
The Love Experience

@maya_gui I saw you standing there for the first time. 💜💜💜



"Did you forget again?" asked Hyukjun on the other line.

"No. I just huffed because I'm busy making myself breakfast," said Juneone as he put another egg on the pan, three for this morning.

"Hmm... Sorry then. But okay. You have to be there by 2pm. Miyoung noona said she's taking Maya-ssi out for lunch," said his bestfriend.

"Are you going with them?" inquired Juneone, moving the eggs to a plate.

"No. I have to clean up my mess from last night," he answered.

"Right. Want to have breakfast with me though?" offered Juneone. It always when he ate alone at home.

"I can't. But save some for me," he heard his bestfriend say, probably smiling.

It made Juneone smile as well. "See you later then. Bye," he said before ending the call. He put the phone down and led his plates to the small table right across his television set.


Thursday morning. He should have decided to sleep in a little more but as per their manager, they had to be hospitable hosts to their guest today, something that bothered him because his bestfriend just instantly said yes despite his shyness towards other people. But it wouldn't be so bad. The only thing he has to think about is how to finish his supposed set for tonight.


"That can wait," he told himself as he sat down and reached for the remote control. Nothing like morning news and breakfast to start the day. "I really wish someone was here though," he sighed, looking at the food he prepared.


He opened his Instagram as the American reporter introduced a politically relevant issue he wants the viewers to be part of. Since he no longer lives in America, Juneone would practically not care. In this case, he wasn't even listening as he went through his DMs. Another one from her.


"Why aren't you asleep yet?" it said.


"I was thinking of you," smiled Juneone to himself. And how true it was.


She has always been so pesky, sending him random messages or even replying to his IG stories, calling him "Mr. Specs" or "Mr. Half-Faced". But he liked it. He thought it was cute. She was cute. He looked at her profile and saw her picture again. "Miss Beautiful," he thought. She had glasses, too, but whether she wore it or not, she was still gorgeously different, a face he didn't get to see very often in Korea.


The last picture she shared was just a few hours ago, of a night scenery of Seoul, South Korea. "The beginning of a new experience," the caption read. She must still be asleep, as Juneone judged. "I wonder..." He thought.


Just then, his phone rang. "Apachi," he sighed.


Maya got up past 10 in the morning, the clock right in front of her bed says. Five hours of sleep wasn't enough but she couldn't sleep any longer, her energy spiking to its highest at the sight of the sun peaking through her hotel window. This is it. Seoul. She was ready.



She rolled in the queen-sized bed that feels amazing on her back. "I should sleep at hotels more often," she thought. She reached for her phone and opened her Instagram instantly. She was lucky the hotel she's staying at had free wi-fi, but either way, Miyoung left her a wi-fi stick she could use during her stay. It's going to be a 6 day stay, she needed all the data she could get. 


She opened her Instagram and saw that Juneone has once again read her message, her reply to his IG story last night showing him in front of his computer listening to some Justin Timberlake. He still hasn't answered though. He never does. "Wait until I meet you," Maya said, a grin now on her lips. She spent a little bit more time scrolling through her feed, checking if Kim was online but looked like she wasn't. She left her a message to say that she was all right and that she could contact her anytime since she had wi-fi. Miyoung messaged her as well to meet up for lunch, her first schedule for today.


She got up to get ready. She opened the curtains more to let the sun shine in. Summer was over in Korea but it was still relatively hot, especially in the mornings. She thought of wearing shorts today and went to her suitcase to get her clothes. But then she remembered, Miyoung promised her she'll take her to places. It wouldn't be so nice to walk around in shorts. She'll reserve that for the concert maybe, or when it's really hot. She chose her denim pants, a white tank top and a checkered blue polo shirt that she loved.


Just before she stepped into the shower, she heard her phone beep. For the last time, she decided to pick it up and see what the notification was. It was an Instagram message.


"From... Kim Juneone?! OH MY GOD!" shrieked Maya, before even reading it.


"I couldn't sleep. See you soon :)" the message read.


Maya covered as she squealed some more. "Oh my god. He just answered my message! HE JUST ANSWERED MY MESSAGE!" she shouted some more before throwing herself down on the bed, kicking her legs on it. She raised her head and braced the sheets. "And he said 'see you soon'. That means we'll meet. Oh my god. HE'S EXCITED TO SEE ME! I think I'm going to die. AAHHHH!!!!" she screamed in her pillow. 


It took a lot of her energy to get up from bed and be able to get a shower without screaming. After taking a quick shower, Maya dried her hair a bit and decided to walk out of her hotel early and get a good look at the surrounding establishments she could walk in if she wanted to. Since she just woke up, the first thing she looked for was a cafe. As her favorite line says "Coffee is life". The hotel had a cafe in it but she didn't want to risk having to pay a bit more than what Starbucks usually offered. Actually, she didn't know. She just really wanted a white mocha Americano, just like the ones she had in Manila. Maybe there's a Starbucks nearby, or any other cafe that has it. She walked out of the hotel and stopped midway on the sidewalk. There were a lot of people out today. It was just Thursday. She looked to the left and saw people walking away from it. The right side people were walking in a hurry. She decided to take the left turn and see what it beholds. 


Just her luck. This side of the street had numerous cafes and restaurants, even a 7-11. She walked down and saw people walking towards her direction. Maybe they had work somewhere else. She reached a Starbucks store not far from her hotel and got in, the welcoming smell of coffee lingering everywhere. "Home," she thought.


She ordered her usual and was welcomed by the staff warmly, their American manager smiling and wishing her a great stay in Seoul. She didn't stay so long and continued to walk. Miyoung called her Kakaotalk, telling her where to go for their lunch, Maya declining her offer to fetch her. It wasn't that far away from her hotel. She could manage, she thought.


It took Maya a full 25 minutes to get to the restaurant MIyoung told her she'll be at. "I am so sorry! I got lost. I entered a different building. I'm so sorry, eonnie," she said as she took the seat across Miyoung, the older laughing at her. 

"That's fine, Maya. I got lost the first time I went here, too. The signs downstairs can really be confusing," said Miyoung. "I've ordered for us already, I hope it's okay with you."
"Oh. Yes. Thank you, eonnie," answered Maya.

"I like your shirt," smiled Miyoung taking a good look at her.

"Oh, this polo? Thanks," said Maya taking it off and folding it neatly to put in her bag.

Miyoung let Maya fix herself while she texted a friend. "Wanna wear something blue today?" she typed in.

"Eonnie?" called Maya out, noticing how she started grinning. "Are you okay?" she asked. 

Miyoung coughed and looked at Maya with a fake smile, trying to hide her surprise. "Nothing. I just texted someone," she said. "Come on, let's eat."


After lunch, Miyoung took Maya to Myeongdeong after lunch, taking her down the road and introducing her to various shops and restaurants Maya could visit if she ever felt hungry without her. Maya bought herself a new shirt from Nature Republic and scored a face mist and BB cream half the price because of a store sale. Due to Maya's insistence, they bought a stick of those tornado potatoes she has always wanted to try out. Miyoung couldn't help but comment at how much Maya loved food, only to get a cool answer of, "Food is life, eonnie".


At past 2pm, although behind schedule, Miyoung took Maya back to Itaewon, to Contra, a club that Maya was perfectly aware of. They took the subway to Itaewon, which was a lot cheaper than taking a car or Uber, and quick, too. Maya couldn't stop but comment at how everything looks a lot more fluid in Seoul compared to Manila. Just as they were walking towards Contra, Maya already felt her heart thump loudly from inside. She was finally going to see Contra and Cakeshop, home to some of her favorite DJs, King MCK, Apachi, Graye and of course, Juneone. If only it was night time, Maya would have already cried as it would mean she would see them perform live. But not now.


Cakeshop was closed in the morning but Contra's lobby and lounge on the fourth floor was open now. Luckily, the person at the lobby knew who Miyoung was and they got in easily. They proceeded to go upstairs and just as Maya expected, there were already people in it, enjoying a drink or two. Miyoung invited her to sit at the bar, the bottles of drinks illuminated by the light behind the shelf, a bartender waiting for their orders. 


"What can I get you?" he asked. He was Korean but spoke incredibly with an American accent that Maya had open as he turned to look at her. "I lived in America before," he said, noticing her bewilderment.

"Hi, Kyungmin. This is my friend, Maya, from the Philippines," introduced Miyoung.
"Ah, Philippines. Kamusta?" said Kyungmin with a smile. 
"Oh. Well... I'm good. Mabuti," smiled Maya, happy that she heard a Filipino phrase among all the Korean mumbling she's been trying to get used to.
"Great," he smiled. "I had a Filipino friend back in the US. I hope you enjoy your stay here. We seldom get Philippine guests here," he said.
"I'm a first, I guess," smiled Maya looking at Miyoung.
"So, what can I get you two ladies?" asked Kyungmin.

"Wine, Maya?" asked Miyoung.

"Red wine," she said, crossing her arms and leaning onto the bar. 

"Two glasses coming up," said Kyungmin turning around to do his thing.

"Isn't he nice?" smiled Miyoung. "I hope you don't mind, Maya. But I invited some friends over to join us today," she said.

"Oh. I don't mind, eonnie," smiled Maya.



Juneone just arrived with Hyukjun but waited for Apachi to arrive before they went upstairs. Somehow, he was nervous. But greatly, he was starting to get more scared at how their manager would get pissed off because they were already 15 minutes late. That and because Apachi was stalling them even more. "We should go up now," Juneone heard his bestfriend say. Just a little more.

"Yah! Juneone! Hyuky!" shouted Apachi as he ran towards them in the lobby. Juneone just raised his eyebrows at him then proceeded to walk to the staircase, his blue polo moving along the wind his movement created. "Hey. Wait," said Apachi almost losing his breath.

"We're late," said Juneone, Hyukjun close behind him.

"Well, I'm sorry," said Apachi following suit.


At the third floor, Juneone got a glimpse of Richard, one of the staffs of the place, talking to one of the bartenders. He overheard them talking about having a guest upstairs. Might be at the lounge, he thought. Richard saw them come up and greeted them, invited them to come up. They obliged.


"You know the bartender, right? Kyungmin?" asked Richard.

"Yes, hyung," said Juneone.
"Well, he said there was a guest upstairs with your manager," smiled Richard.
"Oh. Miyoung noona?" asked Hyukjun.
"Yes," said Richard.
"She must be with BANA's guest," said Juneone.
"Guest? What guest?" asked Apachi.

"We told you about this already. They invited a fan over to watch Esens hyung's concert," said Juneone.
"Right. It's a girl, right?" asked Apachi.

"Yes," answered Hyukjun. 


Juneone was walking into the lounge when Nov, another DJ, appeared from the staircase and called out for Richard. Him and Apachi stopped to look at him, Hyukjun doing the same as they were in the same crew and were friends. Juneone didn't pay attention too much and walked into the lounge. He looked around and saw no one familiar. He hiked his shoulders and turned to go to the bar, peeking a look at the other boys still outside the room. And that's when he stopped in his tracks.


In front of him, two stools away from him, a woman with long hair was wearing a blue checkered polo. She was with someone, a glass of what looked like red wine resting in front of her, her fingers tracing circles along the mouth of it. She was looking down on her phone on the bar when she decided to raise her head and look at him, straight into his eyes. Right there, he felt his heart tug and beat faster. Why? All she did was blink her eyes twice, thrice, another time, and all he could do was stare back, his mouth trying to form words.


Miyoung noticed Maya's loss of attention and looked up. "Oh, Juneone-ssi," she smiled when she saw who her friend was looking at. Maya woke up from her trance and looked back at Miyoung and Juneone, who now was hesitantly taking baby steps towards them. "Come join us. Are you alone?" asked Miyoung again.

"Uhm... No. I'm... I'm with Hyukjun," he answered in Korean.

And just in time, Hyukjun appeared from the door and saw Miyoung. "Noona," he greeted with a faint smile.


Apachi and Nov walked right behind him and greeted the manager. Maya suddenly tensed up and hesitated to smile at them. "Juneone, Hyukjun," started Miyoung as she stood up. "This is Maya, my friend," she introduced in English, patting her shoulder to get her attention.
Although hesitant, Maya stood up and smiled. "Hi. Call me Maya," she said, a hand out to greet them.

Juneone was in front and looked at her, then her hand. He raised his hand but suddenly, Apachi pushed him aside and took his hand out. "Hello. My name is Apachi. Nice to meet you," he said taking Maya's hand and shaking it vigorously.

"I know you. I'm a fan," said Maya sincerely, taking in Apachi's smile as he looked at her. 

"Ah. Jinjja? Thank you," said Apachi.

Nov stepped forward and took his hand out as well. "I'm Nov. Do you know me? Hello," he said sheepishly smiling.
Maya giggled and said, "Yes, I do," taking his hand to shake, too.

Juneone then rolled his eyes and took Nov's arm away from Maya's. "As far as I can remember, she was introduced to us, not you guys," he said in Korean, raising an eyebrow, especially to Apachi. 

Miyoung and Hyukjun both suppressed a laugh at his actions, Maya was clueless. "Sorry about that, Maya. Our friends can be extra sometimes," said Hyukjun taking his hand out. "I'm Hyukjun."
"Maya. It's a pleasure to meet you at last," she said smiling. 

"Same here. And this is Juneone," said Hyukjun pushing Juneone towards Maya.

"Yo. Kim Juneone," he smiled also shaking her hands, taking down a mental note of how smooth and warm it felt on his. "Sorry about our goofy friends," he said pointing at Apachi and Nov, adding another note in his head to act normal.

"It's fine. I like them," smiled Maya.

"Cool," said Juneone. "So... You're having some wine," he said proceeding to the seat besides Maya's.

"Yes. Join us Juneone, Hyuky," offered Miyoung sitting back down, Maya following her.


Hyukjun sat beside Juneone while Apachi and Nov remained standing near them. Maya sat uncomfortably, the thought of Juneone sitting just inches away from her. She died to stare at him like how she does in her dreams. But it was so awkward with everyone else around them.


"Juneone-ie. You and Maya-ssi are both wearing blue," said Apachi tapping his shoulders, touching the hem of Juneone's blue polo.

"Yeah, I know," smiled Juneone as he looked at both of their clothes, catching a grin from Miyoung.

"Coincidence," hooted Maya as she took a sip from her glass.

Juneone smiled and called a bartender's attention. "Two glasses of wine for me and Hyuky," he said to which the bartender nodded and worked on. "Do you really drink?" he asked Maya.

"Hmm?" she said looking at him. "Uhm.. Yeah. But not the hard drinks. I rarely drink those. Just wine, champagnes, sometimes rum, if it's cold," she answered.

"You don't look like you know how to drink," said Hyukjun.
"How come?" said Maya leaning forward on the table to get a good look of Hyukjun,

"You look sweet and gentle to be drinking," said Juneone instead.


This caused Maya to blush and freeze in her seat. Yeah, she looked cool and all, smiling to herself while twirling her glass around, but the thought of Kim Juneone, the Kim Juneone, breathing and moving beside her was enough to drive her insane. She tried not to look at him, but her lenses caught every movement, especially when he reached for his glass just as the bartender gave them their orders. How she wished she could hold those hands again. But no. "Wake up, Maya. Don't think like that," she told herself.


"Maya-ssi?" she heard someone call from her left.It was Miyoung. "Are you okay?" Maya just nodded, a little embarrassed that she was caught daydreaming. "I said I'll just go and talk to Richard. I'll leave you kids here," Miyoung said standing up just as she finished her glass of wine and patted her back.


Everyone looked at her go and being escorted by an American guy. Juneone and Apachi watched them walk out of the lounge. Apachi then took the seat right next to Maya, the one Miyoung left. She looked at him who smiled back at her, his goofy smile she's always liked. That earned a shy grin from her.


"Wah! Look, she smiled at me," said Apachi in Korean getting Juneone's attention. Hyukjun just smiled and Juneone shook his head. Maya just listened but barely understood anything. He sat with his back facing Nov who took the seat after his. With his weak English, Apachi said, "How you... your name? How you... spell?" 
"My name is Maya," she said. "In English, M-a-y-a. In Korean, ma-ya," she said while drawing the Korean characters to her name on the surface with her fingers.

"Ah. You know Hangul?" asked Apachi.

"Just a little," she smiled, pinching her fingers together to show him, which earned her a nod.

"But you know how to write?" asked Hyukjun.
Maya turned her head to answer. "I'm trying to learn. Very basic stuff first since I'm doing it on my own," she answered.

"I guess that's why we were the first ones Miyoung noona wanted you to meet," said Juneone. 

"Yeah. Maybe. So you could translate things for me," smiled Maya sitting back properly and staring at Juneone.

"Maya-ssi," called Apachi. "Do you like Glen Check?" he said in English, his little accent appearing just as he ended.

"Yes, a lot," she smiled glancing at the two members.

"How about us?" said Nov in English. "Mosaik?"

"Oh. Nae. I like you guys, too. Sojeso and Mignon are my favorites," answered Maya excitingly.

"Me?" said Nov.
"I like you, too. Don't worry," laughed Maya.

"Alter Ego? You like us?" asked Apachi.

"Nae. You guys are... Daebak," said Maya.

"And your favorite?" asked Juneone.

"Uhm.. Honestly? It's Apachi and Graye oppa," she said.

"Oppa?" said Apachi.

"Because you're older than me? I can stop using it if you don't want me to," said Maya. 

Apachi was obviously puzzled by what she said and Juneone had to translate it for him. "Ah. No. It's okay," he smiled giving Maya a thumbs up. "Call me, oppa," he said.

"He likes it," said Juneone softly, but loud enough for Maya to hear as he leaned close to her ears.

"Oh. Okay. Apachi oppa," she said breathing slowly to relax herself.

"Maya-ssi," said Hyukjun softly. She looked at him and waited for him to continue. "Relax," he said with a smile.

"I bet she's feeling crazy because Juneone's right beside her," Nov said in Korean while looking at him. Apachi and Hyukjun grinned while Juneone looked at Maya who avoided his stare. His lips softly formed a smirk. 


The boys continued to talk in Korean and Maya just sat back listening, occasionally drinking and switching to check on her phone, laughing if the topic was humorous. Apachi was quite a talkative person, Maya least expected. She was scrolling through her phone when Nov and Apachi stood up and to what she understood, a friend of theirs arrived downstairs. Hyukjun turned in his seat to watch as they go.


Juneone noticed how Maya fell silent after Hyukjun told her to relax. Just as Apachi and Nov stood up to go, he saw her still focused on her handphone, noticing that it was Instagram she was looking at. He leaned closer to take a look but she was too serious. He rested his elbow on the bar and leaned his head over. "You didn't reply to my last message," he said. This got her attention and he soon was eye to eye with Maya.



"I said, you didn't reply to my message this morning."

"Oh. That. Well..."
"That's not very nice, you know, not answering someone's message."
"Wow. Coming from someone who has ignored me all year."
"Sorry then."
"I didn't answer because I had to take a bath."
"Ah. I see. Well, it's nice to finally meet you, Miss glasses."

Maya looked at him smiling, his teeth and braces showing. She grinned along with him and then covered her face. "I'm so embarrassed that I call you names," she said in between her suppressed laughs.

"Don't be. I like it," said Juneone still with a wide smile.

 "What are you two talking about?" asked Hyukjun from behind, the two completely forgetting they were with someone. 
"We were laughing because I reminded her that she calls me names," said Juneone.
"Ah. Mr. Specs and Mr. Half-face, right?" asked Hyukjun with a smile.

"Yeah," answered Juneone.
"Wait, you know about it, too?" asked Maya.

"Of course he does. I tell him everything," said Juneone.


Suddenly, Apachi came back to the room with Sojeso, Nov and Miyoung. "Come on. Ximya said he was at Television with Daehyunnie," said Miyoung.  

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