Making plans

Soulful obsession

Suga, Namjoon, and Jimin rushed home as quickly as they could. Namjoon slammed on the gas pedal. Finally, they were outside Suga and Jimin's houses. Suga hurriedly opened the door, and ran to his room.

"Phew..." He sighed, relieved that his parents weren't home yet. 

He changed into sweats and a t shirt and fell onto his bed. He blushed, smiling, as he remembered the events that had taken place that night. He met Jungkook. Soon after, he frowned.

"What if he's just going to use me like the past relationships did?" He thought to himself.

Suga hugged his pillow, overthinking things. Then he fell into a deep sleep. Early the next morning, he woke up to his phone sounding. He groaned tiredly as he fumbled with his phone, half asleep. He looked at a set of random numbers in his phone. Suddenly, he grew wide eyed.

"Hey Suga. It's Jungkook. I hope you made it home safely. I wanted to tell you we did. I hope to see you again soon, even if only, for a few minutes. Have a good day."

Suga smiled instantly. He quickly stopped himself.

"Stop it. He's just a guy you met. Stop thinking so much about it.." he muttered to himself.

Suga rolled his eyes and forced himself to sleep more. A few hours later, he awoke again. He called Namjoon to do homework together. Namjoon agreed, and Suga got dressed and drove to his house. 

"Hey lover boy." Namjoon said, teasingly.

Suga laughed.

"Why do you say that?" He asked.

Namjoon smiled.

"Well, I don't were so eager to get that guy's number from the club last night. Also, you kept blushing during the way home, figured you were thinking about him." Namjoon said.

Suga shrugged his shoulders.

"W-well...I guess but...I don't want to read too much into it. Maybe that kid's just affectionate with everyone.." he said, quietly.

Namjoon shrugged.

"Well I don't know. Maybe he has some kind of power over you though anyway." Namjoon said.

Suga gave him a strange look.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, crossing his arms.

Namjoon laughed.

"Well...he got you to dance. Which you pretty much refused to do, willingly. Also, when you panicked about how late it was, you instantly calmed down the second he put his hands on your arms. Nobody's ever been able to calm you down that quickly." Namjoon replied.

Suga raised his eyeshadow and bit his lower lip slightly.

"W-well I still doubt it means anything!" He protested.

Namjoon sighed.

"We'll see what happens. Maybe you should meet with him. See what he's like outside of a club setting." 

Suga looked at his phone, reading the text message from Jungkook. He smiled and felt his face start to heat up. Namjoon watched his expression change.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Oh nothing...he uh...texted me this morning... I didn't reply yet..i-" suga started.

"Good! Don't reply yet. Wait a few days to reply." Namjoon insisted.

"What? But I don't want him to think I'm ignoring him.."

"Yea. But see if he texts you first each day, or how quickly he talks to you. You don't want to drag anything it for too long and you don't  want to rush into anything. Trust me on  this." Namjoon stated.

Suga sighed, slightly disappointed.

"Well...okay.." he said.

Each day, for the next few days felt agonizingly long. Suga read Jungkook's text over and over. What did it mean? He suddenly got flashbacks from that night.

"I only have eyes for you tonight." 

He blushed immediately, remembering that phrase. Suga couldn't help but feel some sort of way, he felt strange. He couldn't tell how he felt, was it happiness? Was it just because he felt needy and lonely? He felt different. Finally, by the end of the week, he couldn't take it anymore. He caved and texted Jungkook.

"Hey...sorry for not getting back to you until now. I want to see you again." He typed, as his fingers trembled, nervously against the keyboard of his phone.

He felt anxious for a reply. He hated that he felt this way though, hey met one time and haven't hung out yet. Suga felt like he would come off as annoying to quickly. However, within a few minutes, Jungkook replied.

"When can I see you again?" He asked.

Suga smiled, sighing to try to calm down his nerves slightly. He felt like a school girl.

"Uhm..what's good for you?" He typed.

"I asked you first. ;)" Jungkook replied.

Suga blushed.

"How about this weekend? What do you want to do?" He asked.

"Sounds great. I'll see you this weekend. As for what to do, let's just play it by ear. We'll meet and see where the day takes us." He answered.

"Can't wait." Suga texted back.

Suga squealed silently as he ran to find namjoon.

"Namjoon!" He yelled, happily slapping him.

Namjoon laughed.

"What's with all my friends slapping me when they're happy?" He asked, smiling.

Suga laughed.

"I get to see Jungkook this weekend!" He said, excitedly.

"Cool. Have fun." He answered.

"Wait...why am I so excited? We're just friends.." he said, slowly.

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Luciferka #1
Chapter 14: Awwww that was nice...too bad it ended like this. Would be nice to know how Kookie's parents would deal with Yoongi... anyway, loved it!
Chapter 14: Nice. Hope the story a bit longer
verolovelyart #3
Chapter 11: Suga let kookie explain.... love this story... I like your flow and imagery you use.
A-Rap-battle #4
Chapter 1: I actually like this