Bear on the Loose

That's My Girlfriend

A/N: I have here for you readers, some lovely jelly and possessive bear for you. Because there is def not enough jelly bear. Please enjoy readers.


Bae Joohyun, 23 year old gorgeous, pretty, nice, and everyone’s ideal type. She gets confessed to a lot, and she always politely turns everyone that asks her out down.  Many people are very aware of why she never accepts any dates. Some people need to be reminded, though. Like right now. Goddess Bae, as she has been nicknamed is sitting with her friends, Yongsun and Yerin. When a familiar boy, Kim Suho comes over.


“Oh, Hyun. Guess, who’s coming this way.” Yongsun nudges her.


“Oh. I can’t wait!” Yerin says excited. She knows exactly what will happen. They all know.


“Hi Joohyun.” He smiles.


“Oh, hey Suho. How are you?”


“I’m good, thanks. So, um if you aren’t busy tomorrow. I’d love to take you out.”


“Um, sorry. But, no.” She smiles politely.


Not understanding the situation he is in. He asks again. “Oh, um how about on Friday?”


“Suho, listen buddy. We like you. You’re not a bad guy. But you should really be concerned for your life.” Yerin tells him.


Suho looks confused. “Why? Anyway, Joohyun. a you sure you’re not free?”


“I’m very sure.” She nods.


Just before he can speak again. He feels someone tapping him. Suho turns around to see one Kang Seulgi. The monolid, gorgeous, brunette dressed in black leather jacket, dark skinny jeans, and combat, looks effortlessly hot, and wait? Is she angry. Suho doesn’t think he has done anything to offend her.


“Oh, Seul.”


“Why are you talking to my girlfriend?” She right away questions.


“Your girlfriend?”


“Yes, my girlfriend. You don’t ask my girlfriend out on a date, ever.”


Joohyun sighs. Yerin cheers excited.


“Joohyun, is your girlfriend?” He asks.


“That’s what I just said, now come with me.” She grabs him roughly.


“Seul, babe no. No, don’t fight, please.”


“Don’t worry Hyunnie.” She smiles at her. “We won’t fight.”




However, everyone around campus grounds see Kang Seulgi punch Suho in the face, hard.


“Ooh !”


“She did that!”


“Did you see that, Suho got owned!”


“Don’t ever, ever let me catch you talking to my girlfriend again. Don’t even look in her direction.”


“Oh, uh...sorry.” He apologizes, looking very out of it as he walks off fast as he can. He had no idea Kang Seulgi hit that hard. She hits very hard. Joohyun hurries over, grabs Seulgi’s hand and pulls her off to the side.


“Seul, I asked you not to.” She carefully inspects her hand.


“Hyun, he was asking you out!”


Joohyun loves her bear, very much. And jealous, protective Seulgi is so very hot. But, the raven also doesn’t like when she gets this angry over people asking her out. Seulgi, should know that Joohyun would never say yes to anyone else.


“Honey. I love you.” She assures. “You don’t have to be jealous.”

“Hyunnie, you’re gorgeous, pretty, nice and people want you.”


“So, I only care that you want me. Now, does your hand hurt at all?”


“From pretty boy’s face?” She laughs. “He’s soft as a marshmallow.” And that makes Joohyun laugh out loud. Her girlfriend is ridiculous but she is hers.


The Suho thing gets spread fast. The majority of people know better than to try and ask Joohyun out, or face one very angry bear. Still people try their luck anyway. Seulgi thinks they have a death wish. At lunch, there’s a freshman boy. The brunette has no idea who he is, but he is staring at her girlfriend. So of course she confronts him.


“Yah, kid, eyes off my girl!”

“Um, I wasn’t….”


“You were staring.” Seulgi cuts him off. “She is definitely way out of your league, don’t ever.” She taps him, hard in the chest. “Let me see you looking at my girlfriend again, got it.”


Joohyun’s friends notice though. “Yah, Joohyun-unnie, bear on the loose again.” Yerin warns her.


Joohyun turns to see Seulgi is indeed glaring at some poor freshman kid. “Seul, come here and stop scaring him.” She demands.


“Scaring?” Seulgi repeats. “Who’s scaring anybody?” Seulgi wraps an arm around his shoulder. “My new buddy, and I…. what’s your name kid?”


“Taeyong.” He stutters out.


“Taeyong and I are just talking. Isn’t that right?” She eyes the boy with a glare.


“Kang Seulgi, come to me right now and stop scaring him.”


“Well, you heard my girlfriend.” She stresses the word girlfriend. “Eyes to yourself next time.”


Seulgi comes over and Joohyun pushes her down in her seat. “What are you doing, Seul?”


“He was staring at you.”


“Seul, he was scared.”


“No, he wasn’t.”


“Babe, he was crying.”


“So, if that’s what it takes, you are mine.” She says it so ily, that Joohyun feels her face heat up. Jealous bear is always hot, so kisses her girlfriend hard on the lips.


“Of course I’m yours baby.” She promises. “No one’s going to take me away from you okay Seul.”


The monolid woman smiles, Joohyun’s face. “Of course not Hyunnie. I love you.” She tells her sweetly and that only makes the raven melt on the spot.


“Aww,” Yerin swoons. “Where can I find my own jelly bear?”


“Me too.” Yongsun nods eagerly. “Seulgi, you sure you don’t any sisters?”


That makes Seulgi laugh, and Joohyun frown at her friends. They’d better not try to make any moves on her bear.


“No, sorry. There’s only one of me and I belong only to Joohyun.”


Joohyun, can’t help her smile and red cheeks. Her jealous, overprotective bear is also a sweetheart too.


A sweetheart that is also a totally, jealous, overprotective bear. Which is not limited to just school grounds. When they go out anywhere, Seulgi usually has her arms around her waist protectively, eyes trained on whoever is talking to her girl.


“Seul, sweetie please don’t fight with anyone.” She’d warn.


“What, they need to stop gawking at you like you’re a piece of meat or something.”


The couple are waiting in line for the movies. When someone accidentally bumps into Joohyun. Seulgi turns around so fast.


“Hey, don’t touch her!”


“Sorry, it was an accident.” The girl apologizes.


“Yeah, right. I see how you’re looking at her right now, eyes up and away from her face.”


Joohyun apologizes and distracts Seulgi with kisses all the way until they get their tickets. During the entire movie, the monolid woman has an arm around her protectively. That of course makes Joohyun melt into her touch. She would never complain about having Seulgi’s arms around her in any form. And of course overprotective, jealous bear is the hottest thing ever.


Truthfully, many people know better than to flirt with Goddess Bae, as she has a girlfriend who was either always with her, or nearby. Some people don’t always get the memo, so of course Seulgi would certainly be ready to remind them.


“Hi, Joohyun-ssi.” Kwon Yuri, captain of the soccer team, smiles charmingly at her.


“Oh, hi sunbae.” She smiles politely.


“So, how about I take you out tonight? Are you free?’


“Oh, um sorry but I can’t.”


“Why not?” Yuri blinks curiously.


“My girlfriend will not be happy about my going out.”


The soccer captain just blinks confused, since when does Goddess Bae have a girlfriend.


“You have a girlfriend?”


“Yes, she’s actually over there glaring at you right now.” Joohyun points to where Seulgi is seated. Her face looks neutral, but she is definitely pissed. Joohyun knows without a doubt that she is angry. Yuri just waves to her.


“Oh, you’re Kang Seulgi’s girl.”


“Yes, that not happy, definitely over there mumbling under her breath bear is my girlfriend.”

“Ah.” Yuri nods in understanding. “Well, I apologize then.”


Suddenly though Seulgi hurries over, wrapping her arms around Joohyun’s waist, and kissing her cheek.


“Are we going to have a problem here, sunbae?” She asks not so politely.

“No, Seulgi-ssi, no problem at all. Have a good day.” She smiles and leaves them.


“Yeah, that’s right, better run!” Seulgi calls out after the taller girl.


Joohyun covers with her hand. “You idiot, that is our sunbae. You can’t go talking to her like that.” Joohyun warns.


“I’m not scared of her. Sunbae or not I can take her, I’ll fight hundreds of people for you Hyunnie.”


“Baby, that is very sweet.” She whispers and kisses her cheek. “But that is our sunbae.” She reminds her.


“But Hyunnie.” Seulgi complains. “She was asking you out, checking you out too, probably just undressing you with her eyes and…” The raven simply pulls her into a heated kiss. Seulgi responds by wrapping her arms securely around her waist.




“Shh, baby don’t be so jealous. I only have eyes for you, okay. Can you please focus on that?”

“Yes, I just don’t like people flirting with you.”


Joohyun rubs her back comfortingly. “Sweetie, I know but who do I go home with every night?”




“Hm.” She nods. “And who’s the first person I see when I wake up in the morning?”


“Me, Hyunnie.”


“Yep. And who is the one I make out with and snuggle up to all the time.”


Seulgi frowns. “That had better by only me!”

Joohyun laughs at her adorable angry face. “Of course, you Seulgi-yah. And you love me right?”


“Yes, of course. I love you so much, Hyunnie.”


“And I love you too okay, remember that when you feel jealous, and don’t worry.”


Seulgi gives a nod. She knows that she doesn’t have reasons to be jealous. She’s been dating Joohyun since HS and clearly the raven loves her too. Seulgi, just can’t stand it when people are watching or trying to get with her girlfriend.


“Well, we’re going to have to get married.” Is all Seulgi says.


“Yes, wait what?”


“We’re going to have to get married.” The monolid woman says seriously. “When people see your ring they will definitely have to back off.”


Joohyun wants to be surprised by this, but this is her adorable, loveable bear.


“Sweetie, this is seriously the worst proposal I’ve ever head. How can I just marry you with that offer?”


Seulgi simply responds by hugging Joohyun and capturing her lips in a passionate kiss, not stopping until the shorter woman is rather breathless.


“Well, you’ll marry me because you love me, right Bae Joohyun?”


“Yes, of course I would. But, do you even have a ring?”


Seulgi grins. “Maybe I do, maybe I don’t?” She then walks off, making Joohyun run after her.


“Yah, Kang Seulgi, do you have a ring?” She asks again.


The monolid woman responds with a smile. “Why, don’t you come and find out?”


Joohyun follows after her until they are outside on the school track field. There she sees  rose petals covering the ground where they stop walking. And Seulgi turns to her suddenly, there’s music playing from somewhere, meaning Seulgi probably asked her friends in the music club to help out.




“So, I know that I am a jealous idiot. But it’s only because I love you more than anything.”


“I love you too Seul, that’s why you don’t have to be jealous.”


“I know, but now I need to ask you something, Bae Joohyun.” She gets down on one knee, ring box she takes out from her jeans pocket. Joohyun’s eyes go wide.


“You mean everything to me, and I love you. I want to keep on loving you, forever. I can’t be without calling you my wife, from this moment on. Would you please…”


Seulgi can’t finish though because Joohyun cuts her off. “Yes, yes! Of course baby. Of course I’ll marry you. Put the ring on, hurry.” Seulgi barely has time to put the ring completely on when the raven is pulling her up from the ground and kissing her. Seulgi wraps her arms around her waist, as their kiss intensifies.


“Seul, you are two sweet.” Joohyun tells her the moment they break away for air.


“I can’t imagine being with anyone else Hyunnie.”


“Me either. I love you so much.” The raven whispers tenderly to her. The now engaged couple walk off together. Yongsun and Yerin are the first to greet them with knowing smiles.


“Aw, you said yes unnie.” Yerin grins excitedly.


“Of course she did.” Yongsun nods approvingly.


“You guys knew?” Joohyun asks them.


“Yep, we even helped out, and we’re so happy for you two.”


The couple smile warmly at one another, they are engaged now. And all is going to be fine, until Seulgi notices Suho in the distance, looking like he is coming this way.


“Yah, Suho, what did I say about looking at my girl!” She runs off, Joohyun groans.


“Uh, unnie bear on the loose again.”


“Yep.” She ndos. “I’d better go and get her.” But inside she’s smiling. That’s her girlfriend.


“No, that’s my fiance.”


A/N: Well, that’s it for this jelly bear one shot, hoped this was somewhat enjoyable! Thanks for reading.

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268 streak #1
Chapter 1: Seulgi is adorable! Her reactions and being jealous were so funny! Cute story. Thank you! 🧡
ForeverLuvie #2
Chapter 1: Ahhhhh! I always love jealous Seulgi. So adorable and super sweet.🤗
Lean03 #3
Chapter 1: Cute 💕🐻
Chapter 1: This is so cute! And seulgi being like that to joohyun is SO understandable. Imagine joohyun as your girlfriend.. DAMNNN I'd be like that too

AND that was the cutest proposal that I have ever read
Chapter 1: if joohyun was my girlfriend then i would seriously be like seulgi too y'know? 😆
Chapter 1: If I had a girlfriend like joohyun I’ll be on my toes as well XD
I have to find a girlfriend first tho XD
_A1233 #7
Chapter 1: Hehehe, Cutie jealous Seulgi!
_A1233 #8
Chapter 1: Author-nim, enable the offline mode in your stories. Please. Thank you.
justme09 #9
Chapter 1: Wow, first fic where a srsly jelly seulgi is a bear on the loose. Thank you, as always !
Chapter 1: r.i.p suho xD I think this might be my first time reading scary jelly sluggie and I loooove it! it's so different in a good way ofc. thanks for writing and sharing!