Chapter 1

The Chase

Growing up, Sunny's family had been poor.
Her dad tried his hardest to support his family - working at least four jobs at a time, if only to support them a little bit.

Her mother struggled to raise her and her younger sister, Jessica. Her parents sometimes went without meals - just content with the fact that at least the girls had something in their tummies.

She had grown up, envious of all her other school mates, who flaunted their wealth - new shoes, new clothes, new cars, new jewellery etc...

She hated school.

She hated that other kids made fun of her hand-me-downs and she especially hated when they made fun of her sister. Sure they could pick on her all they wanted, but no one was allowed to bad-mouth Jessica.

She was protective of Jessica, always looking out for her sister and making sure that she looked the most presentable. She loved her sister dearly and she always tried her best to protect her from the harsh realities of the world.

"Someday, Sica…I'm going to go to college and marry a great man... And I promise that I'll give you the world."

She intended to keep her promise to Jessica, focusing on her studies instead of hanging out with friends.

She needed to do this not only for her family, but for herself.


After countless hours of studying, doing homework and reading every single book thoroughly, Sunny was finally finished with her finals.

She put down her pencil, rubbing at her tired eyes and cracking her knuckles.

After receiving an outstanding scholarship, she was currently attending a prestigious college - that she had worked her off to get into with said scholarship - and had been as studious as ever.
Her objective was the Law course, and so far, she was enjoying the college life.

She worked part-time at a retail store, helping her parents and sister as often as she could, while still indulging herself with a new outfit or shoes ever so often.

College life was pretty quiet for the brunette.

She usually stayed inside her dorm with her roommate and best friend, Sooyoung, who was actually the complete opposite of Sunny. Sooyoung was a party girl who loved the night life. She was also dating a computer major, Kyuyoung, who had tried hooking Sunny up with a friend of his, but Sunny had declined politely. She wasn't interested in the boys in college. She often wondered if she was A-ual, but quickly dismissed the thought as soon as it appeared. She may have been inexperienced in the dating department but she wouldn’t go as far as to say that she had zero interest in the opposite whatsoever.

She knew she liked boys, she just couldn't find one that seemed to fit her description. Maybe she just had really high standards.

Sighing, she leaned back and pulled out her cell, debating on whether or not she should interrupt Sooyoung – who was most likely ‘getting it on’ with Kyuhyun.

Deciding to face the wrath of ually frustrated Soo, she hit the dial button and waited. Finally a breathless voice answered.


Sunny rolled her eyes, "Soo, when are you coming back? It's getting late."

She heard rustling over the phone and figured either:
a) She was dressing or…
b) Kyu was headed to play starcraft.

She figured that the latter seemed most likely.

"What time is it?"

"9:30 PM"

"I'll be there around 10. Love you."

Before she could chastise the younger girl, her phone was disconnected.

She growled and stomped over to her microwave to heat up some ramen.
"That girl will never learn…How on earth she even manages to pass her classes is beyond me," she muttered to herself as she took out her ramen from the microwave and some chopsticks to stir the noodles.

Turning on her TV, she lazily flips through the channels until a channel that is running a drama marathon catches her attention.

She eats her noodles, whilst watching the story unravel. It tells of a pretty girl who gets caught up with a criminal. He is mysterious and handsome as well, adding to his allure.

It's a fantasy that Sunny finds addicting. The thrill of danger and unexpected drama excites her to no end.

A rattling of keys rouses her from her daydream as Sooyoung enters the room, smiling brightly.

"Sunny~ Want to come with me to a party tomorrow night?" she asks in an overly pleasant voice that makes Sunny cringe internally.
This time the tall brunette will not take no for an answer. Sooyoung wants her friend to experience the normal college life if only just once, and she was going to succeed if it was the last thing she did.

Before Sunny can even muster up an answer, Sooyoung decides to add something else, knowing it'll seal the deal.

"I'll take you out to get a mani-pedi!"

Not one for wanting to pass up a little pampering, Sunny agrees – albeit reluctantly.

"Fine. Just once, Soo... But if I want to leave, I have the right to do so at any given time without your consent," she replied in a haughty tone - the lawyer inside of her was talking and Sooyoung could only nod absent-mindedly, ignoring her senior completely.

"Yeah, yeah. Tomorrow, we're so going shopping!!!" Sooyoung states cheerily.


Finding herself in the very same department store she works in, Sunny begins to feel very uncomfortable from the curious stares she is gaining from her co-workers as her and Sooyoung shop for outfits.

"Omo!! This is so cute!" Sooyoung exclaims as she puts up a white lace dress with chiffon and a black sash in front of Sunny.

"Try it on!" Sooyoung commands as she ushers Sunny to dressing room.

Sunny walks into the stall and puts on the dress. It fits snuggly like a charm - hugging each and every curve in just the right place.

She checks herself out in the mirror before going to show Sooyoung.

"Well damn. The boys are gonna be flocking to you tomorrow," Sooyoung winks lewdly, causing Sunny to become flustered.

After finishing their shopping spree - with new dresses and shoes in tow, they find themselves at the spa, getting some much needed mani-pedis.

Sunny relishes in the treatment as the worker begins scrubbing her feet with the pumice stone, causing Sunny's feet to jerk a few times from the ticklish sensation.

"I'm sorry," Sunny says as she laughs yet again causing the worker to look rather annoyed.

Sooyoung whispers into her ear, "This chick is totally going to charge me extra cause of you," she says playfully, which earns a nudge from Sunny.

After the treatment, the girls retreat to their dorm, they realize they have only two hours before the party starts.

Sooyoung quickly calls her boyfriend to nag him about the time and that he better hurry or they'll be late, which gets her a "Give me five minutes. I'm almost done with this level."

The girls begin to fix their hair and makeup, going to great lengths to ensure that everything was done perfectly.

Sunny mentally debates with herself as she lifts her hair up, only to let it fall back down and drape around her shoulders.

Sooyoung finishes spritzing some hairspray on herself before commenting off-handedly, "Leave it down. It looks better that way,"

Sunny looks at her curiously and leaves it down just as she instructs, brushing it out quickly.

After Kyuhyun arrived (much to Sooyoungs joy) they found themselves on the out skirts of their town.

Sunny suddenly felt nervous as the car came to a stop in front of a big white house. Dozens of cars were parked outside the yard and few people standing outside – talking, laughing, drinking, smoking and a few other activities that made Sunny want to avert her eyes quickly.

Grabbing her hand, Sooyoung gives it a comforting squeeze before dragging her inside the house.

Inside is even worse that the outside. Dozens of bodies are in the hallway, dancing and drinking and everything else in between.

People look up, interested in the new comers. Their eyes look at her so intensely and they scrutinize her every move like a hawk - she suddenly feels out of place.

Her heels clank against the wooden floor, as she lets herself be led by Sooyoung.

They go to the furthest corner in the living room – the place where it’s the least crowded.

"I'm going to go get us some drinks, alright? So stay put, or maybe you could try to mingle a little," Sooyoung says as she motions to the kitchen. Sunny nods and watches glumly as her friends leave.

She stands there quietly, arms wrapped around herself tightly, as if acting like a barrier to protect her from the inquisitive stares.

Why the hell did she decide to come to this party again? This is beyond awkward.

She shivers and looks down, wondering how long it takes to get a damn cup of soda anyways, when her thoughts are interrupted.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing here alone?" she scrunches her face in distaste as the older man - who honestly looks old enough to be her dad - stands in front of her, reeking of cigarettes and honestly looking as greasy as he sounded.

"I'm waiting on my boyfriend," she responds dismissively, but to no avail. The man sees through her excuse and smirks knowingly.

"I saw you come in with your friends."

'' Sunny curses herself as she struggles to make up another excuse when her prayers are finally answered…Just not in the way she would have expected.

"Why are you talking to my girlfriend?" comes an annoyed voice from behind her.

Sunny's mouth drops as a handsome stranger steps beside her and glares accusingly at the ahjussi.

"Ah, J-Jiyongsshi, I was just making sure she was alright," Jiyong – as he was called - knew it was a lie, but decided to be merciful and let the junkie off with a glare.

"She's fine. Now get out of here before I cause a scene!" he growls at him none too kindly. The ahjusshi leaves in a hurry, scampering off to the next lonely looking girl.

Sunny bows to her saviour.

"Thank you so much!!!" she says, earning a quirked brow from him.

"You're new here, aren't you?" he questions amusedly.

She nods shyly, a tad bit embarrassed.

"Is it that obvious?"

Jiyong shakes his head, trying to make her feel better.

"Aigoo~ I've never been out like this before" she admits timidly, twirling her honey blond locks between her fingers nervously.

Jiyong smiles brightly, nudging her softly to get her attention.

"A goody two-shoes, eh?" he jokes lightly.

Sunny places a hand on her hip, threateningly, "Sorry not every girl likes the partying lifestyle," she snaps.

They find themselves outside, sitting on the hood of Jiyong's cobalt blue mustang - which Sunny admits that she is absolutely in love with - talking so openly. Sunny feels as if she's known Jiyong all her life and hadn't just met him over an hour ago at a party. She is terrified by the sudden attraction she feels for him and part of her hopes that he also feels the same way. Why else would he be here alone with her? Unless his motives aren’t as clear as she thinks they are… 

As their talk continues, Jiyong's phone rings and he tells her he'll be right back. She nods and watches as he walks a few feet from her, talking discreetly into the phone with his back turned to her.

As she watches him argue over the phone from a distance, sudden realization dawns on her…'Oh no, he has a girlfriend.'

She watches as he argues heatedly over the phone, hands thrown up in the air in exaggerated motions and she feels the need to escape.

Jumping off of the car, she begins to storm over back to the party, angry at herself for almost being played. She really can’t believe that she could be so stupid as to fall for his type.

Jiyong looks up from the ground and mutters a quick 'Call you later, bro' as he races inside to catch the beauty.

"Yah, Sunny, where are you going?"

Sunny stops dead in her tracks, mustering up the strength to not slap him square in the face for cheating on his 'girlfriend' - how low of him. She definitely deserves better.

She turns around, eyes narrowed into dangerous slits.

"I don't know how you get off on cheating on your girlfriend, but I will not allow myself to be a part of this."

Jiyong's eyes widen in shock at the accusation.

"G-girlfriend? What made you think I-"

"Don't try and feign innocent with me, Jiyong-sshi," she hisses and he flinches, "Why else would you be discreetly hiding away and arguing over the phone?" she deadpans, her arms crossed against her chest.

It takes a minute, but suddenly Jiyong is hunched over in a fit of laughter, causing Sunny to get even madder.

"YAH! I'm leaving!!! Jerk!!!" before she can even take a step, a hand reaches out to entwine itself with hers.

She turns around and finds Jiyong smiling at her, "You're so cute when you're angry."
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wusunsoohan #1
Update gsun
Shernny #2
Update more soon pls..I love GSun!!
Chapter 2: Dammit soshibng so beUtiful
SungHaJoon #4
Chapter 2: Owh.
My two bias together,this sound fantastic!
Please update soon **
Chapter 2: Please continue to write this story.A G-sun story is rare,a wonderfully written one like yours is like hitting the jackpot so please keep it going!!:)
Musique #6
Chapter 2: Please please please update!! This is such a nice story! There are not many GSun fanfics on this site!! And i really really ship them <3
enehkiux #7
Yay and for your info there is a new Gsun fanfic which I started to love but yours was never forgotten. Along For The Ride and the kind author included some good scenes :P
enehkiux #8
Are you really not going to update this? I thought you started writing because we were both Gsun deprived girl :(