Saida Without Kisses


After the fansign event, where the fans can't see how Saida develops.


"Now that that's done with," Momo said, throwing herself onto the couch, "Can we get some food?"

Jeongyeon nodded, "Food sounds like a good idea."

The manager approached the two of them, "We can stop by somewhere on the way back to the dorm."

Dahyun, overhearing this, was swept with joy. "We're eating out tonight?!" she asked, although she knew very well the answer to that question.

"What's happening?" Sana asked, approaching the four of them.

"We're eating out tonight, Sana-unnie! I haven't eat out in a while! I feel like I've been eating pizza delivered to our dorm for forever!" Dahyun replied.

Sana laughed at how excited Dahyun was. She was like a child who was about to go trick-or-treating. Of the maknae line, she was probably the most childish. She would easily get excited. And Sana found that cute.

"Is it gonna be a fancy restaurant?" Dahyun pestered to the manager.

He shrugged, "If there's one on the way, then a fancy restaurant sounds good to me."

Dahyun, Jeongyeon, and Momo screamed "YES" in unison, then each high-fived each other. Sana watched as they skipped off together, eager to tell the other members.

"What a funny group of people. To get so excited over the possibility of eating out," the manager commented.

Sana laughed, "I can't deny that a fancy restaurant sounds quite appealing."

"It sounds like you girls have been living in a cave for the past few weeks."

"If that were the case," Sana smirked, "I wouldn't mind as long as I had these girls with me."

As the manager left Sana, Mina approached. She glanced at the three members skipping away.

"What are they so happy about?" Mina asked.

Sana giggled, "They're excited because we're eating out tonight."

Mina laughed, "I would say they're such children but two of the three are older than me."

After they were out of view, Mina turned so her whole body faced Sana. She stood with her arms crossed. Sana felt forced to give her full attention to Mina, given her body language.

"I saw how Dahyun wouldn't kiss you again," Mina said. Mina had an eye for these kinds of things. Actually, she seemed to have an eye everywhere to spy on TWICE members.

Sana groaned, "Yeah, she did that, again."

"You're upset?" Mina asked.

"Just," Sana stopped to think, "...just a little."

"You know how Dahyun won't ever kiss you on stage."

"Yeahhh," Sana held out the vowel to show irritation, "But–"

"Don't come onto Dahyun so strong."

Sana frowned, "That's all I ever do."

"Just saying, maybe you'll regret it if you force yourself onto her."

Sana sighed as Mina walked away. Despite Mina's warning, Sana wasn't going to stop her advances with Dahyun. All she wanted was a kiss back, how bad is that?

Meanwhile, Dahyun went into the lounge, leaving only Jeongyeon and Momo to pass on the news about eating out. Her eyes surveyed the fridge. They wouldn't leave for another thirty minutes to an hour, and she was hungry now. But unfortunately, nothing was in the fridge but a half a carton of milk, a head of lettuce, and some oranges. She exhaled a long and loud sigh.

"What, you can't wait till we're at the restaurant?"

Dahyun turned to see Sana behind her, giggling at her. She sighed, "I'm hungry now, Sana-unnie. But there's nothing in the fridge."

"Ah," she took a step towards Dahyun, "What if I told you I had a chocopie in my bag?"

Dahyun furrowed her eyebrows, more suspicious than elated by this statement. "You're not lying? You're not telling me this to get my hopes up just to shut it down after?" Dahyun asked.

Sana chuckled, "I like teasing you but I'm not evil."

"But then why would you have chocopie in your bag, when you don't really like it?"

Sana took another step towards Dahyun, trapping her against the open fridge. Dahyun could feel Sana's hot breath on her face, a seemingly big contrast to the cold air of the fridge on her back. "For moments like these," she finally replied.

Dahyun was taken aback by Sana's comment. It was flirtatious and kind of hot, actually. Add to that how close their faces were. So Dahyun could only respond by blushing wildly. And on a pale face like that, a blush is quite noticeable.

Sana laughed, "Heart attack?"

"Kind of," Dahyun admitted while pouting.

"Just tell me if you want that chocopie."

Dahyun stayed silent for a little before quietly saying, "I want it."

Sana smiled, "Okay, come with me."

She held her hand out for Dahyun to hold. Dahyun looked at her outstretched hand pensively before taking it into hers. Although they were always touching somehow, whether it be a hug or a kiss on the cheek, it's been a while since Dahyun's held Sana's hand. She forgot how soft her hands were. And she forgot how protected she felt while their hands were intertwined like this. She wondered if Sana also felt protected while holding Dahyun's hand. Sana had to have known how protective Dahyun was of her. Even if she is the younger and smaller one of the two, she would always try her best to protect and shelter Sana. Because she hated seeing Sana hurt.

Sana turned and began leading Dahyun to the next room, where she had left her bag before the fansign event.

"Here we are," Sana said, letting go of Dahyun's hand to grab her bag, "Your long awaited chocopie is in here."

"Thank you, Sana-unnie," Dahyun said, bowing politely.

Sana chuckled at her formality, then gave her the chocopie. Dahyun happily took the chocopie from her, and was eager to open it and eat it when Sana cleared . Dahyun looked up.

"Kiss me if you thank me, Dahyun-chan~," Sana said to her, "I won't let you go without kissing me. And especially after that stunt you pulled on stage."

Sana's smirk turned into a serious tight-lipped expression. She was intent on getting Dahyun to kiss her back; especially after Dahyun had cleverly worked around it on stage.

Dahyun frowned, "Seriously?"

Sana only responded with a nod. She then leaned forward and tapped her cheek in the same way as Dahyun had done earlier. But again, like on stage, Dahyun didn't kiss her cheek. She just stood there, looking at the floor between the two of them.

Sana stood up straight, her face showing irritation. "What is it about me that makes you not wanna kiss me?" Sana asked, her tone serious, "We're not in front of people now. It should be fine."

Dahyun looked up from her stare at the ground to meet Sana's eyes. She looked genuinely hurt. And she was. Something about the fact that Dahyun wouldn't kiss her felt personal. Yes, she didn't kiss any of the other members, but she didn't act like this. Like kissing Sana, even if it was only her cheek, was a sin.

"It's not you, Sana-unnie," Dahyun responded.


Sana's face showed her unsatisfaction with that answer. Dahyun herself knew that her reply was bull. There was something about Sana that made her unable to kiss her. Dahyun wanted to blame it on Sana's flirtatious nature, but she knew that was wrong as well. It was hard for her to pinpoint exactly what it was about Sana that made her unable to kiss her. The thought of kissing Sana made Dahyun's ears hot. She thought that if she would kiss her, her knees would give out from under her, and she would collapse. The thought of her lips on any part of Sana made her stomach tight. And why was that? She could take Sana's lips on her but she couldn't place her own lips on Sana.

Because whenever Sana kissed her, it didn't feel real. Sure, each kiss would make her heart jump, but only ever for a moment. She knew Sana was the flirtatious type. She would go around kissing anyone, like it didn't matter. That's what made this different. If Dahyun kissed her, it would feel too real. And what would happen then?

"I just..." Dahyun squeaked, her voice low, "Can't... Kiss you..."

Sana didn't respond, she only stared at Dahyun's face, trying to read her thoughts. But she couldn't. She couldn't even guess what was going on through her mind. So eventually, she gave in. She sighed, and let it go.

Dahyun watched as Sana brushed past her, and left the room.

"I can't kiss you because I'm afraid of what would happen to me if I did," Dahyun said to herself. It was something she couldn't admit to Sana, or even herself.

With Sana, she was so unsure.

Everything about her relationship with Sana felt like a mystery, although it may not seem that way to others. Sana was a mystery. She would hug and kiss Dahyun, showing her unconditional love. But she would get upset at her too. And Dahyun never could understand the reason why she would be so upset at her. She would flirt with Dahyun. But she would flirt with the other members as well. And Dahyun never could understand why or how she could change her interests so quickly. She would be the one to protect Dahyun. But she would also be the one who needed protection. And Dahyun never could understand her role in their sisterly relationship.

It wasn't just Sana that Dahyun was confused about. It was how she thought of Sana. She would find herself looking at Sana as though she were a living goddess, with a radiant glow about her body. She would find herself thinking of Sana as though she were a divine angel, with the sweetest personality and the strongest mind. Yes, Dahyun knew she was imperfect, but she was so in all the right ways.

But all these feelings about Sana confused her. So Dahyun tried her best to only look at her as nothing more than a sister and a friend. Because any other feeling would make her mind twist and her heart leap. And she didn't like the feeling. She felt like she was falling into an abyss, every time.

It was an abyss because it contained the unknown. It was unknown to Dahyun why her eyes looked at Sana with utmost affection. It was unknown to Dahyun why her hands would find home in Sana's. It was unknown to Dahyun why her heart leaped at Sana's smile and sank at Sana's tears. As time passed and more questions arose in Dahyun's mind, she fell deeper and deeper.

So, that is why Dahyun won't kiss her. Because kissing her would be dangerous. And Dahyun's afraid of falling even deeper.

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Soooo my Saida AU is up! It's called "She Is". Be sure to read it!


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Chapter 10: It's kinda rare to find irl Saida stories, glad you wrote this one. I love reading it. Thank you ☺️❤️
Eu realmente amo essa fanfic...
Chapter 10: Aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 10: i love your writing so much. god i cant get enough of saida thank you
Chapter 10: Sending all my uwus <3 :D
Chapter 10: I almost cried it is beautiful ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐
Chapter 10: I freaking love you author-nim ksbjgjhg <3 I fancy you
Chapter 10: Ok so, cant BELIEVE i just found this! I've read "She Is" first and it is easily one of my favorites... I've read it 3 times or so already, and that's saying something because I read a lot of stories everyday. Usually 10 of my.subs update on almost a daily basis so rereading is rare. That's how much I loved it. Now this, set in well, canonverse... I enjoyed immensely, read through it and commented now because I wanted to just continue without breaks. It was great and hoping for more from you! Fighting!
P.S. i LIVE for Dahyun's protective nature and all 3 of Sana's confessions to her xD
Chapter 10: I really love how descriptive and realistic this story is. It makes the story so much better and made me feel a lot of things. These last two chapters were definitely my favorite. Looking forward to any new stories you have planned for the future! (:
Kk16ir #10
Chapter 10: This is really so good. it makes me feel so damn much and with those realistic settings. I really wish that you can write more! Thank you for making my day!