I am not the mother

Kang Seulgi: You Are The Mother

A/N: This is the result of way too much time on my hands and silly American TV. But this is humor and not to be taken too seriously, and with that being said enjoy.


It is the last place Kang Seulgi thought that she’d ever be on this American talk show called Maury. She had never even heard of it until Seungwan explained that it’s a long running television show. And one of the main specialities is DNA paternity testing. Which was why Seulgi didn’t understand what she’s doing here. It makes no sense. And if it’s not Beyonce or Pringles related she doesn’t know and really doesn’t want to know. Especially with this old, graying man named Maury sitting across from her. Who looks nothing like Beyonce or like he has pringles. The camera’s roll and cut back to him.


“And we’re back here with Ms. Kang Seulgi, 24 joining us all the way from Seoul, South Korea.”


The audience claps loudly cheering for her. And all she can do is smile awkwardly.


“Um, Maury-ssi may I please know why I’m here.”

“Of course Ms. Kang. Your girlfriend Bae Joohyun has well, demanded your presence.”


Seulgi blinks at that. This is because of Joohyun? But what for. She didn’t even warn her ahead of time about being on this show.


“She demanded my presence? What for, is she here?”


“Yes indeed she is. Why don’t we bring Ms. Bae out? Ms. Bae please join us out on stage.”


It takes a few long moments. But the second Seulgi sees her smaller, raven-haired girlfriend and also that she is pregnant. Her eyes are just about to pop out of her head and she freaks out, with good reason.


“Yah! What the fu….” she gets bleeped out.


“Ms. Kang there is no cursing on my show, control yourself.” Maury bellows. But then helps Joohyun sit down.


“Ms. Bae please tell us your story.”


However Joohyun is just sobbing into some tissues. He gently speaks again.


“Whenever you’re ready Ms. Bae.”


“T-Thank you Maury-ssi…” she says through her tears. Seulgi literally has one question though.


“Hyun, why are you pregnant?”


At that the raven just cried even louder. Blowing her nose into the tissue. Maury looks alarmed motioning for someone to bring even more tissues.


“This is what I was telling you backstage Maury-ssi. Seulgi keeps on denying our baby!”


“Say what!” the monolid woman shouts.


Several people in the audience start booing Seulgi right off the back. Not even giving the chance to hear her side of the story.




“Deadbeat Mom!!”


“How could you deny your own child?”


“My what?” Seulgi can’t even believe this is even having happening. What in the hell is this?


Joohyun is just staring at her with red, teary eyes. “Seulgi, I brought you here. Because I just want to know why you keep on denying our baby. Your baby.”


Seulgi seriously can not believe this now. There is no way that she is responsible for this mess.


“Excuse me! But I am a woman. There is no way that I got you pregnant.”


“Do you see what I mean? She’s been trying to deny our baby for months. From the moment I first told her I was pregnant.” she cries. “Seulgi-yah I love you so much. So please take responsibility for what you did!” she gestures to her stomach.


The audience members are getting more rowdy, more upset. All Seulgi hears is her being blamed and everyone feeling sorry for Joohyun.


“She is carrying your child Seulgi!”


“How could you deny the baby!!”


“What kind of joke is this? Hyunnie, it’s really not funny and we should probably go home because now you’ve got these people looking like they want to murder me out here.”


“This isn’t a joke Seul. It’s your baby.”


“I can’t get you pregnant!” she reasoned.


“You did though.”


“How? What are you even saying?”


“You know how. You and those epic body rolls you do while dancing. You know very well it translated right into the bedroom. You’re just trying to avoid your responsibility.” and of course she is crying again. The audience is of course still siding with her. Automatically they make this Seulgi’s fault.




“Hey! I’m the one that is confused here. There is no way that I am the baby’s other mother.”


Someone is trying to get Maury’s attention. “Oh, Maury-ssi, Maury-ssi!!” she hears a very familiar voice. And sees Joy standing up in the audience. With a shirt that says “Seulgi-unnie you are the mother”


“Joy? What are you doing here?”


“Hi Seulgi-unnie.” she waves. “I am here and I have something to say.”


“Alright Ms. Joy, please share with the audience.”


“Well for one thing! Seulgi-unnie is definitely the mother. These two unnies are always having all the time. Day in and day out. Being super gross and super loud, especially Joohyun-unnie always screaming at Seulgi to don’t stop, don’t stop.”


Seulgi is mortified by this. Now everyone in America is hearing about their life. And worse of all of course it will be translated into Korean and everyone back home will find out too.


“And no one can sleep because of them.”


“Yah Joy, enough.”


“And you know you were Joohyun-unnie’s first Seulgi-unnie!” she hears Yeri’s voice. And of course sees Yeri besides Joy wearing an identical shirt claiming she is the mother.




“Yep. You know you’re the reason why Joohyun-unnie is having a baby.”




“I gave you everything Seul….” Joohyun is still crying, now just clutching tightly to her. “Why are you denying our baby? You don’t deny any of our other kids.”


“Other kids?” the brunette whispers in shock.


This is for sure the first time that Seulgi is hearing about these alleged other kids. So of course that’s when on the screen there are pictures. Pictures of she and Joohyun and three children. Who all look rather suspiciously like the perfect mix of the both of them. A little too perfect and suspicious. Those kids could belong to anyone, just no way they are theirs.


“What? That is clearly photoshopped.” Seulgi points out.


‘Unnie! You are such a bad mother. How could you forget about the twins. And the baby who is only a year old.”


“And now you’re trying to deny Joohyun-unnie’s other baby. You should be ashamed Seulgi-unnie.”


The not happy audience is still booing, only Seulgi of course. “Boo! Down with Seulgi.”


“Deadbeat Bear, Deadbeat Bear!” they continuously chant.


“This is nonsense. I couldn’t have gotten her pregnant.”


“Seul. i just want you to take responsibility for our baby. That’s all, I’m not asking for a lot.”


“Hyun, seriously this is really not funny anymore.”


Maury notices that someone is trying to get his attention. They must have something to say. ‘Wait, someone is trying to say something. Yes ma’am.” Maury gestures to her best friend Seungwan.


“Wan! Oh thank god for you. Please tell me you believe me.” Seungwan is her best friend. She will definitely try to help her out here. The small blonde looks thoughtful.


“Hey, now all of you enough with the booing. Kang Seulgi has been my best friend for years. And she is loyal, sweet, and very thoughtful.”


“Thank you Wan.” she smiles relieved.


“And definitely a very good mother to her babies.”


“Ye...wait, what?”


“All except for this last one. Seul, I am really so disappointed in you. How could you deny your responsibilities? And look Joohyun-unnie is crying.”


“What! Wan, come on you’re my best friend.”


Joohyun is now hugging her. ‘Seul, you can’t keep on denying our baby. I won’t let you.”


“But Hyunnie?”


“Alright I have heard enough. Time for the results.” Maury begins. “Kang Seulgi you will have to take responsibility.” he opens the yellow envelope in his hands.


“In the case of Ms. Bae’s unborn baby. Kang Seulgi, you are the mother!”


The audience erupts in loud cheers.


“What in the fu….” her curse once again gets bleeped out. Then she makes a mad dash off the stage. Because she needs a flight back to Seoul now. What the hell made her think coming here was a good idea? When it was so obviously the wrong decision.


“Yah Selgi. You can’t run! Our baby and I aren’t going anywhere.” Joohyun takes off running behind her. Seulgi however doesn’t realize how long the hallways are backstage.


“I have to get….get out of here.” the exit looks close. She can make it. But just before she can make a run for it. Yeri is blocking her path suddenly. And she feels both Joy and Seungwan grab her arms.


“Joohyun-unnie we found her!”


“Yea, we got your baby mother right here.”


“Hey, come on guys let me go. This is insane I am not the mother!”


“Seulgi-yah. You need to get your act together. We have a baby on the way!” Joohyun tells her. “Plus our other babies at home.”


“What babies? There are no babies. If there were I would have seen them by now.”


“Come on Seulgi-unnie, you have to women up here.” Joy tells her.


“Be a good baby mama unnie.” Yeri hits her upside the head.


“You need to stop running away Seul.” Seungwan looks at her disapprovingly.




“You are the baby’s mother Seulgi.” Joohyun shows her what the words say in both Korean and English underneath. “And you are going to take responsibility or else!”



Seulgi screams and falls out of bed in a tangle of blankets. “No...I’m not the mother. I am not the mother!”


She of course wakes up her wife because of the screaming, and falling out of the bed. Joohyun hurries over to her.


“Seulgi, baby what is wrong?” she tenderly her face.




“Oh.” realization hits her. “You had that dream again, huh?” she laughs knowingly. Seulgi only wakes up screaming like this. When she has that dream of being on the Maury show.


“Sweetie come on, get off the floor. Now calm down okay. You were only dreaming.”


“Yes, okay.” she nods, taking a deep breath. Then gets back into bed, she is just about to drift off to sleep. When she feels Joohyun wrap her arms around her waist.




“Yea, Hyunnie?”


“Not to scare you or anything. But… I’m definitely pregnant. And it’s definitely yours.”


Monolids snap open. What in the hell? “No! I’m not the mother. I’m not the mother.” she freaks out again. Gets up from the bed and runs out the room so fast. Joohyun laughs, it was a bit of fun to do that. Seulgi seriously need to lay off the late night snacks of pringles at night. She should probably go calm her down.


“Seul, babe I was only kidding. I promise…” only she sees their front door open and Seulgi’s car gone. “Oh .”


So she gives a call to their friends. “Hey guys. Yeah, Seulgi had the Maury dream again. Yea, so if you all could keep an eye out for her. Thanks I’d appreciate it.”


Joohyun ends the call. “Okay, maybe I shouldn’t have further.” she thinks now as she has runaway, freaked out wife driving the streets of Seoul. The phone starts ringing in her hands.


“Seul? Sweetie listen,”


“Hyun! How far along are you? When are you due? How many diapers do I need to buy?”


What?” Joohyun thinks. “You know what honey. Buy at least 3 boxes. I’m due in 6 months.” she simply ends the call. Oh, well she’ll convince Seulgi in the morning that this was all just a dream too.


A/N: Done, so hope this was enjoyed too. Just a humorous one shot, thanks for reading.

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272 streak #1
Chapter 1: Hahahahaha poor bear! This was so funny! Thank you! 🧡
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 1: 😂😂😂😂👏👏👏👏
Chapter 1: Ahahaha poor seulgi-yah XD
Chapter 1: So funny. How could you do this to Baby Bear? 🤣
Chapter 1: tangina?? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
bpblink #6
Chapter 1: GORL, what did I just read? But like it was great AJSJJDJDJDJ.
turtle88 #7
Chapter 1: xD xD xD ahahaa poor Seulbear
anightangel #8
Chapter 1: Lol. This was funny! A bit cruel but hilarious!!!
2198 streak #9
Chapter 1: I didn't get this until I watched the show now LOL. Joohyun is so evil for teasing Seulgi like that. Asdghhdawzff
Taitai84 1245 streak #10
Chapter 1: Haha so evil of joohyun to keep teasing her even during the diaper phonecall