
The Surprise Visit

Your parents were leaving to go out of the country to the US for some business like always. Of course you were used to it so you knew that you had to take care of the share house while they were gone. It's been a while since people came to live there because the last group went back to the states after they finished their studies, so the house was open to people to come in and stay. 

Mom: Sweetie remember to leave the door locked at night

Dad: And don't forget to call us or text us if something happens

You: Don't worry. It's not like it's my first time. Hurry up so you guys aren't late like last time. 

Mom: Okay love you sweetie~

They get in their car and leave to the airport.

You: The house is finally all to myself. Hm.. Should I call Saerim over?

Saerim was your best friend and she lived only a couple of houses down. Her parents were pretty strict so she couldn't have friends over at her house. But her parents liked you so they would let Saerim stay with you whenever your parents left. They would check in from time to time just in case they needed anything. 

*text to Saerim*

You: Ya! Come over

Saerim: They left already?

You: Yea come over. I'm lonely...

Saerim: I'll be over in two minutes

*Ding Dong*

You: Saerim that was fas-

You stopped dead in your tracks. It wasn't Saerim. But it was seven boys standing outside of your door. And those seven boys just happened to be Bangtan. 

You: Uhhhhhhhh-

The manager comes up to the door

Manager: Hey you must be Mr. Yoo's daughter. I'm guessing that he didn't tell you that we were coming?

You: My dad?

You take out your phone and call your dad

*phone call*

Dad: Hello?

You: Dad! How come you didn't tell me people were coming over to stay? Let alone SEVEN GUYS

Dad: I left a note on the table. Did you not see it?

You: But dad-

Dad: I gotta get on my flight love you!

This made no sense.. How was it that Bangtan was at your doorstep. Just then you hear a scream from behind them

You: Saerim come inside

Saerim: UMMM

Manager: Well I have to go back to the office. I'll come back later. Namjoon will explain it slowly

He drives off

Namjoon: Hey um could we come in?

You: Uhh sure....

They all come swarming in

Saerim: What- How- When- 

You: Saerim be quiet

Namjoon: Haha you guys might be shocked to see why we're here

You: Umm yea.... Isn't this place kind of far from where your entertainment is?

Namjoon: Yes but we wanted to come to a quiet place to live in and our manager is close to your father

You: Wow.. umm.... I'm Jieun by the way.. And that's my best friend Saerim

Saerim: Hi....

Namjoon: Hey

Seokjin: Hello *blows kiss*

Yoongi: Hello

Hoseok: Annyeong!

Jimin: Hi

Taehyung: Hey

Jungkook: Hey

Namjoon: So um I'm guessing you know who we are?

You: Yea... of course we do

Namjoon: Ok well let's slowly get to know each other after we unpack then

You: Oh right. You can choose any room except the one on the way end of the hallway because that's my room

Namjoon: What about your parent's room?

You: They don't really live in this house. They live in the house next door. It's a bit smaller than this house but it's because they want to give me and the housemates space

Namjoon: Okay well we'll go put our things down and come back out

They leave one by one to the rooms that they want to be in 

Saerim: Dude Jieun.. Tell me this is a dream...

You: I wish it was to.. I can't believe this is happening right now...

Saerim: I think that this could be a good and bad thing....

You: How come?

Saerim: Dude.. they're so popular that they have so many fans. If they find out that they're living here and especially with you... good luck....

You: Ugh but let's hope they don't. And besides this place is gated so let's hope that it's not noticeable

They slowly come back down one by one

Seokjin: Wow the rooms are amazing.. They each have a bathroom too

Taehyung: It feels so warm and at home here. I like it

You: I'm glad that you guys like it but umm..... is this okay with you guys? What if I go around telling that you guys are here?

Yoongi: I'm pretty sure you won't do that unless you wanna be mobbed by hundreds of people

Namjoon: What he means is that we hope you won't. You two seem like nice girls and we just wanna settle somewhere that isn't filled with fan girls all the time...

Saerim: I totally understand that. And Jieun isn't the type that goes around saying other people's secrets so you can count on her

You: Um well I didn't really make anything... so I'll just go out and get some chicken for us to eat for dinner

Saerim: You want me to come with you?

You: It's fine. Go tell your parents that you're gonna be eating chicken and they don't need to bring food over.

Saerim: You sure you can go alone? 

You: I've lived here my whole life. Of course. Now go.

You and  Saerim both split ways 

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hey guys this is my first time in a while writing fan fics again. It's been years.. and I couldn't sleep so I hope you guys like it and leave comments for what you guys think! Thanks!! <3


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