New family

More than poison

Bora was standing infront of her new house. Her mother

married a new man after her father died, it's not like her mother

ever cared for her father. So I guess she was happy after he died.

" Do you like our new house ? " Bora paid no attention to her mother

as she was busy staring at the huge mansion infront of her.

"No" as simple as that she walked away into

the garden "cherry blossoms " it was at its full bloom

it made her hate this place more than she already has.


" Boys this is your new sister Bora "

She stood infront of 7 different looking boys 

the tallest one stood in the middle eyes blank, lifeless ,cold

never moving his gaze from her, the others did the same thing

stare , that seems to be the only thing they're good at.

" Make her feel welcomed " lies. You only want my 

father's wealth, his money. But ill make sure you

never get any you nor your sons.


" This is your room " a maid with long black hair cat like eyes

and mall lips stood infront of me she was shorter than me 

or maybe im taller but do i care 'no'

She went in the walk through closet and pulled out a dress.

" Your going to be having dinner with master and his sons, i've been

instructed to take care of you "

Great another anoying person.




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