the older will suddenly have on his hands... Free time Jooheon can most certainly visit him on, and console him, and put him back together only to have him as his own and finally prove himself worthy. 

Yeah, Jooheon mentally sighs. You're absolutely the worst friend ever.  

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2485 streak #1
Chapter 13: Oh my gosh, yes, wow, what a lovely fic!! <3 And so many updates in such a short amount of time!! :D I'm so happy Hyungwon was able to snap himself out of his silly thinking and return to Kihyun with his heart filled with love. :') I feel slightly bad for Jooheon, because unrequited love is painful, but I foresee some sparks between him and Gunhee, haha. XD Great sequel!! ^^
Chapter 2: I want Kihyun and Hyungwon to be happy. Love the story so far. Will continue reading :)