CH 12

Meant to Be

Hyungwon doesn't know what to do first when he gets off the plane. Minhyuk and Hyunwoo are waiting for him at the gate, holding a sign about twenty times more obnoxious than the one they'd used to send him off... Hyungwon had thought such a feat impossible, but, clearly, he's been away for too long as he's begun to underestimate Minhyuk.  

"Welcome home, Hyungwonnie~!" Minhyuk had all but screamed, leaving Hyunwoo alone to hold the sign as he throws himself into Hyungwon's skinny arms. Hyungwon chuckles thickly, smiling over Minhyuk's shoulder to Hyunwoo in silent gratitude. Hyunwoo merely nods, understanding the message easily. 

"Thanks, hyung," he says to Minhyuk, struggling to pull away from the clingy boy. "You didn't tell Kihyunnie, did you? I wanted to surprise him and—" 

"I can keep a secret when asked, Hyungwon-ah," Minhyuk tells him, feigning offense. "C'mon, the car's parked illegally, and we'd better get to it before it gets towed." 

"What??" Hyunwoo suddenly interjects, looking absolutely scandalized. "Minhyukkie, you told me that was a good spot..." 

"It was," Minhyuk answers, shrugging. "What you should've asked me was if it was a legal spot~" He chuckles then, leaning over to grab Hyungwon's bags while snickering to himself. Hyunwoo sighs in exasperation, but shakes his head lovingly at his boyfriend. God, he's such a handful sometimes. 


The couple insists on taking Hyungwon home first, because he's been in a tin can in the air for a little over an hour breathing in the same air with countless other humans and that's absolutely disgusting... or so Minhyuk says. So, after a quick pit-stop to drop off his things and freshen up—which for Hungwon always takes a good part of an hour—they're off to start gathering all that Hyungwon needs to get his man back. 


Kihyun awakens with an awful crick in his neck. He opens his eyes slowly, confused for a moment to find himself lying on top of Jooheon on the couch. But, then, he remembers the kiss. 

He sits up carefully, so as to not awaken the younger. He studies his sleeping face, it seeming so pure and adorable with the tiniest of pouts pulling at his lips. He smiles fondly, reaching forward to brush Jooheon's bangs out of his face.  

Suddenly, there's a knock at the door, and Kihyun looks towards it, a confused frown contorting his features. Who would be coming over so soon in the day? Everyone he knows usually sleeps until the late afternoon, and it can't be any later than noon now judging by the sunlight pouring in...  

He gets up to answer it, straightening out his clothes and running a hand through his hair as he walks. He smacks his lips once, then twice, and clears his throat to ready his voice for use. However, when he opens the door and sees who's on the other side, any thoughts of speaking are thrown out the window. 

Hyungwon is standing there, looking as beautiful as ever, holding a bouquet of bright blue forget-me-nots and a bucket of fried chicken... his favorite color paired with his favorite food. He's so stunned he almost doesn't catch the way the younger gulps nervously, making his Adam's apple bob. 

"H-Hyung," Hyungwon begins, his voice thick. Kihyun's grip on the door tightens, as the sound of his voice alone is to make him want to tumble forward and kiss this stupid boy... or smack him... whichever comes first. Hyungwon takes a steadying breath, shuffling on his feet as he tries again. 

"Hyung, I'm sorry. I didn't handle anything right when I left, and I was stupid to even think of leaving you in the first place. I... I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. And, in return, I'll give you my heart... forever... O-Or until you don't want it anymore... I mean... That is to say... Ah, , I'm screwing this up..." 

Hyungwon glances down, scanning the doorstep as if he's mentally running through a script. He begins to bouncer up and down anxiously on his knees, and his hold on the items of his affection grows tighter. Kihyun silently steps closer, an unreadable expression on his face. 

"Yoo Kihyun, I love you, and I'll stay with y—" 

Hyungwon can't get the rest of his sentence out, as Kihyun has just slapped him clear across the face. His skin stings from the contact. He can't bring himself to look into the older's eyes, so overcome with shame in that moment. He's about to silently think of just all the things he's done to throw away something so good, but, then, the older is kissing him hard on the lips, and Hyungwon absolutely melts. 

The younger almost drops the food and flowers, his eyes falling shut and his knees buckling against each other. His heart jumps into his throat, his whole body beginning to shake as he thinks of just how much he's missed this boy. 

Kihyun pulls away all too soon, tears eeking out the corners of his eyes as he smiles the most brilliant smile Hyungwon's ever seen in his life. 

"You... You abtholute moron..." Kihyun says faintly, so overcome with emotion he can't keep control over his lisp. "You really had to go to Japan to be able to tell me that???" Hyungwon chuckles lowly, shifting his hold on the things to have a hand free. He reaches up with it, gently brushing his fingers against Kihyun's cheek to wipe away the tears. 

"I gueth tho," he replies, emphasizing his own fake lisp, hoping a tease will diffuse the tension and get his precious Kihyunnie to laugh. It does the trick, the older lightly hitting his chest as the most musical laughter slips passed his lips. Hyungwon finds himself laughing, as well, a wholehearted sound he hadn't made since before this whole mess began.  

Hyungwon steps back, smiling a wide, gummy smile as he takes in Kihyun's appearance. He does his best to not react to seeing the way his clothes seem to hang on him, his frame much thinner than he remembers, and bags just hanging from beneath his eyes. He gulps guiltily, his hand dropping to tightly hold onto Kihyun's own hand. 

He'll never hurt Kihyun again like he did... 

"Come on," Kihyun says softly, pulling Hyungwon into his home. He can tell the younger's thoughts have taken on more of a sad aspect, and he won't have any of that today. He closes the door before he can spot Minhyuk and Hyunwoo in the car parked in front of his house, Minhyuk's face plastered to the window to watch as much of the show as he can. 

He leads Hyungwon to the kitchen, making a shushing motion as they pass the living room. Hyungwon raises a questioning brow at seeing Jooheon passed out on the couch, but Kihyun waves a dismissive hand to tell him it's nothing. He gestures for the younger to set the food and flowers on the kitchen table, already moving to get some plates.  

For some reason, he's feeling hungrier than he's felt in a long time...  

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2484 streak #1
Chapter 13: Oh my gosh, yes, wow, what a lovely fic!! <3 And so many updates in such a short amount of time!! :D I'm so happy Hyungwon was able to snap himself out of his silly thinking and return to Kihyun with his heart filled with love. :') I feel slightly bad for Jooheon, because unrequited love is painful, but I foresee some sparks between him and Gunhee, haha. XD Great sequel!! ^^
Chapter 2: I want Kihyun and Hyungwon to be happy. Love the story so far. Will continue reading :)