1- One


There's a saying that people do not meet by accident and they are meant to cross our paths for a reason.


I'm a firm believer of that, although with a simple greeting and a lingering gaze-you can't really tell if they serve a purpose in your life and if they're meant to be in your life for a long period of time. I've learned that life is like one, big, sick, cruel game, and as much as I despise games, I'm trying to survive here.





It was the first year of high school. You had a slight spring in your steps, clutching the ink-printed party invitations you grabbed from the locker. It was almost your birthday, and like every single student in school, a party or a dinner treat is expected. You knew everyone in your grade and are friends with everyone in your class, socializing isn't something you're lacking but rather proud of. 

Just as you were handing out the invites and smile gleefully to every single classmates, your wandering eyes locked with the familiar boy you've only met a few months ago. He seemed to be blending in well with the class, considering he's new. 


"Hey, are you free this Friday?" You kneeled down and put your arms on his table, leaning your head on them. He was in the middle of solving math problems from his book. His bangs slightly covered his eyes, blinking softly. He had a puzzled look. The only time you spoke to him was that day when you forgot to do your chemistry homework and you desperately asked to copy his - which he simply laughed and replied with a 'Yeah, of course'. 

"I am, so I guess I'm invited then?"

 "Yeah and wear something nice if you want to, but if you don't then-"

"Perfect. I'll be there." 

He lips twitched into a small smile, staring at the card a second too longer.





So that's how you became best friends with Jeon Jeongguk. 



Staying up and blasting Green Day from my phone on a Sunday night isn't what I planned to do. But I couldn't help it when all I was hearing was screams of profanity in the room across from mine. 


"Jesus woman, you look like ," Jeongguk looks up from his desk and I throw myself on the seat behind him. "you probably finished the whole season of Stranger Things in one night and I-" 

"Shut up, Jeon. I'm tired." I sigh and lean my head in my palm, mentally preparing myself to get through the whole day. 

He turns and faces me, probably about to say another obnoxious joke but I see a flash of worry in his eyes before his expression softens. 

"Hey," He holds my hand and squeeze it. "wanna hang out after school?"

I give him a tired smile. 

Jeongguk can read me like an open book.



"You do know I hate ice cream so I don't see the point of you dragging me here." 

"Relax, sweetheart." Jeongguk practically drags me to our usual place. "We can share the vanilla."

Once we sit down, Jeongguk takes a spoonful of ice cream to his mouth, savoring the taste. A pleased look on his face. His hair has gotten longer but he's still looks the same as I first met him. Jeongguk is, no doubt, very attractive. He's also an all rounder, has great sport and academic skills, and talented in all sorts of way. Kudos to basketball, though, as he looks a little bit more built than last year. But he is, in fact, he's my dearest friend and having romantic feelings for him would be unsuitable. Besides, I'm happy with the way things are. 

"Never seen someone as good-looking as me?"

I scoff. "As if, Jeongguk."

He grins cheekily and I roll my eyes. 

"So.. how's things, you know, at home?" He asks me carefully and sets the empty bowl of ice cream aside. I let out a deep sigh. Jeongguk's the only one who knows how hard it is for me to deal with everything, especially at home. Comforting and opening up to each other is the only thing that makes it less difficult to endure. 

I don't respond. 

"Jina, talk to me. Please." he said softly.

I avoid his eyes and stare at the floor. There's so much things that I don't want to say out loud.

He slips to the booth next to me and holds my body close to him. A gesture that he always does to comfort me. "It's.." he waits for me to continue. 

"It's so hard, Jeongguk." my voice comes out as a whisper. "Even getting out of bed is hard, my thoughts are running wild and I can't sleep. But I didn't want to tell you any of this because you have so many good things in your life right now and I don't want to ruin it. I don't want to be that extra weight on your shoulder that you have to carry most of the time." I murmured with a shaky breath. 

We stay silent for a while, before he tilts my chin to look at him. His eyes linger on mine. I see fire in them, almost like determination, but I can also see genuine concern in his dark brown eyes. "What are you talking about? You're not a burden to me, at all. I'll do anything to help you get through this, do you hear me? We're going to get through this together. We will." 

He squeezes my hand. 

Perhaps things will get better.






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i'm still in the process of writing this story, please look forward to it!!


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Chapter 1: Please Update soon~♡