01: Mission Impossible

The Thief and The Prince ( Super Spies 1 )


    After the bell rang, Chloe hurriedly put her study materials in her backpack and strode to the door. Namjoon told her to meet him at the club before going home. He was not in class today. He was always an enigma, hard to understand and impossible to figure out. despite that, he was a charmer, not to mention intelligent. He could be impulsive sometimes, but there would always be a reason for doing so. On the way to the club, She bumped into V, the handsome young man who had talent for hacking. Her friend and comrade aka partner in crime. He was a genius, our information breaker. He could hack into any system within the matter of minutes. He used to hack into the government classified files for Namjoon without breaking a sweat, though his character didn’t match with his role at all. He acted frivolous all the time, saying something silly unnecessarily in the wrong situation or simply praised his own handsomeness and awesomeness. He was a headache.

‘Heyo Chloe! going to the club?’ said V cheerily. Chloe always loved his enthusiasm. After joining the club, she couldn’t get along with anyone. All of them seemed to be in their own worlds most of the time, only V and J-hope who had the intention of getting to know her. They helped her adapt to the new surrounding and took role as a mediator between her and the other club members. They even visited her mother a few times, bringing flowers and gifts. At first, she hesitated. She didn’t want anyone from the club getting close to her family. They proved her wrong for that matter, they may be a bunch of misfits, but they are good guys, fun to be around. Even the others who were cold to her at first, gradually warmed up to her. They became irreplaceable existences in her life. All thank to Namjoon for picking her up that night. 

‘Seem like the devil himself asks for our presence’ Chloe tried and failed to stifle a laugh. She was bad at this. 

‘It’s not funny, your attempt at punning’ V rolled his eyes. ‘You should learn from J-hope, he makes the best pun’ V grinned the grin that could save the whole planet. 

‘He asked for tuition fee, I won’t fall for it, that money making freak’ She furrowed her brows. J-hope, the sharpshooter, he was good with gun. He always carried one with him, not the real gun though. Namjoon found him when he was being pursued by a group of mafia, all armed. He wasn’t university student like the other members. His background was never mentioned, but claimed trustworthy by Namjoon. At least that’s what V told Chloe. 

‘you know that’s what make him J-hope’ V laughed. 

‘or he could be so kind to teach me for free as I’m poverty-stricken right now’ Chloe grimaced. 

‘you are not anymore’  V put his arm around her shoulder ‘let’s go before Namjoonie throws a tantrum’  He raised his brows playfully. Chloe pinched his waist before being dragged to the club room.

When they walked in, everyone had already assembled at the sitting area. V greeted everyone cheerfully in his own style. Chloe followed suit with an attempt at flirtatious wink that made J-hope choked on his ramen. Not her character, but she tried anyways. Namjoon responded with a creepy grin which is his trademark and Haru replied with a brightest smile she could manage while biting back her laugh at J-hope’s clumsiness. Meanwhile, Mia crept Chloe out as always. She was there, yet she has no presence at all, like a ghost. Every members of this university’s club had different backgrounds and talents like Haru. She was Japanese girl from a distinguished family, good nature, and benevolent. Despite her appearance, she was undefeated in swordplay. She detested violent, however when necessary she would be the most violent one. Then there’s Namjoon, the captain, he was a tactician, playing mind game most of the time. He had rescued Chloe out of the slump, albeit he had work for her required using her talent.

‘Okay now that everyone is here I’d like to announce something urgent’ said Namjoon. ‘we’ve been scouted by the police’ J-hope choked for the second time while slurping his ramen. Beside him, Haru gently patted his back. Mia stood up, surprise plastered on her face. This was the first time that she showed any emotions at all. She’d been that girl whose emotions were stolen by the devil. She didn’t talk much, but she had a heart of gold. Expressionless face, yet still beautiful than any other girls Chloe had ever seen. 

‘you’re kidding’ she began almost scoffed at Namjoon. ‘unfortunately, no, I’m not’ 

‘but why?’ this time Haru was the one who asked the question.

‘I don’t have the foggiest idea, Haru. How did they know about us, how they did find us. I don’t know’ 

‘that’s why you didn’t come to class today’ Chloe added. Namjoon nodded in misery. Chloe had somewhat taken aback by what she saw. 

‘what did they want?’ V questioned losing all his playfulness. 


‘what?!’ ‘what?!’ V and J-hope yelled at the same time.

‘COOPERATION’ Namjoon emphasized.

‘What did they want us to do?’ Mia voiced.

‘Searching for the missing daughter of our president’

‘That’s the police’s job’

‘They can’t do it because their backgrounds are recorded and weapons of all types aren’t allow on the island’

‘He’s the damn president’

‘That island is independent. If he were to send soldier there, it’ll be a taboo. Breaking the agreement made long ago’ Namjoon scrubbed the nap of his neck.

‘So...?’ Chloe felt awkward each time she looked at Namjoon. He never showed any sign of weariness or anxiety before, it was like she was looking at a different person.

‘We’re going to send someone there, and since we’re student it’ll be easier to get into the island. The problem is if  all of us go there at once, it’ll be suspicious. So... it’ll be a one man operation’ Namjoon sounded worry. This is a serious matter.

‘So what’s this island?’

‘It’s SStar island. I’m sure you’ve heard of it before’ who haven’t? It’s famous for its prosperity and security. People went there were either famous celebrities or filthy rich people. There’s one rule though, people who wanted to go there need to fill a request form then have their background checked before getting an approval to board the island.

‘Wait, they can just request a searching party from the island. Isn’t it easier that way?’ Mia’s voice was as light as the floating feather.

‘They did but got denied because the record say she’d left the island. Nonetheless, they are pretty sure that she hasn’t left yet’ Namjoon rubbed his temple. This is getting ridiculous.

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