
My Boyfriend Is A Vampire

When u reach home u greeted your parents 

Y/N: Mom~Dad~I'm home~~

Parents: Hi dear, where were u?

Y/N: I went to hangout with my friend

Mom: Girl or boy?

Y/N: Boy 

Your parents never lock u at home or let totalk with other random boys cause they knew that u know how to handle yourself and this made u feel brave to share everything with your parents without hiding 

Dad: Is he a good person?

Y/N: No....But a very good person...hahahaha

Your parents laugh with u 

Dad: How good is he?

Y/N: Emm...he brings me back home..He walk with me 

Mom: Darling...I'm sure everyone does that right? So why is it counted very good?

Y/N: Mom~~Does all guys bring girls right in front to their home?

Dad: Mwo? He brought u right in front to our home?

Y/N: Ne? Wae?

Mom: Omo....Why u didn't invite him in?

Y/N: I did but he doesn't want

Mom: Where does he stay?

Y/N: He stays very near us..He stays just 2 roads from us 

Dad: That is really near 

Mom: Should we pay him a visit?

Y/N: Mom..I don't think that is necessary

Mom: Geudae? 

Y/N: Ne..and we have assignment..I'm sure he is doing his work so let's not bother him

Dad: Okay then..Have u eaten?

Y/N: Ani..

Mom: Come on...Eomma make something delicious for u 

Y/N: Okay..Then i go up to shower first?

Mom: Okay..and don't stay too long in the bath 

Y/N: Ne~~~ (u shout from upstairs)

Meanwhile while u were in shower your parents were gossiping downstairs

Mom: Yeobo~

Dad: Wae?

Mom: Don't u think that our Y/N is very happy?

Dad: Well...Being happy isn't a bad thing

Mom: But is very rare to see her this happy...She was jumping in which she didn't do it for a long time since her previous relationship

Dad: Well..Is true but of course we wish her to be happy like last time..Don't we?

Mom: Ne~~But I'm also happy for her that she is happy 

Dad: She deserves the best 

Mom: She hasn't been happy for so many years..I hope that the friend of hers can make her forget about his ex 

Dad: If he can realy do it..I should really praise him or maybe buy someting for him 

Mom: Yes..u should..hahaha

Your parents laugh..Meanwhile u were drying your hair and u heard your parents laughing

Y/N: What r they laughing at?

So u went down and u smell spaghetti which was your favourite 


Mom: Omo..U scared me

Y/N: Hehehehe....so what were u guys laughing about?

Dad: Hmm??

Y/N: Appa..Don't act..I heard u guys were laughing

Dad: Ahh...your mother and I were talking about how happu u were after so many years

Y/N: Jinjja? Eomma?

Mom: Ne 

Y/N: Is it bad?

Mom: Of course no..U should be happy everyday like now..Arasseo?

Y/N: Arasseo...

Mom: Now eat your food before it gets cold

Y/N: Ne...(after 7 minutes) Thank you for the food...Eomma~~Appa~~I will go up to study now 

Parents: Ne...Study well

When u went up and sat at your study..Your phone rang and u saw it was from Jimin so u answer it

Y/N: Wae? Don't know how to do Mathematics?

JM: Ani...Woahhh..Jinjja u study non-stop do u?

Y/N: Hahahaha

JM: I was wanting to ask whether u wanna go hangout again tomorrow?

Y/N: Of course 

JM: Arasseo 

Y/N: Jimin

JM: Wae?

Y/N: U guys really can't fall in love??

JM: Ne..Wae?..Nooooo

Y/N: Wae? Wae?

JM: Don't tell me u r already falling for me?

U just kept quiet because what he said is really what u r feeling for him

JM: Y/N..U cannot fall for me..Is dangerous..I might kill u 

Y/N: Jimin I'm sure u can do it

JM: I can't 

Y/N: Arasseo...But please don't leave me 

JM: I won't leave u but i just can't love u like how u love me..Mianhae

Y/N: Gwaechanha..As long as u r by my side 

JM: Anything for my princess...HEHEHEHE

Y/N: Well...Let's go hangout tommorrow 

JM: Okay...Naeil boja 

Y/N: Okay

And u hang up to the call and tears were starting to form but u could it...

Meanwhile in Jimin's house 

*Jimin's Thinking*

What should I do? She can't fall for me..I don't wanna get drag back there..Why am I even a vampire? Why? Wait....How about I talk with the king with my powers?

Okay let's try it....

*Begins to use you power* 

JM: My lord

Lord: What can I help u..My son 

SON!!! Yup...Jimin is the vampire king's son and he lives just like a normal vampire..He has a lot of abilities but he just told Y/N one of his abilities..Since he is the son eventually he has all kinds of abilities

JM: Lord..There is a question I wanna ask 

Lord: Just call father 

JM: Abeoji

Lord: Emm...Let me guess..U r starting to fall for a human girl 

JM: Ne...Since u already know..What can I do? I really like her

Lord: My son...Is not that I don't wanna let u to fall in love but rules r rules 

JM: Father..Isn't there any other way?

Lord: I'm sorry, son.. U have to accept the truth..I only let u out because u were the only son I have and I hope u can go out and feel how the world is 

JM: Okay..I understand...I have one mroe question 

Lord: Ask

JM: What if I break the rules?

Lord: Don't try to do it...U know what will happen to her and she still have parents

JM: I can just....

Lord: No...We don't harm humans...We r not born to harm humans but to protect them because we r given the second chance to protect the ones who we love once

JM: Okay..I won't them 

Lord: Anything else?

JM: What if I accidentally make her pregnant?

Lord: Then u will have to bring her to the instituition and let her give birth

JM: But will she turn into one of us?

Lord: No..but the child might be half vampire and half hunter which can lead the child to become a hunter 

JM: Okay

Lord: Son...I know u r smart so u should think wisely....Don't learn to be like me...U will regret like me...This is my advice from your appa..U know what happened to your mom...U know what we had gone through

JM: Yes

Lord: What was it? 

JM: U had to turn mom into a vampire and u brought her to grandfather to get approval from him since she is already a vampire so u thought u will get his blessings..He gave his blessing and after 1o years he found out that mother was not pureblood vampire so he kill her...The last thing that she said was to never let me to follow father's footsteps

Lord: Good..Think wisely and if u really can't find a solution..Just come and find father 

JM: Okay..Rest well

Lord: Stay safe son..I heard there are hunters all around recently 

JM: Okay...Ah..Appa

Lord: Wae? 

JM: She is not afraid of me

Lord: U told her?

JM: Ne

Lord: And she is not afraid of u?

JM: Yes..She say she is not afraid of me

Lord: Did she say why she is not afraid of u?

JM: Yes..she said because I'm good so it means I won't harm her 

Lord: I think she is just like your mom

JM: Huh?

Lord: Your mom say the same thing as her....Your mom also said she was not afraid of me 

JM: Could she be mom?

Lord: I'm not sure

JM: I will try to find out 

Lord: Be careful and bye 

JM: Bye 






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I might not post a new chapter yet cause i.m going through my exams


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