First Half

87 Years


Hi, I'm Taemin --- Lee Taemin. I was 13 when I first met you. Remember? I raised my hands up while Sir Yoochun was discussing the negative sign in Algebra. I asked him if I may go to the bathroom and with a glance, he nodded. I went out of the room and turned right, going to the bathroom which was in the end of the corridor. No students are loitering around since its 10pm and everyone's in class.


But, I heard someone screaming. It was Ms. Roo..wait. It was probably Ms. Jung.. Anyways, I continued to walk and as I got closer to Ms. Jung, I noticed someone kneeling with her hands up --- it was you. You were chewing a blue gum, then fearlessly popped it while the teacher was scolding you. I also certainly saw you roll your eyes.





You didn't?


Don't lie! I saw it. You're such a rebel in those times. Haha!


Ms. Juri kept on talking but you still ignored her, eyes closed. I was a few meters from the two of you and only 3 steps away from the bathroom while my head and eyes are still focused on your daunting face.


What? You didn't see me back then?




You really don't remember that?


Aish.. So I have to tell you our story. 








You were 8 and I was 9.


That was when we first met. I already told you, didn't I? But you don't seem to notice me back then. I silently glanced at you as you come my way when we were walking along the corridors.

I wanted to talk to you, but I was scared.



You were 9 and I was 10.


We got in the same club --- soccer. It was a surprise for the whole team to have a girl join the group. You were our only 'maiden', but that was not the reason why all of my friends are giving you water bottles, offering you a towel after a friendly match and insisting you to walk you home. It is because of your beauty. You were so beautiful even back then. You shone. You were able to play with us, breaking the gender barrier. When you sweat, it does not look disgusting at all, compared to me --- stinking. You were the team's angel. And by that time, you still don't know me.

 I wanted to tell you a joke, but I was scared.



You were 10 and I was 11.


Your bestfriend Hojun-hyung introduced me to you. He was my sunbaenim in my dance class and it happens that he took a liking on me. When he found out about my interest on you, he made a move. I'm so sorry for running away that day. You were holding your hand towards me, asking for a handshake in front of the school gate where Hojun-hyung introduced us. I was so scared and I did not expect that hyung knows you and would introduce us to each other.

I wanted to run back and take your hand, but I was scared.



You were 11 and I was 12.


I was a trainee in SM back then. It was hard enough to cope with the lessons at school, then the burden of not talking you added. I looked like a zombie, didn't I? But I was happy back then --- finally, I get to do what I ultimately want. I can dance and had an oppurtunity to take it big. You were there of course, along the corridors and a table away at the canteen, always laughing. Do you even know me back then? My acceptance in SM was a pretty big news in the school as I remember.

I wanted you to know so that you can congratulate me, but I was scared.



You were 12 and I was 13. 


I only came on school twice a week --- one attending a class and another for just taking the school works from Mr. Park so I can do it at home or at SM. This might sound weird, but every time I come at that time, I always look for you. You were always playing soccer with the team during the break. I can see that you improved a lot. I missed out big, didn't I? Being a trainee held me back. I wanted to play with team and you. All of you are so happy and carefree, while I was juggling on how to manage school, training, sleeping and my dreams.

I wanted to sprint towards the field and play with you, but I was scared.



You were 13 and I was 14.


That was the first transition of my life. I debuted in a group called SHINee. You know us right? Ring ding dong, ring ding dong, ring diggi ding diggi ding ding dong? No? How about Lucifer? Hello? Aish, were you acting that you don't know? Tch. Hahaha! Anyways, that was when I met 4 guys that I've been with 24/7 for many years. Jinki-hyung, or as they call him: Onew, is our leader. He is a kind person. Seems simple, right? Kind. Well, I can't find any right word to describe him..maybe soft? No, kind is what suits him.But when he is mad, I'm sure you'll die. We did not even know how we survived that night.. Jonghyun-hyung is the cunning one. I swear, he gets the girls anytime. When he likes a girl, he gets it. He's not a playboy in a sense --- he does not want all the girls' affection, but only from the ones who he's interested in. Which leaaaaads us to Minho-hyung. He may not notice that I notice it, but everywhere we go, even in shows or in meetings, he sends out this icky stare that is supposed to 'capture' the hearts of ALL girls. He's an attention-hogger. But don't get me wrong, I love Minho-hyung. He takes care of me all the time but with the Hehe. And of course, you know Kibum-hyung or Key, right? Tch, didn't you say before that he was you bias? What am I? Well, he's my omma. He cooks for me and even irons my shirt. He's the only one I can show my tears to. They're my brothers from another mother, as Jonghyun-hyung says. Hmm, I wonder where he is right now?

     I wanted to tell what I had back then and look you in the eye, but I was scared.



   There is so much to say, but I need to go. I have an appointment at 6 and it's already 5:30. 





     I hope to see you soon.

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Chapter 1: Ohhh is he talking to his wife? *-* cute \o/
Waaah... update? =))
I was looking through your stories and saw you had quite a few, but unfortunately I can't bring myself to read . (I'm not against it or anything though!)
Even though it's been months since you updated this, I'll still sub, aha. I have faith that you'll update one day. ; v ; Don't worry, I'll wait, lol . I can really see the improvement in your writing though! I'm guessing this is one of your first oneshots...
I found a mistake though... In the description it says, " I was 13 when I first saw you."
But in the first half it says, "I was 11 when I first met you."
Yup, lol. I adore your writing. o v o
KyeopTaemin #4
waaah update!