How it began




"Listen up ladies, we've got some new recruits. Everyone, please welcome Momo and Sana to the team!" Jihyo's booming voice echoed off the walls in the practice room.


Behind their dedicated leader stood two girls, undoubtedly the “new recruits” she was referring to. Both girls were around the same height, both were quite pretty, and both looked incredibly shy. Dahyun wasn't sure which one of the two was Momo and which one was Sana, but she figured over the course of the year she would find out, so she wasn't too concerned for the time being.


That was it for the brief introduction to the new girls, Jihyo not offering any more information as she later revealed was due to her feeling that really, she didn’t need to. Those two and their equally distinctive and boisterous personalities would speak for themselves. And they did. It didn't take long for Momo to become the renowned best dancer of the group, and it didn't take long for Sana to tie Mina for second best. They quickly made a place for themselves in their club, and just as quickly made a place for themselves in their friend group.


Over the course of the next 3 months Dahyun began growing closer to Momo and Sana, their vibrant personalities coming to light the better their Korean got. Momo would make her laugh with her antics and wow her with her talent while Sana... well Dahyun couldn't exactly explain the relationship she had brewing with Sana. They had a bond that was difficult to put into words. For some reason, they just clicked.


Dahyun found it endlessly amusing the way Sana talked, like an adorable cartoon character who had no filter and felt self restraint was simply something she didn’t need to put into practice. She would say whatever came to mind, including but not limited to audaciously flirtatious comments, and laugh at pretty much anything- including herself. Dahyun found it immensely endearing the way Sana always seemed lively and happy, and always had kind words to say to everyone. She truly had a heart of gold, and the world was honestly too cruel for her.


Although she was probably one of the absolute sweetest people Dahyun had ever met, Sana was also alarmingly brazen. She was never afraid to voice her opinion or state her intentions. It was how she surpassed even the deviest of cunnings, and dethroned Nayeon as top snake. This revelation proved to be such a stark contrast to the impression Dahyun had formulated upon their first encounter. Dahyun still remembered that first real encounter, where they had spoken their first words to each other:


"Omo! Are you ok?" Dahyun dashed forward, trying and failing to catch Sana before she hit the ground.


"I'm fine!" Sana called out, in between fits of her own laughter.


"You sure? You went down pretty hard." Dahyun remained unconvinced, as she reached her hand out to help the girl.


"Yes, I'm sure." Sana reached out and accepted the offered hand, wrapping her own around it as Dahyun lifted her to her feet once more.


"Thank you, Dahyun." She told the younger girl sincerely, looking directly into her eyes and for some odd reason, a single shiver found its way down Dahyun's spine. She quickly released Sana's hand, and looked down bashfully. She hadn't expected Sana to know her name already, and she certainly hadn't expected her to say it like that. While they were staring at each other. While they were standing so close to each other. While they were- technically- holding hands.


"Don't worry about her, she always falls. You’ll get used to it, trust me." That was Momo, the only person in the room who had been completely unaffected by Sana's less-than-majestic tumble.


That was the first time they had spoken directly to one another. Dahyun could still remember precisely how Sana's hand had felt in her own, and she could remember precisely how that single shiver had felt creeping down her spine. It was God’s way of telling her through her body that something was amiss, that something was strange, and that something was definitely not what it seemed. Her body had been trying to warn her, God had been trying to warn her. How foolish she felt now, for not seeing the inevitable coming sooner. The signs were there, she had just ignored them. Chosen to instead, bury the truth. Bury it and bury it and bury it until she couldn't anymore. Until it came bubbling to the surface, white hot and untameable. Until it all blew up in her face with a vengeance and she had the audacity to act surprised.


Momo had been right, as time would soon tell. Their entire group eventually became painfully accustomed to Sana's clumsiness. It was almost as though her own feet were out to get her, as they miraculously swept themselves out from under her, carried her recklessly straight into any protruding objects, and raucously fumbled over even the flattest of surfaces. The clumsiness itself was hilarious enough, but Sana's complete and utter relinquishment to it added a certain degree of charm to her. She would take a fall, or hit herself, or drop something, and would then proceed to erupt into unbridled laughter- at herself. She never cursed the world for her misfortune, or allowed gloom to envelop her over her flaws. The girl simply had no mirth or malice in her. She was genuinely amused by her own shortcomings. It was incredibly self- aware and self accepting and that made it incredibly endearing. And even though she found herself on the floor far more than anyone ever should be, Dahyun never stopped running to her side to help her up (while they both laughed, of course).


This fact, coupled with the fact that Sana would literally laugh at anything she said, had began to make Dahyun enjoy the older girl's presence immensely. There was never a shortage of laughter when they were together, never a shortage a conversation topics, and never a dull moment. Like she said, they just clicked.


“I really like you, Dahyunnie.” Sana stated boldly one day, while looking pointedly into Dahyun’s eyes, and smiling brightly. The confession caused heat to rise in Dahyun’s cheeks, as she smacked the older girl’s arm playfully.


“Where did that come from?” They had just been sitting in the music room, playing and singing and talking when Sana had complimented her so earnestly out of the blue.


“I don’t know.” The older girl shrugged, blinding her with another dazzling smile before adding,

“I just wanted to tell you. You’re the best.” And Dahyun could felt her heart flutter. How could it not when Sana was looking at her like that and literally telling her with unabashed confidence that she enjoyed Dahyun for simply being Dahyun. To say she was touched, would be an understatement. So, with her cheeks still burning and her eyes avoiding Sana’s, she said to Sana what she had never said to a any friend before.


“I like you too, Sana unnie.” And the way Sana’s entire face lit up, with her eyes shining brighter than any star Dahyun had ever seen, made the embarrassment worth it.


“Play me another song?” Sana asked.


“Ok.” Dahyun replied, bringing her fingertips to the keys and allowing the melody to fill the room while Sana brought her head to rest on her shoulder.


And that was how it all began.

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cecijanet569 #1
Chapter 9: Amazing storyy!! I really was hoping to find more religious based fic, since Dahyun was such a church girl... but there isnt :( so this is a pleasant surprise!!
Pleasee write an epilogue :((
Chapter 9: É uma pena uma história interessante ter tão pouco reconhecimento... eu li várias vezes e leria mais recortes da vida de SAIDA.
Beautiful fic.