Great Job...!!!

Bada's Story

Sorry it's late, I hope you like this..  :D




“Hyung, are you in there?”

I heard a familiar voice that I don’t hear in past months, not my master’s voice, Donghae, but the one who brought me here. I still remember when the first time I join to this huge family.

Flashback on.

“Bummie, why are you brought me here? I think you want to buy a gift for my birthday?” I heard a voice from a male as he entered the shop with his friend. I think.

“Yes hyung, you think why we here?” I want to give you a pet, but no fish ok, the last fish I give to you died when you play with it in bed,” his friend told to him. I can see that a guy called ‘Hyung' look disappointed.

I saw them go around the shop, from the bird part (‘”look Bummie the bird is so cute! “that’s parrot Hyung, watch out it bite”), reptile part (“how about turtle, Bummie? I think ddangkoma need a friend," “and you will become like Yesung Hyung? No thanks?), cat session (“I think we enough cat in the dorm”) and the last dog part.

“Bummie, look at this dog is so cute. I want it” a man called Hyung said when he reaches my cage.

“Yeah Hyung, but you think he will fine with heebum” a man called Bummie asked to the other.

“I don’t care, if you want to buy this dog, don’t think you can enter my room this week” he said grumble.

“But Hyung?" Bummie paused for a while.

“Please…..” ‘the hyung’ said with puppy eyes.

 “Ok, Ok I’ll buy this dog. Your face just like this dog.” He smiled.

”Sir, we want this” he told to the shopkeeper.

“So, what name you will give to this dog?” Bummie asked to the older when they have in the car.

“Mmmm… how about Bada? Hi Bada…” He talks to me as almost to kiss me.

“Guk..." I shouted,

“I think he like it Bummie” he said.

Yes, I like the name. I thought.

Flashback off.

I heard a door open, and I can see Kibum, the one who I miss so much. I don’t know where he had gone, but a couple of days before I saw my master, Donghae talk to the phone and cry, and he always shout Kibum’s name.

“Guk...Guk...!” I shouted as I closer to him.

“Hey Bada, how are you? You miss me?” He lifts me up and hugs me.

“I miss you so much, and donghae off course” he said in his deep soft voice as walk closer to the bed.

“Bada, you know where donghae? I think he is here” he asked me.

I just stare at him; I can see sadness on his eyes; I know he rarely showed how his feeling, but thanks God make me as a dog, I know. People say a dog is the best friend of human, and I know they are right.

He put me on his lap.

“Bada, am I wrong if I want to chase my dream? I just want to focus to my acting, maybe for three or four years, am I selfish if I did that” he said with teary eyes.

He stopped for moments.

“You do your job right? You take care of donghae with good right?” he asked me with his special smile.

“Guk...Guk...” I yap at him just like want to say. of course

“Good job, Bada” he said happily.

“But Bada, I think you must take care of him with more now, because for this three or four years, I will leave this dorm, and life in my own apartment, you can do that right?” he said with more worried.

What is he talking about? Did he say he will leave this dorm again? And now for years?  Did he just come back from solitary area for his shooting drama?

Oh, that why my master look sad this couple of days. I thought

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Addicted-2U #1
aww~ it's so cute! I wanna know what happen next! Kibum left Donghae for 3 to 4 years? Wow, that'll be hard for Donghae... Thank you for writing~
jessicafishy16 #2
Awwwww :)
kangin1995 #3
ohhhhh!!!!!!!!!! only the 1st chapter can catch my mind. continue soon................fighting!! have a good day!!!!!
thank you very much.....!!!!!!!
I love your fics to, and I can't wait for the update of "Lives"
and thanks for always comment on my fics, I want to be your best friend too
kangin1995 #5
I am very happy to see your another fics.........I'll read your fics and i want to be your best friend. whatever.............fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and please continue....soooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnn my friend. By the way I am very happy to pay the first comment for your fics...........HAVE A GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!