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Early March

It's March now, and the beginnings of spring are appearing through the new growing flowers and the small flickers of sun that shine every now and again. Jimin strides along casually, enjoying the fresh air and having the alone time for his thoughts. He 's a morning person. Not many people would assume so but he likes to wake up early and see the early morning sky. Yoongi certainly doesn't appreciate this fact about Jimin, and murmurs insults whenever the boy in question loudly stomps around their dorm room, getting ready to start his day. This morning was no different.

He's been walking for fifteen minutes and that's how long it takes for him to get to his destination; Alex's apartment.What she gets up to in the morning has always been a curiosity of his, and now is his chance to find out exactly what. He waits for a moment or two after knocking. Not too long after the door creaks open to reveal a very tired, very annoyed looking Alex. 

Jimin smirks at her and lets his eyes travel down her body, assessing its appearance. She's wearing a loose pair of pyjama shorts that just about cover the top of her thighs, and an oversized blue sweater. Her hair seems to be hidden in the scarf that shes wrapped around her head. All in all she looks cute. She always looks cute and it's beginning to really annoy him.

"Jimin? What...?" Alex's expression has switched to one of confusion once she processes who is standing at her door at 9:00 AM in the morning. She certainly isn't a morning person, and as much as she likes his company he's not about to change that fact anytime soon.

"Morning Al," She opens the door wider, blinking slowly to get her mind to focus. She hasn't even begun forming a sentence when he barges past her; not forgetting to give her nose a small tap with his index finger. She closes the door and follows him into her living room.

"What are you doing here so early?" She asks drowsily, sitting down next to him on the couch. He gazes at her and simply shrugs.

"I guess I just wanted to see you," That wakes her up a bit. Even in her overly tired state she feels her tummy flutter in a way she hasn't felt in a long time. His eyes widen a bit as he realises how he's just phrased those words.

"I mean...see you and see what you were up to." She finds it cute, the way he's trying to cover it up like that and a lazy smile finds its way onto her lips.

"Boy, I was sleeping. Who the hell bothers to wake up this early unless it's for a seriously important reason?" He doesn't say anything and instead pokes her shoulder making her squirm.

"Does it really matter?" Once he finally does speak, he doesn't forget to poke her leg this time, causing her to jump and to shoot him a glare. He finds the way her brown eyes showing its natural fierceness such a turn on and his attraction to her intensifies. His finger automatically pokes her again, this time on the cheek because he just loves how soft her brown skin looks this particular morning.

"It does if you interrupt my sleeping time. Some of us cherish it, you know." Alex can't tell if she is confused or annoyed at this point, because she's wondering why on earth Jimin keeps touching her and why she seems to like it.

"Who needs sleep when they're around me?" His smirk is back and its appearance causes her to roll her eyes.

"Well then fine! You're my new pillow," She leans her head on his shoulder, taking him by surprise but his tense body soon relaxes and she tries to get into a comfortable position once she closes her eyes.

"Try and sleep and I'll just keep poking you," He smirks as he lightly taps her chin. Moving his eyes upwards they land on her soft looking lips. The thought of pressing his own against them has crossed his mind many times, but today they look particularly inviting for some reason.

"And if you try and poke me again, I'll cease your ability to have any future kids you hoped for," She says this calmly, not even bothering to open her eyes and this gives him the indication that she may have done this several times before to other unfortunate boys, definitely not reluctant to do it again. Jimin raises his eyebrows and slowly moves his finger away from her face.

"Fine. Bu

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752 streak #1
Chapter 12: I love the ending, they have come full circle and the future looks very bright. The little New Year’s Eve get-together was also cute. Great job on the story, can’t wait to see what you wrote next.
752 streak #2
Chapter 12: I love the ending, they have come full circle and the future looks very bright. The little New Year’s Eve get-together was also cute. Great job on the story, can’t wait to see what you wrote next.
752 streak #3
Chapter 11: I am so glad I ran across this story, I really enjoyed binge reading all the chapters. It’s really a charming rom com. Looking forward to the last chapter.
Chapter 10: Great to see your update. Nice couples fight. Men get so insecure about little things. But I like their warmth towards each other.
ThinkPinkTink #5
Chapter 8: Awwww Yessssss
Chapter 8: Aaaawww!!! So it's official. They are a couple now. I am loving the buildup.
Chapter 7: Sweet. These two are just too cute. They all caught up in their feelings and letting stuff get in their way. Relationships...
Chapter 4: This chapter was a bit melancholic but Jimin made it so funny. I think someone played an April Fool's joke on him. I like their progression. I think this is how all relationships should start off. Friendship is everything.
Chapter 1: I am reading this and I like it. I can't wait to read the next chapter.
Chapter 6: Honestly, Chris Browns “Liquor” was playing in my mind the whole time during that club part. I really love the pace they’re moving in although most is due to nerves (:
That kiss though!