

Why does Jimin love Yoongi? After all he is grumpy most of the time or just wants to sleep. But to Jimin he is different. Nice? Kind? Caring? Loving?

Yoongi loving? Tell that to Seokjin or Hoseok and they would laugh. But if you would tell that to Jimin he would just agree.

Maybe it's the way Yoongi tries to talk nicely to kids.

Or how he kindly offers to help the nurses even thought he doesn't have to.

Or how when Jimin forgot he's lunch, Yoongi shared his lunch and said " sharing is caring".

Or his gummy smile.

Or how much he loves Kumamon.

Or how-

Wait what you mean is Jimin in a Kumamon outfit. Right? He loves Jimin. Jimin. HE LOVES JIMIN!! Okay?

[Yes i ship Yoonmin:) ]




The rest of the day wasn't that exciting. Since it was kind of a camp they learned basic survival tips. Jimin has been a little awkward since what had happened. All he could think about is Yoongi. What would happen if Jimin told him? What if he didn't love him back? Does he want to risk their relationship? Uhhh. So they can learn what to do if a bear attacks you, but not how to tell someone you love them. Stupid. That should be a survival skill. 

" Am i going crazy" Jimin thought to himself.

" Hey Jimin, let's go" Seokjin said hurried.

" Where are you so hurried to be?" Yoongi asked Seokjin who was practically leaving.

" I need to call my bo- my friend who is a boy."

" You know there's a word for that" Yoongi said with a little smirk

" What?" Seokjin said with a intrigued expression.

" Boyfriend" Yoongi looked at Seokjin and waited for the shocked face.

" I- umm... how did you know" 

" You know I'm not deaf. I've heard you calling him and he was once at the hospital."

"Did you know Jimin? And yes i know you aren't deaf Yoongi even when you act like you are.

" Yeah, i knew" Jimin said a little flustered

" Yea, so you heard me i need to call my boyfriend, FASTER!"  Seokjin shouted to Jimin

" Coming." Jimin answer and ran to Seokijn and Yoongi.

When they got to the house/cabin Seokjin practically ran to his room. While Yoongi and Jimin stayed in the lobby. 

" What are you going to do on christmas?" Yoongi asked Jimin

" I'm not sure yet. I think that my parents are going on vacation. My brother is studying abroad. What about you?"

" I'm not sure either. Let's go check up on Seokjin, plus i want to met his boyfriend." 



..Knock, knock...

A loud shout came from the room." WHAT!" 

"Don't be rude Seokjin" a faint voice said

" It's Yoongi, and I'm coming in to meet your boyfriend"

" Yoongi and Jimin" Jimin added to Yoongi's sentence.

Yoongi swung open the door and sat next to Seokjin. Jimin followed and sat on the other side of Seokjin.

" Hi, I'm Namjoon"

" Nice to meet you I'm Yoongi and this is Jimin"

" I've heard good things about the both of you"

" Like what?" Yoongi asked confused

" How you wou-"

" Great, now can we continue to talk about what we are doing on christmas" Seokjin said rapidly because he knew exactly what Namjoon was about to say.

" Oh yeah, by the way what are you two doing on christmas?" Namjoon asked Jimin and Yoongi

" We just talked about this and I'm at least free. What about you Jimin?"

" Well i guess i don't have any plans."

" Great, I just talked with Hoseok and he said his free. He had talked with Jungkook and Taehyung and they are also free." Seokjin said a little excited.

" We could spend christmas together. Of course if you guys agree." Namjoon said.

" All seven of us?" Jimin asked

" Yeah, or is that a problem?" Namjoon asked Jimin

" No, I was just wondering where we would be"

" We could be at my place." Namjoon said.

" I don't think we would all fit in your apartment sweetheart. Yoongi your apartment is pretty big. We could spend it there but only if Yoongi is fine with it."

" It's fine"

" Good, are we going to do Secret Santa or something?" Namjoon said.

" That sounds good but nothing over 15 dollars. What do you think Jimin?" Seokjin said with a kind smile.

" Jimin? Chim Chim? Jiminie? Jim-" Seokjin said every nickname he could think of.

" Huh? What? I wasn't listening."

" Yeah i can see that, you were spacing out again" Seokijn answered with a hint of annoyence in his tone.

" I asked if Secret Santa was fine." Namjoon repeated.

"Sure." Jimin said simply and quickly. And... now he was spacing out again, fantastic.

After they talked a little more it was starting to get late and Yoongi and Jimin thought it would be smart if they started to head back. When they got in Yoongi walked into the small kitchen in their room. The kitchen had a microwave and an oven that looked like it hadn't been used in years. It had a black mini fridge and a teakettle. They and Seokjin's room were the only ones with a kitchen. " Do you want some tea?" Yoongi asked Jimin who was again spacing out. " Jimin, are you okay? You keep spacing out. I'm worried." Jimin got startled but still managed to say a doubtful " Yes" because he really didn't hear what Yoongi said. They sat by the table. " Jimin are you sure you're fine you've been acting kinda off ?" Yoongi said with a worried tone which sent shivers down Jimin's back. " Y-yeah I'm just a little tired." 


So why was Jimin spacing out. Well he was thinking of-.


Sorry i haven't posted anything in a while. I've been busy with school.

To clear things up Namjoon and Seokjin were facetiming.

What was Namjoon about to say?

Btw sorry for the cliffhanger. Jk not sorry because I'm evil (:













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I'm sorry if this isn't the best story. This is my first story. I hope you enjoy it. :)


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sounds interesting