The Ties


"Jungkook stop." Jimin pushes Jungkook off of him lightly. 

 "What'a wrong Jimin? Am i rushing this? Oh my god im sorry but you have no idea how long I've waited for this." Jungkook sighs as he runs a hand through his hair hair and looks down at Jimin. 

 "No its fine just....I'm not ready yet okay? I mean i just had my first kiss from crying out loud Kookie." Jimin cups Jungkooks face and kisses him on the nose while chuckling softly. 

 "Fine we won't go any further for now." Jungkook starts to climb off his bed when Jimin pulls him back down. 


 "Sleep with me Kookie.." Jungkook looks down at Jimin and Jimin swears for just a second Jungkook's eyes darken. 

 "I didn't mean like that!" Jimin blushes and starts waving his hands around. Jungkook kisses Jimin's forehead. 

 "I know." Jungkook lays down next to Jimin and wraps his arms around the smallers body. Jimin snuggles into him and his nose fills with Jungkook's scent. 

 "Kookie you smell good." Jimin smiles lightly into is chest while Jungkook's arms tighten around him more. 

 "Wouldn't want me smelling bad no would we? Get some sleep Jiminie." Jungkook kisses his hair lightly. 

 "JUNGKOOK YOUR GONNA BE LATE YOU IDIOT!" Tae busts into the room with Hoseok hot on his heels. 

 "IS JIMINIE HERE? OH BABY BOY WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU." Hoseok pulls Jimin from Jungkook's arms and hugs him. 

  "Hyung I'm fine." Jimin tries to push Hoseok off but he wouldn't budge. 

 "You didn't come home Jimin. No call no text....nothing.....i was so worried about you, don't ever do that again Jimin. I was scared." Hoseok almost starts crying until Tae pulls him out of the room. Thats when Tae and Jungkook saw it...the bright red string forming between Hoseok and Tae. Tae stands there speechless. Everyone in the room freezes. Does Jimin and Hoseok see them too? Or is it just us. Jungkook thinks to himself.

"Tae....what's wrong." Jimin says quickly. Jungkook looks at Jimin...Is he hiding something from me?

"Oh nothing why?" Tae flashes a bright smile and continues to pull Hoseok out of the room. 

"Jimin....can you see?" Jungkook closes his door and turns to Jimin.

"See what Kookie?" Jimin blushes lightly and turns his head. 

"You can see it can't you? And yet all our lives you pretended you didn't." Jimin's eyes widen and stares at Jungkook. 

"Kookie..I..I want to tell you believe me i do. But i made a pact with someone...i can't break it Kookie." Jungkook slams his fist on his desk.


"I can't say anything Jungkook now enough." 

"Who did you make the pact with Jimin. Tell me right now." Jungkook starts walking slowly to him as he stares Jimin dead in the eyes.

"Baekhyun...and Taemin." 

"What are you guys he slowly pushes Jimin onto the bed. 

"I can't tell you Kookie, not yet." Jungkook slowly bites Jimin's ear causing him to gasp. Jungkook sits up and pulls off his shirt revealing his abs. He leans back down to kiss Jimin while pushing Jimins shirt up slowly. 

"Jungkook please." Jimin grabs at his hands to get him to stop but it only causes Jungkook to keep going. Jungkook slowly grinds against Jimin while biting his neck lightly. 


"Jimin i've waited to long." Jungkook flips them over so Jimin is straddling his hips. Junkook slowly s up against Jimin causing him to gasp. 

"Jungkook we have school." Jimin whines trying to pull away. 

"Let's skip today." Jungkook pulls Jimin's shirt over his head and throws it somewhere in the room. He reaches for Jimins jeans but pauses for a second while staring Jimin in the eyes. He lifts Jimin up off of him and sets him on the bed. Jungkook then gets up and kneels in front of Jimins thighs. 

"Jimin open up.." Jungkook starts to push his thighs apart as Jimin opens them all the way. 

"Good boy." Jungkook chuckles and pats Jimins thigh. He leans up and s Jimins jeans and bites the zipper and pulls it down causing Jimin to moan. 

"Kookie.."Jimin whines as he pulls his pants down his thighs. 

"You know Jimin...your like an angel with your pale milky skin." Jungkook bites down his Jimins thigh and then it. 

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i wanted to make this one short and sweet since its been a while :3


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Chapter 1: Aw, good chapter :) Lol sorry it took me so long to get to, I've been busy lately. Please keep up the good work ^-^
Hey, this seems like an interesting story! I'm looking forward to the first chapter :)