Dream Team



The two of them were getting ready to shoot Dream Team. They were finally doing a schedule that was just for the two of them and that wasn’t meant for other members and they were filling in for because someone was sick or had a more important schedule. Hoya looked around. He had no idea who those people where. Sure, it wasn’t the first time he was on Dream Team, he should feel a little bit more comfortable, but he wasn’t. There were too many people around him, too many people wondering why he was there. He heard what some people from the crew said. It should be Myungsoo there and not him. He didn’t do a good job the last time he was in the show, and no matter how awkward Myungsoo was, he would surely make the rankings go up. Hoya tried to ignore those words, he tried to keep smiling like always, but he could feel the stares on his back. He knew he wasn’t Myungsoo. He knew he wasn’t as handsome but he was willing to work hard to prove he deserved to be there.

“Stop thinking!” He looked to the side and he saw Dongwoo playing with a towel. He wondered how the older man could be so carefree sometimes. He looked like he didn’t care about what some staff members were saying. They were saying it should be Woohyun because his cheesiness would make fans shout so loud they wouldn’t need to use the sound effects on the editing later. Instead, the rapper was just acting like he wasn’t hearing a single thing. “You’re thinking too loudly and it’s annoying me.” Hoya couldn’t help but roll his eyes. He looked to Dongwoo and saw the older man checking his rings, making sure they were perfectly placed as always. He had a thing for rings, and Hoya would never understand why. Sure, they looked seriously perfect on Dongwoo’s fingers, but still, made no sense. “Hyung, why don’t you care?”

Hoya asked with a wondering voice and Dongwoo raised a brow. “Care about what?” It wasn’t like he knew about what the younger man was talking about in the first place. He didn’t understood why Hoya always thought he could read thoughts in the first place. “About…what those people say.” The younger said as he pointed to the crew behind the cameras.  Dongwoo looked to where the younger man was pointing and then to Hoya. He couldn’t help but notice how hurt the other looked as he continued talking about it. “They can’t stop saying how they wished we were Woohyun and Myungsoo…how we’re going to make the rankings go down.” Hoya whispered, loud enough for the older man hear. Hoya continued speaking. “I heard them say we should be as handsome as the others because that way they wouldn’t need to edit our parts.” Dongwoo continued staring at the dancer next to him.

At first he didn’t say a thing. Dongwoo just moved a little on his sit and then placed a hand on Hoya’s knee. The younger was a little shocked with that but didn’t move. It was normal between members wasn’t it? And if he remembered correctly, their manager reminded them they had to give some fan-service so fans would actually enjoy guys playing soccer. Because they were all sure those people who were there, watching them, didn’t know a single thing about the sport. “Because I don’t care.” The older said as he kept looking to the men who were playing and showing off their talents with the soccer ball.          Hoya looked at him and Dongwoo did the same. They were looking into each other eyes and Hoya couldn’t help but notice how close they were. Not close enough to kiss or do things that they should be probably be doing since they were now a couple, but close to talk and no one else around them listen to what they were saying.

A couple…that still sounded weird. They were trying their best to get used to it. They went out more than once, they asked Sungjong to switch rooms once in a while and they managed to be alone for most of the times. It was really nice, but for some reason they would always fight, even if it was for the smallest things. Fortunately, it would end with the apologizing and kissing. It was stronger than them. It was really weird being all cute and sweet all the time. They weren’t Sunggyu and Woohyun. They had that fire inside of them that stopped them from being so damn cheesy and obnoxious. The fights weren’t as they were before, it was more than obvious, but they were still there. “I just don’t care about what these people think or say about me.”

Dongwoo looked to Hoya and gave him a small smile. “You should care less Hoya. So these people don’t like us? Who cares? It’s not like we need them. Fans are here for us. Not for Myungsoo, not for Woohyun. They like us.” Hoya knew the older man was right. Of course he was and he should know that better than anyone, but out of all members, Hoya was the one who took rejection the worst. Even if it was rejection from a camera crew or their cordi-noonas. He knew what it felt to be rejected by people, and every time that happened he just wanted to dig a whole and hide. He didn’t care about the girl groups rejecting him in some stupid show. He knew that was all fake, but a real rejection hurt way too much. “You worry too much.”

“Of course I worry…imagine if our CEO hears that? He might not give us another show in a while!” Dongwoo wasn’t sure if he should punch the dancer or not. “Why are you being so emo Howon? Jesus, you’re depressing me.” Dongwoo only said it, trying to make the younger smile a little but instead he looked worst.  He took a deep breath and made Hoya face him by blocking his view from the crowd. From someone away from them it looked like the older was going to kiss Hoya, and the dancer’s expression only made fans think that even more. “Hyung…Hyung! What are you doing?” Asked Hoya almost shouting, his expression looking like he was about to panic. Dongwoo was ready to burst into laughter but controlled himself. They heard a couple of screams from the fans and as soon that happened, the dancer pulled away. “Now the CEO will give us more shows.”

Dongwoo said smiling brightly and Hoya couldn’t help but be confused. What just happened? “The hell…?” He asked himself and Dongwoo kept on smiling. He looked to the younger from the corner of his eyes and couldn’t help but laugh even more. “You’re funny.” Dongwoo said as he grabbed his water bottle and drank a little. Hoya didn’t found it funny at all. He was just confused and could actually feel his brain black out. What in the world was that? “You need to care less about what others think. The only person whose opinion should matter is mine.” Hoya continued looking to the people in front of him and smirked at that comment. “I hate you.” He whispered and Dongwoo smiled at that. “Love you too.” Hearing that Hoya’s eyes went wide and he looked with a very shocked expression to the older man. Dongwoo didn’t understand what was happening, but he didn’t had the chance to ask because Hoya did it first. “You…you said it!”

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Chapter 16: Awww best yadong story ever.. The build was so nerve wrackingly satisfying. I loved it so much ^^
Chapter 16: This was just too cute! The way everyone reacted and how yadong responded to their questions when they got together was so funny! I really liked this story. It took Hoya long enough to realize his feelings but that's okay because he's just a shy baby in denial of his feelings.
skgenting #3
Chapter 16: Nice story...I love it ;) good worl authornim
Keyq1998 #4
Chapter 16: Daebak! I love it♡
Chapter 11: that's one hella epic confession...
Soulmate_Inspirits #6
Chapter 4: hahahahaha hoya is so cute xD
Mrin_Jr #7
Hello! I've read your fic ^ _ ^ and I'm from Vietnam. You write very well, I really like your fic. Currently, very little fic about Yadong in Vietnam and I would like to share more yadong fic for my friends. Can I translate your fic ? I promise credit full and give you link when I finish. Hope you agree :S ♥ Love u :3
burdenheart #8
Chapter 16: aww such a nice story. hoya is always so hot-tempered and in denial lol. i'm happy he finally understood his feelings for dongwoo. took long enough tho.. anyways i really liked this story as i said before.
commenting late to this one also, sorry.
Chapter 16: ugghh! it's good. i really lol-ed about dongwoo's reaction!
wowo look slike yadong is the only that hard to formed
and i was like LOL at the last part...hahaha myungyeol so spic!