free time


despite the fact that a new day I got a day off for Mei, she got up as usual so early in the morning. in fact in his life never had a day off, so I do not really know what to do when you're free. as soon as she got up she went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, much to her surprise, the kitchen was already somebody. This Key, who got up early to be able to spend some time alone with Mei. at the end of this day begins their facility, which is associated with a high winning. Key when he turned and saw Mei surprised at the kitchen door immediately smiled, pleased that he was not mistaken as to her and that Mei rose early as expected. girl does not reciprocate a smile, was not accustomed to frequent smiling, just shrugged his shoulders and went to the fridge without saying a word. Key walked up to her and shyly but still with a smile said:
- Wiatj Noon, as you passed the night?
Mei looked at him suspiciously, but still said nothing. pulled out of the refrigerator needed products and passing the Key went to the cupboard. Key took a deep breath, even though he felt a slight annoy, was not taught to ignore him that someone was trying to be nice, always remember that their facility has begun, and Key did not like to lose anyway just like any one of Shinee. tried to be nice so went back to Mei with a smile said:
- I can help no one, I can cook
Mei looked at him again and said:
- Do as you like
Key relieved and started for washing vegetables and chopping them, while Mei took the meat. After a while all the ingredients were prepared and Key together with Mei took to prepare the dishes. Despite the fact that they prepared everything in silence, we both felt fairly comfortable in his company. Key looked at some time in the Mei and did not believe that someone's hands are so gentle and yet so well-prepared foods and firmly, as if they had magic in his hands, and whatever is touched would turn to the goodies. Key smiled to himself as Mei noticed and asked:
- Something happened?
Key looked at her and replied:
- No, why?
- I do not know whether to laugh to himself, or with me?
- To himself
- Araso, and why?
- I wonder what the person you're no one
- There is no need for you to wonder about it, believe me
- And I do you consider that you are more interesting than you think no one
Mei looked at him and shrug szykowania back to the next dish. after the cat when everything was ready. Mei looked at the key and gently smiling patted him on the shoulder saying:
- I'm impressed, you really can cook. had never met the boyfriend who could do it
Key smiled, happy that Mei praised him. when Mei was already out of the kitchen I stopped Key quickly grabbing for her hand. Mei turned surprised and asked:
- What is it?
Key timidly asked:
- What will you do today, no one?
- I do not know yet, have never had a day off, so I do not know what I can do
- Really?
Mei nodded and Key smiled and said:
- It can choose to be with me for shopping?
- I do not know
- Please, I promise that I will not invent anything, and that is such Sociable, friendly trip. there is always more fun when someone is shopping
- Hmmm ... in fact I have nothing to do, so if you want it you can go on these shopping
Key Mei attracted to each other and embraced me with joy, but Mei gently pushed away from him at all this went into the kitchen Jonghyun and did not look too pleased with what he saw. Mei came out of the kitchen and looked at jonghyun key and asked:
- No what?
- What?! what it was supposed to be?
- I do not know what you mean - Key turned up and tried to ignore Jonghyun, but did not give jonghyun easily ignore and quickly walked over to him saying:
- What the hug he mean?
Key only smile and began to eat, jonghyun wanted to say something else but the kitchen has already started to go down the other team members. As soon as they sat at the table and began to eat Jonghyun looked at them and said:
- You know that Key helped no one at breakfast and finally embraced her at the door?
everyone stopped eating and looked at the Key, which seemed to ignore the taunts Jonghyun and calmly finished his breakfast. Taemin picked up from his place and looked at the Key with slight anger and said:
- How to hug! hyong is a joke right?
Key finished his meal and looked at Taemin said:
- A joke? like why would this be a joke?
Key Taemin looked on in amazement and said, before doing anything with them yet kóryś Key rose from the place and out of the kitchen said:
- Finally takes our game, right?
when he disappeared from the kitchen quickly taemin Jonghyun looked at and asked:
- And no one on the grip?
Jonghyun looked at the curious friends and said, going back to eating:
- Nothing, and she pushed away
Taemin sat somewhat reassured in its place and it seemed that Onew and Minho, and also breathed a sigh of relief as no. Now you all realized that the game he invented the key is really something that probably every one of them involved a little bit, well, what the what the prize was tempting, and it was not surprising. few minutes after breakfast, Mei went to the kitchen to clean up. except Minho were all in their rooms, so I decided to slightly Minho exploit the situation and went into the kitchen just behind the Mei. timidly approached the table from which the Mei collected the plates and started to give them in turn. Mei looked at him and asked:
- Something happened?
- Anyo, no one wanted to help
- Araso
there was silence. Minho took a deep breath and looked at Mei who took in August for washing and timidly said:
- I wanted you to apologize to no one
- Huh? - Mei looked surprised at him from under his glasses and asked considerable:
- For what?
- For my past behavior ,.... about it with so much from you this must when me and Taemin pomagalaś
- Araso, but you do not have anything to apologize for me it's my job, to listen to a sense of your commands. no matter whether they understand or not
Minho began to wonder how to sustain the conversation and what else to say Mei when she looked at him and wiping his hands on a towel, said:
- Wait a minute
Minho looked at her curiously and Mei came out of the kitchen and went to her room, which after a while came out carrying something in his hand. came back to the stove where he was waiting for her Minho and put her hands on what is carried in their hands saying:
- I corrected, it is now perfectly
Minho looked at the hand-held, it turned out that it was his torn shirt now looked as if nothing happened at all it did not happen. He smiled and said:
- Thank no one
Mei nodded and went back to washing. Minho looked at her and finally asked after a moment:
- Noon, I ask you a question?
- What?
- You can now time? in the sense you wanted to go somewhere with me?
- I'm sorry but no
- Araso, you're mad at me no one?
- Anyo why you think so?
- All the time because no one behaves as if we did not like, and yet no one wogole us unknown
Mei looked at Minho and granted him the right, in fact, these guys were not guilty of what has happened in her life and somehow if you want to spend time alone here must avoid conflicts with these guys. decided that he would try to be a little nicer for them. Minho is still waiting for an answer, so Mei said:
- It's not specifically about you, me ..... I just do not like to stay in the company of a man
Minho looked at Mei curiously, in the end he learned something new about her, though not at all expecting an answer. Minho asked:
- If someone caused you harm no one?
Mei finished washing and wiping his hands on the Minho looked sad and said:
- I think you can just specify the Minho
and married with the kitchen behind him, however, disappeared from the eyes of Minho said:
- And nowhere I can not go out with you today because I promised it to one of you
Minho looked at disappearing from sight Mei and pondered for a moment who could arrange Mei. finally realized that if the Key helped her at breakfast that he only had enough time today to talk to her and invite her somewhere, so quickly without much thought went into the room key and opened the door as soon as he exclaimed:
- Hyong you going out with no one!
Key looked at him smiling and said:
- Yes, and he after?
all was silence in the room looked on in amazement Key. Key only smiled and said, ending the dressing:
- We told you the game, and that I win I have to spend as much time alone with no one. Otherwise I will have no one enchantment possibilities
and left the room. Shinee rest in peace so I just made that in addition to Onew Jonghyun and there was also no taemin and Minho which came into the room with noise. Jonghyun looked at the rest and said:
- I see that Key does not intend to let go and takes the rivalry osterj
Jonghyun nodded and everyone got up from his seat and said:
- Good, if it so pogrywa, I'm not I will be already over anything and nastęonym wondered was what time I'll try to spare time from noon
all admit right at the end of Jonghyun none of them had no intention nor easily submit or lose. Key in the meantime Mei knocked on the door, when she stood in the doorway of a smile he said:
- We go no one?
Mei nodded and took his bag came out of the apartment

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