Opposites Do attract. ll Sequel to Don't Opposite Things attract?

" guess what? you guys are going to debut!" teen top's manager exclaimed gaining 'cheers and screams of happiness. Each of them had different reactions are seen on their faces, L.Joe had his jaws on the floor *shocked* C.A.P was seen hyped up, chunji was half-half. the maknaes stood, silent and jaws dropped then suddenly wen tcrazy jumping all around. Niel cried, he was too happy. " finally, i'm going to be a singer :') " he sobbed, chunji went and comforted him. " gotta let wifey know about this asap! byee!" ljoe said and dashed of off to their house. when he reached home " wifeeeeeey~" he sang happily, "yes?" hyeya answered, ljoe ran to her and rained her with hugs and kisses, he stared at her for a while smiling, while hyeya was spazzing on her mind and stared back at him.." what?" she questioned.. " teen top is going to debut!!!" he exclaimed, smiling widely his eyes were gone to a smiling curve sending hyeya smiling too. * he's so cute when he smiles like this* she thought and her heart raced. " finally~" she exclaimed, smiling back at him." i'll be your number 1 fan!" she added then burried her face on ljoe's chest. ljoe raised her face abit by using his finger and gave her a short and slow kiss on her lips and she instantly blushed.. "wifey is blushing " he teased hyeya lowered her face and smiled at the ground. " guess what? to eliminate that.. we should do that more often!" he happily exclaimed " b-bwoh?!" she asked, shocked but deep inside she was happy about it, she was fluttered, ljoe cleared his throat " hehe what i mean is.. you have to get used to it :)" he said, smiling handsomely " i .. i know but.." she tried saying something .. " no buts wifey :P" ljoe cutted her off and closed the topic.." o~kay.." she just nodded and smiled..




" MOM! teen top's going to debut ! " ljoe said thru the phone, " jinjja?! my sons going to be an idoool!" his mom exclaimed " yes mom! we will! bye mom!!" he said and hung up..

" wifey lets go out, lets eat outside and i'll tour somewhere.." ljoe said " okaaay!" she answered


" this is where we practice .." ljoe said as he toured hyeya around their building. " woah! its so biiiig!" she said wandering her eyes around, " can you please show me one routine? " she pleaded and had her hands clenhed together.. " uhm~ only one, ara?" ljoe allowed and went to the center.. Sounds boomed from the speakers and he started dancing to TEEN TOP dance routine, while  he danced, hyeya stared him in awe. and after he danced she saw him panting and sweat all over his face she rushed to him and handed him a bottle of water and wiped his sweat off. " thanks wifey~ you're so sweet :")) wanna eat now?" he asked.. " uhhm no.." she answere.. " i really liked that dance routine.." she added beaming.. " really? :) thanks! wanna learn it?" he asked her smiling, he was tired but seeing hyeya smile for him.. he was happy too and the tiredness was gone..hyeya gave him a nod.. " i'll teach you :))" he said beaming at her..


* * *

Chapter four, down! :DD

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Annasaranghaeee #1
Chapter 5: Is this the end or is there more ???
hahah..so cute