Thursday, October 12

A month of love [ FICTOBER ]

Day 12: “Someone keeps printing out cute cat pictures/messages on my wireless printer and I’m determined to find out whom’ AU

“How far are you with your part of our essay?” a voice asks and Tao, who is deep in thoughts while typing, almost gets a heart attack because of it. “Give me a second,” he replies to Minseok and he scrolls once again through the word document. After checking everything twice he nods to himself. “It’s done hyung, just let me print it out for you,” he says and sends an order to his wireless printer that it needs to do its work, printing out Tao’s five pages on the fact that males do get ually assaulted too but it’s not as openly discussable as females getting ually assaulted. To say that it was something Tao liked writing about would be the wrong word choice but it was certainly something that kept him interested enough to look further into.  

Society was something difficult to understand sometimes and a thing to take seriously so when Minseok returned from fetching the papers from his bedroom, where his wireless printer was located, Tao raises his eyebrows. ‘Minseok-hyung, since when is ual assault something to laugh about? It could happen to you too and I know you wouldn’t be laughing or anything near it then,” he says. Minseok frowns and starts speaking: “Of course I know that, it’s just this ‘adorable, white, fluffy kitty trying to reach his toy but obviously failing’ picture is adorable.”

Minseok shows him the picture and he suddenly understands why the shorter was laughing. It was plain adorable.

It’s just,

He didn’t print that.

“Minseok-hyung, did that come from my printer?”

Minseok, who was now sitting next to him on his couch, replies with a muffled yes, his mouth full with chocolate that had filled a bowl on the lower table before Minseok had attacked it. “Strange,” Tao mutters, “I don’t remember printing cat pictures.”

He sighs before putting his laptop away. It was enough for today.


It is around four in the morning when Tao wakes up to the sound of his printer printing… Y’know, Tao is usually a pretty chill person that knows how to handle all kind of situations but he isn’t able to handle waking up to his printer at 4.

He didn’t even send anything to it!

When he finally gets himself out of bed to check what the hell was even printing he sees cats.


He rolls his eyes and goes back to bed. He would go and figure that out later today.

Not now.

Not at ing four in the morning.


It’s when he is eating his oatmeal, half asleep, that the doorbell rings. He isn’t expecting anyone, let alone at 7 in the morning and is even more surprised when he sees his newly moved in neighbour standing in front of him. “Ah, I’m sorry,” he suddenly wakes up from his thinking, “What can I help you with, Kris-sshi?”

“Ehm,” the man bites his lip and awkwardly avoids his eyes. “Are my pictures accidentally printed by your wireless printer? I was trying to print something yesterday and this morning but nothing came out of my printer and then I noticed that it was connected to an unfamiliar name so I thought maybe the printer was yours?”

Oh. It seems like he doesn’t have to search for the culprit.

“So you’re the one that prints cat pictures at four in the morning, waking me up from my much-needed sleep?” he asks, eyebrow up.

“Ehrrr, yes that would be me. I apologise,” somewhere along the sentence his voice cracks and Tao can’t help but laugh.

“It’s okay, you can just pay me back by taking me out for dinner.”

His new neighbour is a handsome one after all.


(Have I ever mentioned how much I hate chemestry? Can someone erase it from the world.

Also tomorrows update might be later as my school starts at half past 8 and I only arive back after 9 from work and got no free time in between)

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CherryFox09 #1
Chapter 32: *Breathes in harshly*
Omg, holy mother, I legit don't know what to say...
Thank you, for this entire masterpiece series.
Chapter 32: read all of it and i think u done a great job! i actually like ur writing style n i hope after this u could mybe write a longer fanfic of taoris~
kiddoo #3
Chapter 32: Ohhh maiiii.. This is so good!!! Kinda sad since its already ended..
Chapter 31: Why my eyes are wet??
Chapter 31: Whyyyyyyy whyyyyyyyyyyy
kiddoo #6
Chapter 31: Ouchhh its hurt me.. I always read this.. Never comments.. But i love this fic so much..
Chapter 30: crying gee thanks