Tuesday, October 24

A month of love [ FICTOBER ]

Day 24: “Listen, we have very thin walls and I heard you crying in the shower, are you okay?”

The book in Kris’ hands almost falls down when he hears a shriek followed by crying. When he confirms that nothing bad happened outside on the extremely busy road next to his apartment complex he returns to his book yet it doesn’t take long until he puts it down himself. The crying was not stopping and as it is still as loud as before he doesn’t think it’ll stop soon and it ruined his concentration. It had already been hard to concentrate with the sound of the shower running in his neighbor’s bathroom and now it’s impossible.

Time to go to his neighbor then and check what the hell was happening in that shower.


Tao is drying of his hear when he hears multiple knocks on his door, courtesy of the broken doorbell.


The bathrobe is ripped from its hanger and put around the body of the male. Tao makes sure he ties it as tight as possible, not wanting to have the “o my bathrobe wasn’t tight right and I just flashed you” accident again because that wasn’t the best way to welcome someone.

He checks his face in the mirror to see if his eyes aren’t too red from crying and opens the door when he decides he doesn’t look like trash.

His hot (long time silent crush) neighbor stands in front of him and Tao almost closes the door in Kris’ face again out of shame but can keep himself in check.

“How can I help you, Kris?”

“Well, I was reading and heard a scream which was followed by crying so I decided to check if you were okay.”

This time he did close the door in Kris’ face.

Only to open it again to look at the face of the taller with double the embarrassment.

“I’m sorry, there was a spider and it just really scared me.”

“Don’t worry, I understand. I was just afraid something bad happened.”

“I’m once again sorry for worrying you.”

“No need to apologize again.”


“You can apologize for one thing though.”

“What is it?”

“Let me get inside as apology for shutting me out like that. “


(that pun is horrible don't kill me)

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CherryFox09 #1
Chapter 32: *Breathes in harshly*
Omg, holy mother, I legit don't know what to say...
Thank you, for this entire masterpiece series.
Chapter 32: read all of it and i think u done a great job! i actually like ur writing style n i hope after this u could mybe write a longer fanfic of taoris~
kiddoo #3
Chapter 32: Ohhh maiiii.. This is so good!!! Kinda sad since its already ended..
Chapter 31: Why my eyes are wet??
Chapter 31: Whyyyyyyy whyyyyyyyyyyy
kiddoo #6
Chapter 31: Ouchhh its hurt me.. I always read this.. Never comments.. But i love this fic so much..
Chapter 30: crying gee thanks