My ert bear!

ert Bear

A/N: Hi readers, so this is a oneshot of Seulgi being the ert who can’t keep her hands to herself instead of Joohyun. Interesting twist, so please enjoy.


Joohyun knew what was going to happen before it actually did, as she knows her wife Seulgi way too well. The shorter woman is trying to get out of bed, when she feels an all too familiar hand grab her .


“Yah, Seul…” She jumps, startled but that only makes her wife grab at her again.


“You know how weak I am for your Hyunnie.”


Joohyun turns with very red cheeks. They have dated seriously for years and been married for about 3, but the smaller woman still blushes like crazy around her wife. Especially when her bear-like monolid, y other half compliments or touches her. In fact they first met because Seulgi couldn’t keep her hands to herself.




The small, raven-haired woman was standing on the campus grounds, talking to her friend Yongsun when out of nowhere a hand reaches out to grab her .


“Yah!!!” She screamed, jumping up, panicked. She turned around to see a very, attractive, brunette with monolid eyes. She had an adorable bear like face, and was smiling at her.




“Um, did you just grab my ?” Joohyun questions.


“I sure did.” She nods, like she isn’t ashamed of that fact whatsoever.




“Why not? You have a really great by the way, and you’re face is so pretty too.” She tells her, then walks off with a wink, leaving behind a bright-faced Joohyun and Yongsun laughing at her.


“Who the heck was she?”


“Hey, Hyun congrats for meeting Kang Seulgi. I think she really likes you.” She teases. “Oh, and I think you two will be in the same dance class.”


They did end up in the same dance class together in college. Seulgi was simply too charming for her to resist, and it didn’t take them long to start dating. Seulgi, though had just been way too touchy feely with other girls for her liking. And Joohyun, being the possessive girlfriend that she was didn’t necessarily like Seulgi touching people that weren’t her. All Seulgi could tell her then was something that sounded so ridiculous. “But Hyunnie, you know that you have my favorite .” And she would squeeze it for emphasis.


Touchy feely Seulgi didn’t change when they got married either. In fact it only got more frequent. Not that Joohyun had minded at all. She liked practically anything Seulgi did to her.


“You and those wandering hands.” The raven teases, with soft kisses to her lips.


“Well, you married me Hyunnie, knowing how I am.”


“I did, because I love you. Now, hands off of my so I can go make breakfast.” She refers to the hands that are once again caressing her . Seulgi, just smiles with eyes forming crescents. Joohyun knows how that smile has gotten her wife away with many things. She knows how irresistible her smile is, because she still falls weak to it this day.


“Can’t I just have you instead?” She asks both seriously and seductively.


The raven feels her face heat up. “You don’t want food baby?” She tucks, brown locks behind her ear.


“I’d rather have you.” The monolid woman admits, now attacking her exposed neck with kisses, very focused, deliberate kisses against pale skin.


Joohyun is very weak to her bears kisses. They always leave her wanting more, needy and breathless no matter where Seulgi places them. It isn’t long before the shorter woman is on her back with Seulgi on top of her. Hands squeezing both her s under her shirt.


Seulgi’s hands are really just perfect, soft to the touch and she has a strong grip. Not strong to the point where it would cause physical pain, but just right enough to always turn the raven on.


“Baby…” Joohyun breathes, running fingers along brown locks.


“Yes, Hyunnie?” She responds with extra, soft kisses to one of her s. Joohyun doesn’t even remember how her shirt came off, or when it did. Seulgi and her fast, grabby hands always making quick work of things.


“What happened to having breakfast?”


“I want you though.” Only her stomach grumbles, making Joohyun laugh. She then affectionately rubs Seulgi’s stomach.


“I should feed you bear.”


Trying to make breakfast though is very difficult, as Seulgi keeps feeling her up. Hands on her waist, over her , reaching in her shirt to grab at her s.


“Babe. I can’t focus if you keep touching me.”


“Sorry, but you know I can’t resist you.”


“I know, why don’t you go watch TV or play videogames until I finish cooking?”


“Fine, but…” She grabs her once more. “Okay, now I’m going.”


“Seul, my ert bear.” She tells her, only she is very used to it by now. Since they first met Seulgi could barely keep her hands off of her. Some spouses get a kiss in the morning. Joohyun gets a playful slap on the , it’s very typical for them. Their front door bell rings and Seulgi offers to get it.


“Wannie!” She says happily to her best friend. “How’s the woman with my second favorite ?” She teases, but Joohyun hears and comes running.


“Yah, Kang Seulgi, don’t you dare touch Seungwan.”


The petite blonde laughs. “She’s kidding Joohyun-unnie, plus you know that Joy wouldn’t like it all that much if Seul did that.”


“That’s true.” The raven agrees, Seungwan’s girlfriend Joy would not be too happy about Seulgi touching her girl. But still Joohyun pulls her wife away.


“I can’t be too careful, Wan you aren’t here to steal my wife are you?” She jokes.


Seungwan laughs. “Hey, your wife came onto me, remember that.”


“I did not come onto you Wan. I was just fascinated by your at the time we met, that’s all. You know Hyunnie’s is way better of course.” She promises, hand again on her wife’s .


“Um, yes…” Joohyun trails off. Then remembers that Seungwan is here so they can’t do anything really rated. “What brings you by Wan?”


“Oh, I came to give you both invitations to my wedding. Joy proposed to me yesterday.” She shows off her pretty ring.


“What, really. That’s amazing Wan, I’m going to call Joy, finally she got her together and asked you to marry her.”


Joohyun simply hugs Seungwan, offering her congratulations. She has always thought that Seungwan and Joy make an adorable pair.


“Yah, Sooyoung!” They hear Seulgi on the phone talking to Joy. “Congrats, finally, what, no I didn’t touch Wan. Of course I didn’t, what are you even saying. Yah, Sooyoung why don’t you believe me!”


That makes both women laugh as they can image what it is Joy is saying on the other end.


“Unnie, you’re married to the hugest ert I ever met.”


“Yah, that is my ert you’re talking about Seungwan, leave her alone.” She defends her bear no matter what.


“Seriously, I didn’t touch her Joy. You can ask Hyunnie, my hands were nowhere near her, promise.” Seulgi can still be heard defending herself, until finally she returns.


“Wan, so Joy might be mad.”


“Why, what did you say to her?”


“I just told her that I didn’t touch you, but it’s also not my fault that you have a great .”


“Seul, you idiot.” Seungwan tells her friend.


“Kang Seulgi, keep your eyes off of Seungwan’s and focus on mine, please.” She says jealously.


“Right, I had enough of this back in college. Unnie, she’s your ert so you deal with her. Bye guys, I better go calm Joy down before she comes to fight you, Seul.”


“Ha, I’m not scared of Sooyoung. All I have to do is throw chicken at her and she will forget all about me. Think about who you’re marrying Wan, she places chicken above all else.” Seulgi teases.


“Hey, leave my Joy alone. I feel sorry for Joohyun-unnie, dealing with you, erted bear.”


“Hey.” Joohyun speaks. “She’s my erted bear, and I am glad to have her Wan. Look at this y, cute face.” She grabs Seulgi’s face in her hands. “Who can resist this face?” She starts placing kisses all over Seulgi’s face. And Seungwan sighs.


“I love you Hyunnie.”


“I love you too Seul.”


“Ugh, okay I’m going. You two belong together, seriously. Don’t forget here.” She passes them the wedding invitation.


“Seriously Wan, I am so happy for you.” The monolid woman tells her best friend.


“Me too Seungwan, Joy is so lucky to have you.”


“Yea, you can cook!”


Joohyun sighs and smacks her wife against the head. “That is not the only thing Seul.”


“Of course not, most of all she has a great .”


Seungwan groans and Joohyun guides her to the door. “You better go Wan, I might seriously hurt you or Seulgi if I can’t distract her.”


“Hey, why me? I’m innocent.”


“Yea, that’s what all the girls say. Bye Wan, congrats on your wedding.”


“Bye unnie, bye ert bear.”


“Hey!” Seulgi shouts. “I am not a ert. I just like pretty things that’s all.” But Seungwan is just waving goodbye. Seulgi just turns to look at her wife.


“Hyunnie, you don’t think I’m a ert do you?”


Joohyun laughs right away. She remembers all the time Seulgi has touched her, even at some very inappropriate times, like groping her at dinner with her parents. Sometimes squeezing her s when they were in class or out on dates.


“Sweetie, you d me at dinner with my parents. What do you think?”


“So, they didn’t see me do it. Anyway, I’m starving how about breakfast?”


“Yes, I’ve been trying to get you to have breakfast for a while now, come let’s go.”


She sits Seulgi down first as food is always a major distraction to her.


“Hey baby, can I ask you a serious question?” Joohyun says.


“Yea, sure.”


“Have you ever been slapped or hit? I mean when we first met you grabbed my .”


Seulgi looks thoughtful. “No, I just smile and walk away.”


The raven finds that it doesn’t actually surprise her. Only Seulgi could get away with such a thing.


“Honey, you are seriously a ert.”


“I’m not a ert, if you like it Hyunnie. And we both know that you like my touching.”


She looks away with slightly red cheeks. Seulgi isn’t wrong because of course she likes it. She loves when her bear touches her.


“Oh, yeah well what about that woman at the store? She didn’t look all too happy.”


Joohyun too was pretty pissed about Seulgi, grabbing the woman at the store when they were grocery shopping.


“That time was not my fault. She was right in front of my pringles. She moved and touched my hand.”


The raven throws her head back and laughs. “It sounds really weird when you say it like that.”


Seulgi shrugs. “It’s what happened though.”


Very soon the couple head back into bed, because of course Joohyun wants to cuddle, which Seulgi never minds. And for awhile as they lay in bed, there is just normal cuddling, that concerns the raven.


“Hey Seul?”


“Yes.” The brunette asks back.


“Are you feeling okay babe? Your hand is nowhere near my , like it usually is.”


Seulgi turns to her, curiously. “I thought that you could use a break.”


“What? Since when do you care about that? Wait, you're not touching anyone else are you?” She questions seriously. Joohyun can’t bare the thought of her wife, squeezing, groping, or feeling up anybody else.


“What? Hyunnie you’re not making any sense.”


“Oh, yeah. Well neither are you. It’s actually kinda scaring me that you’re not…” She’s silenced when she feels a familiar hand, softly caressing her . She breathes a sigh of relief.


“Thank you, was that so much to ask for?”


Seulgi laughs. “I think you’re the secret ert Hyunnie.”


“Yah, I’m not. You are the most erted bear I’ve ever met.”


“Oh yeah?” Seulgi challenges and smacks her .


“Y-Yes!” She jumps up some. “You silly ert bear.”


“Well, remember that you married me, so that makes you Mrs. ert Bear.” She teases her with a soft kiss. “But, also that makes me your ert bear, just yours.”


Joohyun smiles, nodding. Seulgi is all hers. A erted bear or not she is all hers, for the rest of their lives.


“Fine.” She kisses her lips tenderly. “My erted bear, now get your hands off of my !” She pretends to be upset.


“Hm, no. I think I like they were they are.”


Joohyun just repositions herself hand lower. “Me too baby. I like your hands where they are too.”


A/N: I like this personally, because it’s just so hilarious because Seulgi being this way would never happen, but it’s interesting to think about. Thanks for reading!


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272 streak #1
Chapter 1: Hahahahahaha ert Seulgi is so funny!!! And is so endearing how much Joohyun loves her. Thank you author! Another favorite 🧡
Chapter 1: seulgi saying that wendy can cook is the most relatable thing ever like wtf man food is life
Chapter 1: Of course Seulgi will get away with it XD
_A1233 #4
Chapter 1: Hehehe ert Bear! But I thought it was Irene who loves . . Hahahahahahahahah
_A1233 #5
Chapter 1: Hehehe ert Bear! But I thought it was Irene who loves . . Hahahahahahahahah
_A1233 #6
Chapter 1: Author-nim, enable the offline mode in your stories. Please. Thank you.
Chapter 1: Re-reading your fics and this is hilariously good
Chapter 1: This is hilarious lmao. Thank you for this
but it's really fun imagining it hahahah and poor wannie, when joo said "that's what all the girls say" I lost it xD thanks for writing and sharing!
Chapter 1: Hahahahh so cutee and hot lool