A maid is a maid

Golden Maid

-Check her belongings
-Im not a criminal.-I pointed out blatantly
-Do you even know where are you going to live now on? Any girl would kill to be in your place
-Ajussi!Are they that cute?
He gave me the look you would give to a crazy person-They are the hottest topic worldwide right now. You sure live under a rock having not heard of them . THey are BTS. The BTS!!
-I bet my zister knows them . But. I have no clue. I just hope ajussi is telling me the truth . I love hantsome man. Not such bad of a job after all.
-Hold your horses agassi. Rule number one. No dating . Ore you are out. And no fantasies like cinderella and the "seven" princes because non of them would leave their career for you. Trust me .
-Oh calm down ajussi. I dont intwnd on dating them. And whats cinderella and the seven prinves?
-Its actually four but u get it -He shyely explained-The kdrama .havent you watched it?
-N..OO. But dont worry. No dating tje "seven princes".Im more of a knight type of girl. I would date you ajussi
He blushed -You..are so...Bold.Lets go now. Im taking you to the dorm-He saluted the controller of the belongings and we hoped on the car witch took us to the famous BTS dorm
-Waw .. i like the neighbour. Is clean and warm . And it has all necesary shops and cafees close
-Its one of the reasons we choose it. It makes it easier for the guys. Hold on . Im geting your bags for you

He said that but I did not listen and sprinted inside the building
-third floor huh. Lets see.
I reached the door and knocked
-Hyung!Door. Pali
-Taehying go get it yourself Im busy.
-Ill go
-Thank you Jiminah. I love you
-They sure are taking thair time -I taped my feet and turned my head to scoff.
Right there the door opened and a somewhat cute blonde Korean weirdly stared at me.
I smiled and pased him rolling my head in every corner of the house-Not bad. Ot bad at all. I think it will be fun.
-Who...are you. Hey. -Jimin tryed to grab my shoulder but I pased him as i ran towards an opened door that surely looked like a bathroom
-Ive been holding it for too long -I said to my self and closed the door.
-Jiminah!! Who..was she ? Why did you let her in?
-She looked cute. I thought she was a fan . I was going to hug her Taehyungah but she ran to the bathroom
Than the door reng again
-Ill go!-Tae said.-I dont want you to invite another lunatic in.-He checked-Oh. Bong Cheol hyung.what is he doing here-Tae opened the door and hold the bags for him
Panting Bong Cheols spoke-Where dis that crazy girl go!!
-Oh hyung . Did you brind her here?
-She is your new maid. You ordered one right-He ironised the speech.
-Oooohhh. Jiminah. The rude girl is a maid.
jimin rushed there.-Jinja? She was cute .
-O hyung . I wont date her . RELAX.
Bong Cheol narrowed his eyes-Thats what you said last year too. And we had to convince you she was just using you to help her cousing make that article.
Jimin put his lips like a little kid -u said to forget about it .why brindge it back. Besides she was cute. REALLY cute. Oh Shary. Why did you do that to me
-Her name was Elly
-Right. Elly. Why did you do that to me!Sweet Elly.
-Jiminah. Didnt you date her bcz you wanted to get revange on the manager?-Taehyung inocently stated
-Shhhhshhhhh. Pabo!
-We know Jimin. Every body know
-. I love you manager-nim -he looked at the cealing
The dorm door opened at that moment in a rush and Jungkook rushed in
-I cant hold it anymore!-he shouted and was gonne in one two.
-The b...I hope she closed the door-Jimin said slowly
Than they heard her screaming-I guess she did not.
-Knock before you enter. How could you p....ppppi...ss before me. ahhhhh!
-what were you doing in there ?why did you not lock the door ? Who are you?!!!
-well-I said calmly-To answer in order. I finished my bussines so I was checking the bathroom. Im living here after all. I did lock the door but after i was headed out i decided to stay a little more. And Im Greta. HI!??-I said as fast as I could.
He was staring at me in confussion-You live here?
He turned his back on me and headed tp the living room-Hyungs,have we moved out???
-Jungkook . Di..did you piss?-With a face that said "That mustev been a shock" Taehyung waited for the maknae to respond
-Did you know there was a GIRL in here?-She is real . Im not inventing things. Its not like with the rabbit. Though it was real too.
-This time you are correct. But did you , you know,found yourself umm...
That moment I came in-Oh. Ajussi. You are here. Where do I put my bags. -She ...she is the girl. Hyung !
-Calm down Kookah. She is our maid
-Yes. She will be living with you . Jimin,show her to her room. You know ,the one you prepared so pdnim would give you a maid.-Bong Cheol spoke in irony again-Ha. They already hate her. Jungkook wont ever cross it on his mind . I believe in him . The only concerne is Jimin. He is a bit like that-He thought to himself-Well Im leaving it up to you to introduce . She knows what to do . Now if you excuse me
-Hyung,no..please..mit was not my idea-Jungkook insisted
-Cmon Kookah. You like it too . Dont you. You little . You already marked your territory
-Kim Tae!
-No hyung for me huh?! Well it cant be helped.
After five minutes all got the news and I found my self standing in the couch with a notebook in hand and them all around me.
-Now let me set up the basics-Najoons tone was serious and leader like . I like that . Points for this guy-Im Namjoon. Im the leader-Than he was about to say something but Yoongi interrupted-He destroys things.
-Noted. Next
-Ya. Hyung. Stop it.As I was saing. Im the leader. The rude ONE is Yoongi. He always sleeps and when he is awake disses people. Stay away from him and get his requests done first.
-Got it. Noted. Sleping beauty with a dirty mouthe Yoongi.
-She runs her mouthe like nothing.-Yoongi said irritated.
-Next one is Taehyung. This guy-He pointed to Taehyung the fun looking guy with a deep voice.-He gets hurt a lot so be careful to be there. Also dont mind his weirt conversations or anything he does. You can hugg him . He is unharmfull.
-Noted. Funny child. Huggable. Already like it.
-I like you too -Taehyung smiled
-Focus! This is Jin-he now pinted at a hot brown haired man who frankly looked good in every angle-He is kind of the house cook and our face. Dont touch his things . And help only if he calls you . Dont touch his food. Dont try to cook on your own.
-Got it. Handsome Chef Jin
-Thats more like it .ahahaha-Jin seemed pleased with my coment
-Hoseok. Ah. Hoseok is a great guy. You probably already love him . But you will hate him .I do. He is a horse monkey
-Ya. I hate you too Namjoon . Greta!My maiden. Dont mind him. Whenever you need Hobi this sunshine will help you.
-I like you Hoseok .You sound like fun. I smell adventures. Great.
-Whoa. Best friend me. Right now!-Hoseok got lowd and excited
-Sit down monkey-horse
-Pff. Fun braker. You managed to brake the fun too. Great . A new record Namjoon
-Im going to kill you later. Now. Jimin and Jungkook . I left them last cuz im worried more about them. First. Jimin has un undying love for Jungkook. Second . Jungkook has an undying fear from girls. Third. Stay the hell away from bothe. They will brindge you no good. Decline hugg offers from Jimin and avoid breathing the same air with Jungkook
-This one is hard. So . Jimin has a thing for Jungkook. Jungkook likes guys too. But not Jimin? And Jimin is a two timer who likes girls too?
-You have a twisted mind!!!-Namjoon was shocked at the amount of o sprouted out of my mouth
-I dont have a thing for Jungkook! But it might be true i have a thing for you!-Jimin played me.
-I have a thing for ajussi Cheol though.
-I like older man .sorry. you are still a kid
-I never viewed you that way. That fine though.
-Jimin. Dont start . I just finished. God. Nobody listenes.
A hand rised.
-Yes Jungkook
- Do we set bathroom rules. And stuff?
-Ah. Bathroom. You are right. I mean you were shocked. Ahaha. Poor soul. Khkhm. Anyway. Ill go make a rules paper and ill share it to each. Since non of you has the capacity to do it.
-We are not hard workers like you. Good job Namjoon. Please be of service. We need you around so we can just take it easy enjoing life as normal humans-Suga coldly stated without even looking at him standing confortably in the couch
This quarrell between them continued for the rest of the day. And I ended up in my room
-I talked a lot. I already regret almost all of it. I feel hot . They are hot. I nevwr talked to handsome man before. Wah! Im so brave this days.I nwver did this things. I just acted out of stress. My habit of acting tough when stressed is a dangerous thing. Also. Ajussi said no flirting. Better keep it cool. Great. Im going to act coldly on them.do my job. Thats it. No friendly talks. Just work. Im a maid after all. I cant pretend too mutch. I dont even know this guys. Better keep it cool. Yes. Calm down. Yes. Better sleep now-My heart was racing. I had talked nonsence all day and . I was afraid. Seven godly beautifull man were living with me. Ofcoure I could not sleep. My first day was just like this. Too mutch for me to handle

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