"You Can't Avoid Me Forever"

Farm Boy

Chapter 4: You Can't Avoid Me Forever

1495 words


<>Baekhyun POV<>

By the time Baekhyun got home, he had firmly decided that he wasn’t going to let that stupid giant mess with him anymore.


He worked double time cleaning up his horse so he could avoid Chanyeol’s presence as he trotted up the stairs to the loft. The clock on the bedside table told him that it was only 3 in the afternoon, but with all of the activity he had done that day he didn’t think his body would be able to handle any more activity.


He quickly resolved to take a nap, and set an alarm for 5 pm on the clock by the bed before settling himself under the soft quilt and dozing off.




The first thing Baekhyun registered when he was stirred from his sleep was a gentle, low voice and a pair of soft lips moving against his ear.


“Baekhyun, wake up.”


Ten more minutes please.


“Baekhyun, it’s time for dinner.”


Five more minutes?


“Baekhyun, if you don’t wake up I’m going to have to resort to drastic measures.”



Finally Baekhyun matched the voice with its owner, and his head shot up from his pillow.


“Wow, that worked well.” Chanyeol’s low voice rang out.


Baekhyun rubbed his eyes until his vision cleared and his eyes focused on the tall man's form hovering over his bed.


“What time is it.” the sleepy man mumbled, his voice still groggy with the remnants of his nap.




“What??? I set an alarm for 5, why did you let me sleep for so long?” Baekhyun swung his legs out of bed, flustered by his unplanned excess in sleep time.


“You looked so cute I didn’t want to wake you up before I had to.”




Wait no, Baek, you promised yourself you wouldn’t let him get to you anymore.


“Whatever,” the shorter retorted, ruffling his hair in an attempt to look nonchalant.


“If you want dinner, get over here.” Chanyeol remarked, striding over to the little table on the other side of the loft.




“I love the way you wrap around my heart, filling me up

I didn’t know before, it just comes automatic

My senses move at the smallest body movements

It just comes so natural It just comes Automatic”

  • Listen to Automatic by Red Velvet while reading this section


“I have a surprise for you.” Chanyeol announced as he finished cleaning the dishes after their dinner.


“I already told you I don’t like surprises.” Baekhyun grumbled, pulling a sweatshirt over his head as the temperature began to drop.


“Well that’s too bad.” Chanyeol strode over and grabbed Baekhyun’s wrist pulling him out of the loft and down the stairs.


“I really don’t appreciate you dragging me around.” Baekhyun protested as he struggled to free his wrist from Chanyeol’s iron grasp.


As Baekhyun was pulled out of the barn, he noticed that the night sky had a strange glow to it. Something was different. Chanyeol ushered him up the ladder on the side of the barn, and as Baekhyun looked up, he was momentarily shocked.


“What the is that?”


In the sky above them, the moon hung in its usual position, but instead of its usual pale white glow, the moon was bathed in an orange light.


This is it. The world is finally ending.


“Have you seriously never seen a harvest moon before?” the taller teased.


“Harvest… wait what?”


“When the moon’s position gets close to the horizon, it turns orange. Isn’t it pretty?”


“Actually… yeah, it is.” Baekhyun admitted, staring up at the orange orb in the sky.


“What do you major in? You know, like in college.” Chanyeol’s voice suddenly broke through the stillness of the night.


“Business. Why?”


“Me too.”


“Wait, you go to college?” Baekhyun was genuinely surprised.


“Of course I do, idiot. I’m not just some hick who’s gonna live on a farm forever.”


Baekhyun nodded, feeling a little stupid for assuming the giant didn’t go to college.


Suddenly they heard a voice from near the entrance of the barn.


“Baekhyun!” A woman’s voice, presumably his mom’s, pierced through the air.

“.” Chanyeol muttered, and before Baekhyun had time to react he felt his back being pressed against the slightly slanted roofing of the building.


‘Wh--mph!” A large, rough hand was pressed over his mouth and a pair of familiarly soft lips lowered down to his ear.


“We’re not supposed to be up here, she can’t see us.” Chanyeol whispered into his ear.


A few seconds later, Baekhyun’s sharp ears heard footsteps receding back towards the house, and he assumed with those big elf-like ears, the giant heard too. The hand was lifted from his mouth and Baekhyun pushed up to try and sit up, but the pressure above him didn’t lift. Chanyeol swung his leg over so he was now straddling Baekhyun’s form, and as Baekhyun looked up into the man above him’s eyes, he saw an ominous glint of mischief in them.


“Chanyeol, get up.”


“What if I don’t want to?” Chanyeol taunted, lowering his face closer towards the man under him.



Baekhyun’s words were cut off by a set of lips pressing against his. He inhaled a small gasp as those lips started moving against his, and almost on instinct his body responded. He wrapped his arms around Chanyeol’s neck as one of the giant’s hands tangled itself in the shorter man’s brown locks and tilted his head back. For a few moments Baekhyun nearly lost himself in the feeling of those lips against his and the scent of Chanyeol surrounding him, but as one of those big, rough hands slid up under his shirt, he snapped back to his senses, pushing the man’s muscular form away from his body.


For a few moments, he could only stare up at Chanyeol’s entrancing brown eyes, but as the reality of what just happened crashed down on him, he shoved the man fully off of him and hurried down the ladder, running to the loft and locking himself in the bathroom.

He slid his back down the wooden door of the bathroom, his breathing labored and his heart about to burst from his chest.


What the just happened.




<>Chanyeol POV<>



For a few moments, Chanyeol felt like he was floating with all of the blood pumping through his body. He really did it. He kissed Baekhyun. This feeling of elation was soon dashed by the fact that Baek had pushed him off and then ran away, but he had reciprocated at first so that was a good sign, right?



Regardless, Chanyeol knew he needed to go and talk to the man, so he descended the ladder, entered the barn, and trudged up the steps to the loft. The sound of the shower running drew him to Baekhyun’s location, and he gently knocked on the bathroom door.




No answer.


“Baekhyun? Are you in there?”



“Listen Baek, I need to talk to you.”


Still nothing.


Well , what do I do now?


“Well, when you’re done I’ll be out here waiting.” Chanyeol retreated to Baekhyun’s bed and sat on the edge, playing with a loose thread on his shorts.


After what seemed like an eternity, he heard the water turn off, and stood up from his bed, walking over to the bathroom door. He was about to knock, but realized Baekhyun probably wouldn’t open the door, so instead he stood by the side of the door so when Baekhyun walked out he could confront him.


A few minutes later, the door creaked open and Baekhyun peeped his head out of the door. When he noticed Chanyeol, he moved to close the door again, but Chanyeol wedged his foot in the space between the door and its frame and pushed his way in.


“Baekhyun, you can’t avoid me forever.” Chanyeol walked forward until Baekhyun had his back against the sink.


“Why did you run away?” Chanyeol questioned gently, placing his hands on either side of the freshly-showered boy’s body. Baekhyun pressed a hand to Chanyeol’s chest and tried to push him away, but Chanyeol wasn’t going to let him run away again before he got answers.


“Baekhyun. Just talk to me. Why did you run away from me?”


After a few moments of silence, the other boy finally spoke.


“I… I don’t know Chanyeol. That’s the problem. I have no ing clue what I think about you and I’m just so confused. I…” Baekhyun broke off, looking down at his feet. Chanyeol moved back, not quite knowing what to say. He grabbed a hand towel from the rack and began gently drying Baekhyun’s hair, neither of them saying a word. When Chanyeol was finished, he grasped Baekhyun’s arm and led him over to their bed. Without a word, the smaller boy laid down and buried himself under his covers.


After that night, Chanyeol had a new goal:


He was going to make Baekhyun completely certain of his feelings for Chanyeol.




Hey readers! Thank you so so much for all of the love and support you've given to this story so far. The love you guys have given is so so amazing, and thank you especially to everybody who has left comments on this story, they seriously make my day.


I hope you'll continue to enjoy my story!


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Hey guys! So just a general overview, I'm planning on updating this fic once a week with chapters of about this length, maybe longer if I have more time/ideas. If you guys have any comments or suggestions, please leave them below, thank you for your support :)


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Chapter 8: update please authornim
Chapter 8: Thank you for updating authornim~ aww you made my day.. I have all my heart for this story i love it that much.. Fighting authornim~♡♡♡
hazecraze 930 streak #3
Chapter 7: Don't worry! Even if it was a year, I'd probably wait for this story haha. It's that good!!
hazecraze 930 streak #4
Chapter 6: Ooh Taemin's "Move" really went with that section. I'm so glad Chanyeol stopped Jongin from doing something because Jongin sounds like a complete .

I wish you a speedy recovery!!
Chapter 5: Yes, a new chapter! But it‘s never enough...... Being patient is harder after every new chapter!
hazecraze 930 streak #6
Chapter 5: Whoaaa this was one hell of a rollercoaster ride and I loved it. Chanyeol mentioned hiding the real cause of the fire, and for some reason I immediately thought of him being a pyromaniac. I do hope thats not the case. Baek must have been so upset with himself for reverting back to his alcoholic ways but I know that Chanyeol will be with him through all those rough days.

Thank you for such a cute and amazing chapter <3
Chapter 4: Omg this chapter is so so so so so so so soooooo cute... I love you author-nim~??... I will wait patiently and impatiently for the updates lol.. I love everything that happened in the story.. I'm really looking forward on what will happen next to these lovebirds... Fighting author-nim ??
hazecraze 930 streak #8
Chapter 4: He finally kissed Baek!! I was squealing as i scrolled through the story bc I could feel it coming ahhh. Your fluff is so amazing I cant
Chapter 3: Oh no ! I want more... please? Baekhyun is just so cute and Chanyeol is indeed daring...... Okay, I‘m waiting for the next chapter..."
hazecraze 930 streak #10
Chapter 3: When I first started this story, I never thought Chanyeol would be this daring, and I never thought that Baekhyun would be this soft oml <3 This was so cute I cant