Love Poem


They say love is the most powerful of all emotions, a totem towards the mere human's way of life. It was an emotion that intensified obtainted factors, like the skill of music, for instance. And for Zhou Jieqiong, a well-known pipa player who was a Dignitary of Music in her hometown, the City of Ideals, took the emotion as a mere part of her existence. Where did she get that, perhaps? Well, it all had to do with another digtinary, a patisserie by the name of Jung Chaeyeon.

Their love story went to a twist of music and visual art. And with the addition of being dignitaries, their love escalated up to the point that they felt the essence of madness, truth, and depth. Jieqiong courted the woman with everything she can give and of what Chaeyeon deserved to have, gaining the relationship status up to the approval of marriage.

Now, a grand celebration of union paved way towards the City, with fellow dignitaries and people who loved the two witnessing the celebration. Jieqiong was already at the aisle, her heart warming up and her eyes in the brink of tears as Chaeyeon arrived, her walks making everyone wow. Jieqiong couldn't even bear but smile. And Chaeyeon was smiling back at her.

But it faded.

The skies went dark and everything went gloomy. What shocked Jieqiong was that Chaeyeon's expression changed and that her body fell. Jieqiong was agile as she caught her damsel before her body hugged the grass. 

"I sense something drastic." Nayoung, Head of the Dignitaries spoke.

Chaeyeon's expression was of a tired and a sick one and Jieqiong comforted her love. Sejeong, the Dignitary of Healing, came to check on Chaeyeon. Seeing her paling skin, bullets of sweat, droopy eyes, and a bite by her ankle, it hit her.

"Chungha!" Sejeong spat. "Chaeyeon's been bitten by a venomous snake. Get the antidote."

Chungha nodded and raced back to town. Nayoung did her measures, sending the people and the rest of the dignitaries back to town. Sejeong did her work, trying her best to get at least a bit of the venom before it would spread all over.


"Ch-Chaeyeon...don't worry. Everything will be alright." Jieqiong comforted her.

"It was no ordinary snake. I can sense it...Death is playing again..." Chaeyeon huffed. "...I feel...I feel that the end has come-"

"Shhh...don't say that..." Jieqiong hugged her close. "... I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you."

"I love you, Jieqiong." Chaeyeon mumbled. 

"I love you too, Chaeyeon." Jieqiong mumbled back as she saw Chungha. "The antidote is here. Please bear a little longer."

Sejeong and Chungha did their work as Chaeyeon was panting of the pain and the bits of poison seeping in though her system. Jieqiong was by Chaeyeon's side to comfort her and ease her of the pain. 

But then, Chaeyeon had a point. It was no ordinary bite and that Death was playing with her life specifically. Chaeyeon would've been saved but the Cosmos will always intefere and win every game with mere mortals, especially with life. With that, Charyeon gave in.

A gush of wind made way and the world dimmed and a pinkish light submerged on the ground. Jieqiong was shocked as Chaeyeon was motionless, her hand resting by Jieqiong's shoulder. 

"Chaeyeon. Chaeyeon..." Jieqiong nudged her. "Love...please..." She teared up. "...wake up, Chaeyeon!"

Jieqiong's tears dropped down onto Chaeyeon's face as Sejeong and Chungha remorsed with Jieqiong. A scream of hate and remorse from the Chinese dignitary rang all over the City, causing everyone to be silent and mourn for the loss of a dignitary.

For Jieqiong, it would be the start of silence, hate, and remorse as she mourns for the loss of the love of her life.


The vigil of Chaeyeon went on for three days and every dignitary and everyone in town was given opportunity to witness the endless sleep of the Dignitary of Home Economics. Most of them mourned, with the dignitaries comforting them. 

Jieqiong was always by the altar and she could only stay silent and play her pipa every night as she faces Chaeyeon's altar. Everyone would listen in respect and silence, feeling awe of Jieqiong's skill and feeling sad because of its message and of Chaeyeon's death. Jieqiong would even tear up silently as she played, thinking of the future without Chaeyeon by her side.

And when the funeral came, Jieqiong got out of her silent shell as she played and sang for Chaeyeon before she would be burned to ashes. Everyone joined in remorse as Nayoung and Sejeong did their rites, pouring oil and lighting up a fire around Chaeyeon.

Jieqiong couldn't bear her emotions as she ended her song and crouched, crying. The other dignitaries were by her side and they comforted her. Jieqiong huffed and stopped as she looked at the fire, the reds and yellows reflecting by her orbs. Jieqiong didn't avert her gaze until the fire faded and until she got Chaeyeon's ashes inside her urn.

The dignitaries cleared the place up and placed Chaeyeon's urn by the center, with the moon glistening onto ot through the night and the sun shone by it when the dawn came. 

"Jieqiong. We need to go home." Mina said.

"Leave me be." Jieqiong mumbled. 

Mina didn't want to but Nayoung shook her head and they all left Jieqiong. Jieqiong looked at Chaeyeon's altar with the urn and she grabbed her pipa and played another song, a love poem for Chaeyeon.

The sound rang around the area and it reached towards town and everyone was in awe as they listened, as if they heard music from Heaven itself. Jieqiong poured all those emotions into that one musical piece but as she strummed the last string, it hit her.

Jieqiong got her instrument and felt the urn one last time before she raced back to town. She ran towards a shack, knocking onto the door and opening it, seeing the ambiance of witchcraft and mystery.

"Jieqiong..." Sohye was shocked. "...what brings you here?"

"You are the Dignitary of Mystery. I need your help with something." Jieqiong spoke.

"And what would that be?" Sohye asked.

"Is there a way I can go to the Realm of Life and Death?"

Jieqiong dodged as Sohye could hit her with a knife. Sohye grew mad. "All of us just got back from Chaeyeon's funeral and you say such words! Have you lost your mind?"

"Not now...but in time, I will." Jieqiong defended. "Please...tell me..."

Sohye eased the creases of her forehead as she opened her book. Jieqiong inched closer but not to a distance in which Sohye would trigger or that she might aim another weapon at Jieqiong.

"The Realm of Life and Death ia a place for Cosmos. As mortals, it's forbidden to enter into any cosmic place, let alone that realm. However..." Sohye flips her book. "... lines of the Dignitaries of Mystery attempted ways for mortals to interfere with the actions of the Cosmos, that included passage to go into any cosmic place. For the Realm of Life and Death, it's the hardest place for a mortal to get in."

"But is there a way?" Jieqiong asked.

"Yes." Sohye said, pointing a page. "You need to drink this and die then face Death himself and obey his particular order so that you'd come back to life...which is a thing that you won't be doing since I won't let you."

"Sohye, please...let me drink that concoction." Jieqiong pleaded.

"You think a mere plea with let me agree? What are you going to do anyway? Bring Chaeyeon back into the mortal world?!"

Jieqiong nodded, giving Sohye more jurisdiction not to let her drink the concoction. "Jieqiong, if there's one thing Nayoung always told us, it's to never interfere with anything the Cosmos can do, especially with life and death. If you did plan to retrieve Chaeyeon then don't."

"What am I supposed to do then? Remorse for the rest of my life, play eligies and stay onto that altar and weep?!" Jieqiong batted. "I love Chaeyeon and I cannot live without her. If mortals interfered with cosmic activity before, then I'll do the same."

"Ridiculous." Sohye hissed. "You're a Dignitary. Do not attempt such actions just for your own contentment. What would people think if two dignitaries died in a single timeframe?! Also think of the consequences and risks. You think they'd accept it?"

Jieqiong sighed and sat, weeping. As a fellow Dignitary, Sohye understood the feeling. Jieqiong loved Chaeyeon dearly and Chaeyeon loved her too. And losing it out of the blue caused Jieqiong's distress and longing. 

Jieqiong would've lost hope too. But she tried one more time, kneeling in front of Sohye. "Please...let me get Chaeyeon...please help me get my love back."

Sohye sighed and finally agreed, helping Jieqiong up. Sohye went to close her shack and lets Jieqiong follow her down a secret path. Jieqiong followed Sohye until they got to a room filled with candles. Jieqiong even saw a symbol encrypted on the floor.

"It's how we Dignitaries of Mystery to get mortals into the world of the Cosmos. Lay down on that symbol with your arms spread." Sohye said.

Jieqiong agreed and laid on the floor with her arms spread. She even held onto her pipa and Sohye wondered.

"I want to bring it when I travel. Is that possible?" Jieqiong asked.

"Yes." Sohye said. "But before you could lay down, drink the concoction. Just one drop, Jieqiong. That way, I can still track you down when you reach the Realm of Life and Death."

"You track people down?" Jieqiong asked.

"Only for selected people who still want to live. Like you, for instance." Sohye said. "Now lay down. And make sure you get Chaeyeon properly. Remember to obey Death when he asks you to do something. Got it?"

Jieqiong nodded and laid down. Sohye meditated and chanted something. Jieqiong felt the poison kick in and she lost her consciousness.

"Chaeyeon..." Jieqiong mumbled. "... I'm coming for you."


Jieqiong got to the entrance of the Realm of Life and Death. She wondered of the contrasting settings but remember what Sohye said. She got her pipa and went to get in when a large beast guarded the gate. 

"I'll give it a try." Jieqiong huffed and played her pipa.

She was shocked of the pink petals emerging by her side yet she continued to play with her heart, the love poem she always played for Chaeyeon. The beast went calm and slept because of it. Jieqiong never thought her music could create a great impact towards the cosmic world but she used that as an advantage to get inside the realm.

Jieqiong got down some stairs and played as she went along. She got to a riverbank and there was a boatman, all skin on one side and all bones at the other. As it lended its bony hand, Jieqiong played her loved poem. The petals surrounded Jieqiong and thr boatman's bony half was regenerated with a complete system. The boatman was in awe of Jieqiong.

"Mortal, huh?" He asked and Jieqiong nodded. "I would've driven you away from this realm because you don't belong here. But to repay you for healing me, I shall take you to Life and Death free of charge." He made way. "Hop in, mortal."

Jieqiong nodded and got in. The boatman rowed along the riverbank as Jieqiong kept playing. The boatman spoke. "What brings you here, mortal?"

"I'm here to bring my love back." Jieqiong mumbled as she played.

"She was bitten by the Death Snake, huh?" He asked.

Jieqiong stopped strumming and looked at him. "How did you know?"

"Death uses it to take the lives of mortals." He answered. "For some mortal, you sure are brave to come here. What drives you?"

"Love." Jieqiong answered and played. "And this love poem for Chaeyeon proves it."

The boatman didn't ask anymore and continued to row until they arrived. Jieqiong hopped off, thanking him as he rowed back. Jieqiong arrived at the realm's castle and got inside.

She saw one side with life and the other with death. Jieqiong got to the right side and looked for Chaeyeon when she was stopped by an unknown force. Jieqiong hissed as her pipa was by the side of life.

Two figures appeared in front of Jieqiong and she was released. Jieqiong panted and got her pipa as she saw a fine woman and a menacing man oj the other side.

"I have another visitor from the mortal world again." He spoke. "Let me guess. You're here for a woman, right?"

Jieqiong nodded as the woman webt to comfort her, healing her wounds from the sudden force. "It's my creation, Death."

"Why did it have to come here, Life?" Death asked.

Jieqiong bowed at the deities in front of her and Life asked what is her concern.

"I came to get someone which Death took." Jieqiong spoke. "I came here for Chaeyeon."

Jieqiong got her pipa and sang her reason of love out. Pink petals surrounded her as everything inside the realm reacted as they listened.

Time stood still, temptation was lost, and evil wept onto the ground. Jieqiong ended and she teared up to. Life was drawn but Death was still unconvinced. "I'm not buying it, mortal. Be gone."

"No. I'm not leaving her until I bring her back." Jieqiong defended. "I had to sing to get into your head that Chaeyeon was just taken too soon. If all mortals would have the chance to get into this realm when we die, can Chaeyeon have more years to live?"

Death was moved lightly. Somehow, he realized Jieqiong's idea and made his verdict. "Alright then...but you must do EXACTLY as I say."

Jieqiong nodded. Death pointed behind her and there was a hill with light. Jieqiong wondered as Life vanished and she was only face to face with death.

"You must go back to your world. And I warn you. Never look back. Chaeyeon will follow you." He said and he vanished.

Jieqiong got her pipa and climbed back. But with further steps came greater worry. If Chaeyeon was indeed following her, then where are her footsteps? Why couldn't she hear at least a tap or a cough?

She continued to climb and was almost out but still, she worried. Just as she was about to get to the end, she gave up to temptation. 

Jieqiong looked back to see Chaeyeon plummeting. She hastily went back and saw Chaeyeon falling towards the pits of hell. Jieqiong tried to go back but she was restricted entry. Not only that, her breath was hitching before she fainted.


Jieqiong gasped as she was back to the real world. Sohye was panting as a scar was on her arms. 

" didn't listen..." Sohye huffed. " you won't be able to go back..."

Jieqiong realized her mistake and she got up and wept. Not only she puts herself and Sohye in jeopardy, she lost Chaeyeon forever.


The years passed by and Jieqiong was still a Dignitary of Music, playing her pipa by the open to where Chaeyeon's urn was. Her skill that awed witnesses remained but her openess to love closed. With what happened to her and Sohye, she swore not to interfere within cosmic activity and even swore not to love again.

With the passing days after the incident, Jieqiong was always by Chaeyeon's urn and played and sang with her pipa. With every strum and every note she sang, it was all on love.

From philanthropy to ia, even idolization and tragedy, Jieqiong sang them all. Her songs paved way towards the hearts of many that some considered her works as the art from the cosmic world itself. That also paved way towards admiration from other women.

But as Jieqiong swore to herself, she'll never admire a woman aside from Chaeyeon.


Jieqiong looked at three women with droopy eyes as she asked. "What brings you here?"

They were in a frenzy as they confessed their love for the dignitary. Jieqiong would reject as she played. The girls were still there and she sensed that they were mad with jealousy.

"Chaeyeon died years ago. You need to move on and love another." One of them said.

Jieqiong played aggressively and ignored them. She saw the sky darken by her side as she strummed. She sighed.

She knew it would be the end.

She still heard the girls confess and yell like demons. Jieqiong closed her eyes and played, ending such a wonderful song, all while her life ended with it because of those women. 

Jieqiong was killed by them out of jealousy. The Chinese dignitary fell, blood pooling her body as her droopy eyes saw the same snake that bit Chaeyeon. She sighed for the last time as she died while holding her instrument.


Two urns were placed by the same place as everyone mourned. The remaining dignitaries paid tribute to the couple, realizing that Death played too much and that two good souls had to be taken so soon.

But the funeral sent singing birds and the sound of riverbanks. Everyone was silent as they calmed and listened.

"Those birds..." Somi pointed. "...and I can even hear the bodies of water."

"They sing for Chaeyeon and Jieqiong." Sohye mumbled.

They didn't understand Sohye and continued to weep. Sohye teared up silently because she knew of one thing.

The world they live in was weeping but at the other side was peace. And she knows Chaeyeon and Jieqiong are on that place.


Sohye was right. Chaeyeon and Jieqiong were at peace as they walked side by side in the Realm of Life and Death. They always gazed at each other, walking side by side. Sometimes, Chaeyeon was at the front and sometimes, Jieqiong, who would always look back to see if Chaeyeon followed.

She did and she always will.

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If you're up for reading this collection again, first stories now come up with covers edited by me HAHAHAHA


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lightningmeiqueen #1
Chapter 1: You have my 'screw u and ur jokes, dad'
lurae123 #2
Chapter 5: okay..i swear someone is cutting onion beside me. TT
Chapter 21: I love this concept! School 2017 with a mix of Greek Myth! <3

And congratulations for this I.O.I collection! I hope you make another one in the future hehe
Chapter 21: Aww I’m sad that this is the last chapter. But your stories have been amazing! I hope you continue to write more stories about ioi and their groups in the future :)
Chapter 21: Thank you for the dedication for IOI :’)
This was a great series; thank you for the fun stories /)
Chapter 21: nice story on the day ioi ends :)
Chapter 20: Sad ending for Doyeon and Yeonjung :( But the whole story was nice

And you also include Guanlin mwehehe, I wonder, he still look so handsome when he's old? Haha
Chapter 20: I cried ;-;
Chapter 20: I immediately thought of the myth of Oisin when reading this X(
I hoped for a modified ending (because I know the actual ending) but it’s true to its source material....
Poor Yeunjung and Doyeon...
Chapter 19: Well this is so good! Poor Sejeong and Sohye, ah why did my bae died miserably huhu