
Be Mine, okay? {OneShot}

I looked down at the torn clothing on my body, heart racing as I tried to recall what had just happened. Woohyun was lying on the floor, not moving a single muscle, barely breathing. He looked vulnerable and fragile, like thin glass. Solifeless. The atmosphere was cold, silent, and sinister. Suddenly, the garage didn’t seem cozy and welcoming anymore, it looked like a twisted death trap. How did this happen? Why did it happen? I felt warm tears streaming down my dirty cheeks, creating wet trails on either sides of my face.


The sight of Woohyun on the ground, writhing in pain was like a knife to the head. I couldn’t stand seeing him in such pain; I wasn’t ready for such a hurtful farewell. My love for him had grown too strong, and it was too late to let go. He had made me promise to love him infinitely, eternally, and that simply would never change. He was always the person who created happiness, with his endless aegyo and laughter. He was always the person who broke the awkward silence.


I crawled over, and sat by where he was still lying. I was afraid, very afraid. I pushed my tangled locks behind my ears, and his damp cheek, still covered with sweat. I watched his pained grimace slowly transforming into a mask which contained a serious, but more peaceful expression. Despite all this pain, I had never once seen a single tear fall from his eyes, regardless of the situation. He had believed that you can never show your weak side to anyone, as they would use it against you. I guess he was right.


His thin, net-like top was ripped, baring his strong chest and sharp collarbones. Veins were visible, trailing down his neck. His beautiful voice had been the reason why those veins were there, he would always strain his voice to perform for others, just to keep the people around him happy. His leather vest and pants were also torn, revealing ripped skin and dried blood. And then there it was the bloody hole that was located directly on his left , just between the ribcages. The hole, which was a mark of where a bullet had entered him. The moment before this was so perfect. Why did this happen?


It was 3.50pm, and I could hear my hear the faint sound of my phone chiming, signaling that I had just received a text message. I stared at the slightly cracked screen, as it displayed the text, curiously searching for the sender’s name. Woohyun.

Babe? Meet me down at the car repairs garage in 30 minutes? Love ya x



I stared at the message for another solid minute. He usually didn’t ask me to go anywhere with him – even texting me was something that rarely happened. I replied with a stern “Ok.” and that only. I wasn’t angry at him, but it was just that I’m not used to him asking me to go anywhere with him.


I quickly got dressed in the first thing I grabbed – a silky, black mini dress. Huh, how ironic. I rushed to the garage, searching for Woohyun, yet he was nowhere in sight. Suddenly, two hands blocked my vision, and a recognizable noise giggled. “Guess who!”


I used this opportunity to elbow him in the stomach. Wrong choice. Pain radiated up my arm as I punched into his abs, and I let out a soft, embarrassing yelp.


“I’m sorry, baby” he muttered as he grabbed my hand and kissed it. I blushed deeply, and pinched his nose jokingly.  He cleared his voice, and stared into my eyes, gaining my absolute attention. The Woohyun who was always immature, bouncy, and filled with aegyo was gone. His face was serious, as he intertwined our fingers and said, “It has been a long four years since we’ve been together. Right, Shana?”


I nodded solemnly, suddenly afraid that he would break up with me. My pulse raced as he continued speaking. “I think it’s about time we get serious in our relationship, we’ve been fooling around too much. *sigh* Shana, I’ve been waiting to ask you this for so long. Would you be mine, Infinitely? I promise to love you, worry about you, and take care of you until the end. You know me, right? ”

/ Be mine. I love you, okay? I worry about you, okay?
I’ll take care of you until the end
Being. You know me, right? You saw me, right?
I’ll protect you until the end/

I was lost for words, as if there was a frog down my throat. I looked at him, showing a silly smile that I simply cannot wipe off my face. It was too good to be true. “Yes, I will be yours infinitely”, I whispered back to him.


He gently grabbed my shoulders, and pulled me closer until our lips connected. His kissed me softly at first, and the tension built on. Our kiss grew stronger, more passionate. I could feel him reaching towards the zipper of my dress and murmurs “You look beautiful today, Shanna” between kisses. I could feel my hand automatically reaching up his shirt, touching his rock hard abs. I could feel my heart fluttering madly, as if it was to escape my chest, and jump in joy. My cheeks were burning a bright crimson red.


And that was when we heard it.


There was the sound of a distant gunshot, growing closer – threats. Minutes felt like hours, as a shiver crawled up my spine. Suddenly, the garage didn’t look welcoming anymore – it looked taunting and scary. Bang Bang Bang. The gunshots became more constant and closer.


And then we saw him, Choi Kyuhyun stood at the entrance of the garage, by the demolished car with a large, black gun in his hand. His fringe draped across his face, covering his eyes, and creating a shallow silhouette across his high cheekbones, eyes full of hatred. In my whole life, I’d only seen him once or twice.


“Why?” I whispered, as fear had knocked the voice out of me. I stared in fear, as Kyuhyun slowly lifted his gun, and aimed it towards my chest. He slowly, and calmly replied, “I need my revenge.”


I shook my head, “What have I ever done to you?”

All he did was smirk, and then exclaimed loudly, “You didn’t, but he did.” He pointed towards Woohyun with his other hand, and kept talking. “There is no such as more pain, than seeing the person you value most die because of you, in front of your very own eyes.”


I watched Woohyun whimper in fear, and the grip on my hand became more powerful – it was near the point where the pain was too much to handle. I turned to face him, his eyes seemed to be trying to tell me something, yet I cannot configure what he wanted to say. His eyes were pleading, like a frightened little puppy.


/ Do you hear me, do you hear me… oh?/


As Kyuhyun pulled the trigger to the gun, a loud sound was produced as a bullet made it’s may towards me. I stared wide-eyed, too scared to speak. As the bullet emerged, Woohyun pushed me away, and took a bullet to the chest. I could hear him groan in pain the moment the bullet had hit him, as he fell to his knees.


“NO!” I screamed, hearing my voice echo around the garage, growing faint. I turned to look at Kyuhyun, but he had fled right after he had released the bullet. I could feel the warm tears escaping my eyes and dripping to the ground. Weakness no longer mattered, all I knew was that I’d loved him, to the point where watching this was unbearable.

As he fell, he muttered “I’m sorry, Shanna. Sorry that I couldn’t stay until the end, even after everything. I’m oh so sorry.”

/I think it’s overflowing, you were always like that to me
My heart expands as your hurt grows/


I looked at his limp body again, afraid that it would be the final time that I would ever hear his sweet, loving voice, and see his beautiful smile. His eyes fluttered open slightly, softly, “Shanna, come here my love.”

I could feel my tears streaming faster, like a waterfall filled with salty liquid. I caressed his face again, as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it. He looked so innocent, and tired. His eyelids were dragging themselves down, but his stamina kept them up, for his final departing words.

Whimpering in pain, he whispered to me, slowly:

“I watched over it, your love, the long farewell     
Rather than always getting hurt, this is better
Look at my carefully, it’s because I don’t like you crying
Being hurt is tiring, yeah, every time I see you like that

The end of your wet eyes full of memories
I hope it dies in my embrace
I try to at least protect you
Who quietly heard the falling tears being swallowed by ripped hearts.”

As he finished, he used this other hand to caress my cheek, and wipe away my tears. I placed my hand on top of his, holding onto it gently. I looked into his eyes for the last time as his hands went limp, and his eyes fell shut. The tears had started falling again, but I had no will to end them.

This was goodbye. I kissed him on the lips for the final time, before I leaned into his chest and started to sob endlessly.

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--kittens #1
good job my unnie!~ :3