Wretched Love

"Do you want to go eat some meat?" Ayame asked Kimoko.

"I can't believe this girl. Can I bring Danny too?" Kimiko asked.

Danny Kim and Kimiko Park met at a club and are hot dating each other.

"You'd call him anyway" Ayame said.

"He might call Jason too!" 

Kimiko and Ayame are 2 girls who enjoys going to the club alot. Ayame have some problem with alcohol and have been drinking alot every single day since very long time ago. Ayame would drink alone at home even if she didn't go to the club, she needs alcohol to go to sleep. 

"Jason?" Ayame thought to herself.

Ayame and Kimiko went to a BBQ place near their place, while there are ordering, Danny arrived.

"Hi Ayame" Danny said and kissed Kimiko on the cheek.

"Anything else you want to order?" Ayame asked Danny. Danny was setting the table with cutleries while Kimiko pouring the water and Ayame shaking the Soju bottle.

Danny politely shook his head.

"Why didn't you call Jason?" Danny asked timidly.

"Am I suppose to call him? Do you feel more comfortable with him around? Sure! I will let you have the honour to ask him to come. Please call him to come." 

"I was just asking. It's ok if he's not here. You don't like him?" feeling flustered, Danny asked timidly again.

Kimiko interupted, "who says she doesn't like Jason? She liked him. This is the way of her being shy. Please don't feel offended."

"Let's drink." Ayame said raising her glass.

After awhile the meat came and Danny started cooking the meat over the grill. The drinks didn't stop and they were at their 2nd bottle when Jason arrived.

"Why are you so late?" Danny asked.

"I was sleeping, I rushed over as soon as I hear you said that Ayame is here."
"Did you miss me?" Jason said trying to get close to Ayame.

"Are you in that type of relationship already?" Kimiko and Danny looking at them feeling extremely puzzled.

Jason smirk, "don't you know that we're dating?" 

Ayame: "Are we?"

"We went out a few times... and we already kissed..." Jason continued.

Ayame cut him off, "shall we go club later?"

Kimiko: "I'm not dressed for that!"

"Just chilling, we could go to some bar or something." Ayame suggested.

"That will do, I'll go anywhere you go babe." Jason trying to get close to Ayame again.

After eating and a few drinks. They were all pretty high except Ayame who is a pretty strong drinker. They decided to go to a nearby bar where there is a pool table for them to play as well. Ayame wrote her name on the board and waited for her turn at the pool table. Ayame's eyesight is pretty deteriorated by her high degree astigmatism and she couldn't see well in the dark, but somehow or rather, she could feel a pair of eyes looking at her following her trail wherever she go. She ignored it as it wasn't intimidating. Finally it was her turn to play.

"Hi! I'm Jaemin." 

"Ayame. Please do the honors of opening the game." Ayame said, thinking of wanting to win the game and play with her own friends.

"Are you alone?" Jaemin asked.

Ayame started to think if he was the one who keeps looking at her, "I'm with my friends, they are over there."

"Is he your boyfriend?" Jaemin continue asking.

"No~~" Ayame answered starting to feel abit fustrated.

"Who is he?" Jaemin asked again.

"Can we just continue the game?" 

"It's ok, I'm winning anyway." Jaemin smirk.

"Is this your tactic to irritate your opponent to win the game? Congratulations! You've succeeded." Ayame put down her cue stick and head to the ladies.

Apparently Jaemin followed her. She saw Jaemin when she came out of the toilet. Ayame ignored Jaemin and walked through the back door to the back lane and lighted a cigarette. Shortly, Jaemin came out to the back lane and lit a cigarette too. Ayame saw him, but ignored him and continue with her cigarette while playing with her smart phones. 

Jaemin approached her, "How come you have 2 phones?"

"Why are you so curious about me?" Ayame asked.

Ayame continue, "Who are you?"
"How old are you?"
"Why are you so curious about me?"
"He is not my boyfriend."
"I am single."
"He is my housemate's boyfriend's housemate."
"What else do you want to know Jaemin ssi?"

Jaemin revealed an incredible smile, "you're single. that's enough."
"Oh, and to answer your questions."
"I am Choi Jaemin, nice to meet you."
"I am 25-years old."
"And a bonus to you, I am single too."

"There you are! Kimiko is looking everywhere for you. Let me text her and tell her you're here." Danny said panting.

Ayame, "I just need my smoke."

Danny chuckled, "Like you always said, alcohol always taste better with cigarettes."

"Are you done? Let's go back in." Ayame said and Danny followed behind her.

This time, she is starting to be aware as she could continue to feel that pair of eyes looking at her. Only this time she knows that it was Choi Jaemin. What was different was, instead of feeling irritated by him, she was actually more concious about it.

"I'm going to the ladies." Ayame said. There was along queue at the toilet and the line led till outside the ladies. She was looking at the mirror when suddenly she felt a very tight back hug.

"What the?"

It was Jaemin, "I missed you."

"What the hell?" Ayame said pushing him away after enjoying the moment.

Jaemin tried to kiss her.

"Hey hey hey. Control yourself. I'm going to the ladies already. Behave." Ayame left him outside the ladies bathroom.

Jaemin was still there when Ayame came out of the ladies bathroom. As usual, Ayame when to the back lane again for a smoke. Jaemin followed, this time Jaemin's best friend was there.

"Hey Choi Jaemin, where have you been whole night!" 

"Ayame, this is my best friend. My best brother - Chandler Lee." Jaemin introduced.

"Ayame!" Jason called from far behind them.

"I'm Ayame." enjoy your cigarette, Ayame scampered towards Jason.

Jason looking at them, "where have you been? Who are they?"

"Oh I went to the ladies, I played pool with one of them just now and the other one is his best friend. He was just introducing him to me." Ayame explained.

Jason feeling jealous, "I'm here. Don't look at other guys."

"Are you jealous?" Ayame smirked.

They finished their cigarettes and Jason hold Ayame's hand dragging her back into the bar walking past Chandler and Jaemin. Chandler and Jaemin just looked at them. Whenever Jason is not at the table, Jaemin and Chandler would get close to Ayame and talked to her. Finally when Ayame and Chandler bumped onto each other on the way to the washroom, Chandler ask to exchange contact details with Ayame and she gladly did.

The next day afternoon, Ayame received a call from Chandler...

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