got that key to your heart

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week 5&6. inspired by a song, fall(ing for you).



Woohyun didn't just have one problem. No, having one problem could actually be pretty good. One would be able to take care of a problem at a time, being able to completely focus their worry solely on that matter. He'd feel blessed to be in a position like that, only if.

The thing is, now that he thinks about it, life is not that simple and has never been.

It all started on a Friday night, which one? He doesn't know. All he knew was he needed the get-out, the dancing, the kissing with strangers and if he was that lucky, maybe he'd be even getting some at the end of the day. Clubs have never been completely his type of thing, but Sungyeol was the one inviting him and he knew better than to turn down free drinks from the bar.

The club was packed up with drunk people moving and grinding and Woohyun didn't find it amusing, not until he had drank a tequila shot and his eyes had fallen on a guy a few stools away. The guy was looking good on his red shirt and black skinny pants, little eyes hiding under some caramel hair. Nevertheless, it was easy to realize this wasn't his type of place either. His eyes kept looking back at the people, moving frenetically as his hands played with each other.

Sungyeol had yet to arrive so he decided to give it a shot.

"You alright there?" Woohyun moves to the seat next and screams over the music, although it doesn't come out as loud.

The guy before him gifts him rather a small polite smile and doesn't really answer to his question. It was basically a straightforward respond that he wasn't interested on engaging in any chitchat, but Woohyun was stubborn (and this guy really got him curious. He had some kind of saying that those who you find in a club and not really belong there are the most interesting ones).

"Let me buy you a drink" Woohyun smiles, lifting his arm to catch the bartender's attention. The caramel man is about to stop him, "can you give me a glass of warm water with a lemon on the side?"

The bartender frowns but doesn't question him. Woohyun sees the cute guy before him show off a huge smile before covering it with the back of his hand. He reckons the other is laughing, but he can't hear it over the music.

"Water? Really?" The guy finally speaks, and Woohyun shrugs his shoulders with a playful smile.

"Didn't look like you needed booze but the complete opposite." Woohyun says. "What are you doing here?"

The other's cheeks light up and Woohyun wonders what would it be like to touch them. "What do you mean?"

"Not to sound rude, but you don't seem really comfortable."

"Well, as a matter of fact, I am."

Woohyun can't help but snort and the other smiles again, punching him on the arm.

"What are we going to do with you? You're a very bad liar."

"But I'm not."

"Want to drink on it?" Woohyun smirks, head resting over his hand.

"Drink what?" The other snorts now, bartender arriving with the drink. "Your warm water?"

"It's technically your warm water, and it could be a start-up."

The caramel guy mirrors Woohyun's posture. "What would we drink next?"

"Orange juice?"

The laugh that comes next is sincere to the bone, mouth wide open and yet again the same hand attempting to cover it as his eyes get even more small.

(He's forgotten completely his original objective and his mind focuses on finding more ways to make the other smile.)

They talk more, Woohyun sees the guy smile more as he responds to his subtle flirts and for a moment both of them forgot where they are or the reason why they even got there. The people around them don't exist for a moment, the music isn't blasting as they talk.

"I'm Woohyun."

He offers his hand. The other looks at it for a few seconds, maybe thinking about a way to prolong more his unknown status. Finally, he sighs and lifts his hand too.

But Sungyeol arrives before he could say his name.

Things weren't so hard then. He'd repeat everything until this moment and would replay it on his head every time he's got a chance, somehow hoping what happened next never happened at all.

"Hey! I see you've met Sunggyu?" Sungyeol exclaims.

Woohyun is about to speak, maybe questioning him about knowing the other's name or maybe teasing this cute guy -no, Sunggyu- some more. But his eyes follow Sungyeol's hand, accommodating on the back of Sunggyu's back. He lifts up his eyes in the perfect moment to see Sungyeol kiss Sunggyu on the cheek, the other red as a tomato even under the blue lights.

Sungyeol had said that he started dating this cute squishy guy and, sincerely, Woohyun couldn't bring himself to care about it, too preoccupied for his own problems.

For once, he wish he had seen the guy's profile when Sungyeol sent it to him or even be able to recall the name beforehand.

"I wanted to introduce you two, but when one was available the other had something to do." Sungyeol laughs, oblivious to the unspoken words in Woohyun's eyes.



Woohyun wasn't the type of friend that wished misery upon his friends, and less Sungyeol who happened to be one of the closest ever since he had memory. Yet he couldn't stop himself but wish things didn't work out between them. That maybe they would grow apart from each other before things even got serious and Woohyun would have the chance to wait a few weeks before making a move on Sunggyu.

The next few weeks passed by rather fast yet painfully, Sungyeol inviting Sunggyu to everything they did. Woohyun had to force himself from not running toward the opposite direction every time.

He tried to convince himself that he didn't care, that he didn't think about that night in the club rather constantly, that he didn't wish for every second of his days that he should have been the one that met Sunggyu first instead of Sungyeol.

(That he was the one resting his chin on Sunggyu's shoulder rather than Sungyeol).

"Hey, Woohyun."

He lifts up his sight from his book and focuses on the couch's ugly green color to not acknowledge the way both of the laying males' hands are tangled with each other's.

"You want some pizza?" Sungyeol asks, phone on his free hand. "Sunggyu wants some."

"I'm fine." Woohyun lies, fixing the specs on the bridge of his nose.

He could eat some pizza, but truthfully, he couldn't bare the sight of those two together any more than what's already required from him as the best friend. It's been a few weeks of himself being there with the couple but not actually there. Weeks of him trying to ignore the older ('cause Sunggyu was a year older than him and two than Sungyeol, same major as them) and failing miserably as every time Sunggyu approached him to start a casual conversation, he couldn't help himself but answer eagerly.

But that's only when it's the two of them. Whenever Sungyeol was in the picture, he turned into a robot with short and monotonous answers.

The book grows more interesting as he hears the couple engaging on another conversation with giggles on the side.

"Ah shoot" Sungyeol groans, "their delivery service is unavailable now, I'll have to pick the pizzas up." The younger of the three stands up, kissing lightly his boyfriend before tidying up his shirt.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Sunggyu asks from the couch.

"Nah, stay here with Hyun." Said one lifts up his eyes for a moment, rapidly returning to his book as he catches the sight of the couple smiling to each other. "You could try talking a bit to him" Sungyeol whispers, "he's been a bit weird."

"But why me?" Sunggyu asks, a bit uncomfortable with the task.

Sungyeol was a nice boyfriend, an attentive boyfriend and a funny boyfriend. He would make Sunggyu smile and giggle with tears forming on the side of his eyes.

"Because I'm the one going for the pizzas, and plus, you could two wash some dishes." He answers with a mocking tone, actually pretty serious.

But sometimes Sungyeol wasn't that great of a boyfriend.

Woohyun pretends to read until Sungyeol has finally gone out of the room and into the coldness of December. Sunggyu lies on the couch for a few more minutes, eyes on the TV but not really focused on anything that's happening on it.

The feeling is there, Woohyun knew. He wasn't the best at love but he wasn't stupid either. He noticed how Sunggyu got nervous when they talked, how Sunggyu sometimes wanted to talk more to him but restrained himself from doing so, how the older sneaked peaks at him every time Woohyun moved his specs up as he was pretending to do read, just like now.

"Why don't you want to eat pizza?" Sunggyu asks, sitting on the couch.

"I just don't." Woohyun answers, flipping a page although he didn't really finish reading. He hasn't been able to read any further since Sungyeol left.

He hears the older stand up as he turns off the TV, walking toward the small kitchen and moving a few things before silence domains the shared apartment again.

"Would you help me wash the dishes?" Sunggyu asks, head peaking. His hair was ruffled a bit. "Or at least help me find the soap?"

Woohyun stands up reluctantly, sloppy steps moving him toward the kitchen. He opens the stall under the sink, a few liquid soaps standing in line. Sunggyu chuckles awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. The younger takes one of the bottles and the sponge on the sink.

"Ah, I can do it." Sunggyu protests.

"But I can't let you" Woohyun answers with a sigh. "Can't let a guest clean what we've dirtied." He knows Sungyeol really dislikes washing the dishes but making his boyfriend clean them is something he wouldn't let him do (and it's not because it's Sunggyu okay, it's totally not that).

Sunggyu wants to complain some more but his mouth simply stays open as Woohyun starts the task. He leans against the counter, eyes on the younger. When enough plates have accumulated, Sunggyu searches for a towel and starts drying them off. They both work together in the silence. It's comfortable like this and Woohyun low key hopes Sungyeol never comes back from getting the pizzas.

He peaks an eye toward Sunggyu as he cleaned the inside of a mug, observing his mouth slightly opened and the smooth skin from his puffy cheeks to the end of his neck that continued under his purple sweater.

The knife he was currently cleaning slips from his grip, making a cut on the middle of his palm. It stings right away as the open wound mixes with the soap.

"Ah, !" Woohyun hisses, throwing everything away as he moves his hand under the hot water, which makes him scream some more.

"Oh f-" Sunggyu drops the mug, breaking on the floor yet ignored by both males. The older takes Woohyun's wrist and moves it from under the water to look at it. "Are you okay?"

The question itself is stupid. Woohyun feels like cursing some more but his eyes fall on the worry in Sunggyu's face and he can't do anything else but laugh out loud.

"What are you laughing about, stupid?" Sunggyu scolds, "you're bleeding! Where do you keep your first aid kit?"

"Under the sink" Woohyun moans. He moves around the kitchen as Sunggyu looks for the kit, pain stinging a bit more with each second passing by. "Hurry"

"Aha, found it." The older comes back to him with the first aid kit in his hand, taking out the distilled water. "I have to clean your wound first."

"On another note, I think I'm much better now, no need for that" Woohyun laughs nervously, eyes on the bottle.

"Woohyun don't be a baby."

"I'm not a baby... you're the baby!"

Sunggyu sighs, "just let me treat you, it'll be quick" Woohyun walks backwards until his back hits the wall. "please?"

He looks into Sunggyu's pleading eyes, a frown on his features and hair still ruffled.

It shouldn't hurt as much and Woohyun should keep up the screams on his inside, at least make the effort to don't look as weak in front of his not-allowed crush. But when the cotton touches his exposed skin, all efforts go down the drain.

"Hey" Sunggyu repeats a few times "look at me, it'll be fine. Just look at me."

And he does. As the older keeps on rubbing the cotton before looking for some bandages on the kit, Woohyun can't help but imagine having Sunggyu always there with him to look after him.

In a sudden rush, as Sunggyu is looking down treating his wound, Woohyun moves forward, lips meeting the hair and forehead, leaving a kiss on it. The older stops moving, wound half covered. Woohyun panics for the next seconds, looking for viable excuse somewhere in his head.

Sunggyu doesn't lift his head. Instead, he lowers it more, lips resting on top of Woohyun's wound. The kissing sound from Sunggyu's lips is well heard and the younger can't stop himself from blushing.

The older finally looks up when he has finished up with Woohyun's hand.

"A kiss for good measure" He says softly almost in a whisper.

"Then what?"

"Then Sungyeol walked in the apartment before I could even think of something to reply." Woohyun sighs.

Howon's eyes widen. "So he caught you?"

"No, he didn't, Sunggyu moved backwards and we started cleaning up the broken mug." Woohyun chuckles, hands on the coffee, one of them still covered up with bandages. "Sungyeol freaked out though. Thought Sunggyu got injured with the mug."

Howon has a bunch of mocks listed on his head, but he doesn't dare to say any of them, not with the obvious distress from the other. "What are you going to do?" he asks instead.

"Nothing." Woohyun answers, fixing himself on the chair. "I'm going to do as if that didn't happen and ignore what I feel for him."

"But Sungyeol needs to know" Dongwoo says. He has been sitting on the side for a while, quiet with his eyes registering every move Woohyun made.

It's obvious that Woohyun won't get over Sunggyu that easily, and after having a boys out in a bar all together, Dongwoo can't believe Sungyeol hasn

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Chapter 7: plz come back for this :'(
Chapter 4: I just cannot stop reading this... my favorite
Chapter 9: brother??? sunggyu, I think you just found your soulmate XD
Sometimes I forgot that this is one-shot series and I have to endure the pain of not getting the continuation aaaahhhhhh.... and thanks to gyu recent white hair, I can imagine this white-hair gyu perfectly ^^b
thanks authornim, as always~
Chapter 9: gshajsdksk this is so cute and sweet. Reading this after news about gyu's enlistment makes me a little sad though im sure woohyun's gonna missed his hyung so bad
Fxdstar7 #5
Chapter 9: Wow it is short but sweet. Eventhough I want to see where their relationship goes to, I feel it enough. Love it♥
Chapter 9: I'm NOT crying, because this is so beautiful... so why should I be crying? TuT <3
Chapter 9: match made in
Chapter 9: poor my gyugyu for always being bullied but luckily woohyun is there for him.please dont leave him alone woohyun!make sunggyus happy!
Chapter 9: pretty much just like the real woohyun! i mean, he will always find the good and the positive trait of a person! thanks for the update authornim!