








His feet carry him across town, retracing his steps all the way back from the hole from which he crawled out of in search of a soul. His brown eyes take in the city lights, constantly scanning his surroundings more out of intrigue than paranoia. For once he longs to stay in the human realm, enjoy the little things like a walk in the park or going to a gas station just for a gallon of milk. V, or more accurately Taehyung, frowns, he doesn't feel like a demon any more. He feels caught between the two worlds, no longer a killer but not mortal. And no matter his hearts desire, must accept the punishment awaiting him. Taehyung hesitates as he passes by the alleyway in which he'd stolen the man's clothes, and name. The coincidence of the man's name being the same as his old one, then he remembers how he had died in his past life and suddenly, for the first time since he was mortal, he feels tears prick his eyes. Real honest tears of regret and sorrow cloud his vision as he walks and he wonders briefly how the hell a human has screwed up his mind so easily. All Hoseok had done was be nice to him, well more like show unbridled joy and kindness towards him, and suddenly he misses the dancer. Misses his smile, his laugh, how his finger tips are always freezing cold no matter the outside temps tire, how easily they melded against each other under the blankets, how perfectly their lips fit together and most of all, Hoseok makes his heart beat. He'd never truly felt alive until he'd met Hoseok and now he feels as though he's dying at the thought of never seeing him again. 




He nears the manhole, the entrance to hell, and frowns deeper. He swipes his tears away quickly before lifting the cover up, only to halt midway when he hears his king hiss "You are unworthy. You're heart no longer belongs to me, but a mortal. Be gone and do not return unto me." Taehyung's brows furrow, about to protest but a gust of wind knocks him flat on his and suddenly everything blurts together. As he sits in the middle of the street a rush of new feelings wash over him. He suddenly feels incredibly weak, vulnerable and emotional, his entire body is trembling and his heart is thumping wildly in his chest. His senses seem to dull and suddenly his heart aches, mind racing and he feels as though he'll faint. All his mind can think about is "I'm in love with a mortal? I'm in love with Hoseok." Followed by dozens of thoughts and memories f the human. Suddenly Taehyung realizes what's happened and how he feels. He loves Hoseok. A mere human has brought him down, his heart belongs to Hoseok. His loving beautiful smiling Hoseok. He stands up quickly, regretting it when his head starts to spin but he puts one foot in front of the other begins the journey back to Hoseok's apartment to confess his nearly realizes feelings. 






He has no idea of the tragedy about to unfold before him. 









AN; hey guys I know t's short but it suits the flow best this way. Thank you guys for reading!!!!

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Chapter 13: So far so good :) I really like the fic and the flow till now and I have to say that I'm shamelessly waiting for vhope reunion ;)