Our Guardian

Thank You, Hyung



As soon as clock struck 6, Junmyeon hurriedly pack his things and left the office to go to the bar. Aside from office duties, he also has a part-time job as a waiter. He greeted everyone with a warm smile, as if he wasn’t tired the whole day at work.


He’s perfectly aware that most of his so-called “friends” in the office doesn’t really like him. They only act nice in front of him but they keep saying nonsensical things behind his back.


“He’s boring. He’s no fun. He’s way too serious. He only shines because of his good looks. His jokes aren’t funny at all. I wish he did not even bother to talk.”


And yet, he just shrugged it off. He doesn’t care anymore who likes him or not, what matters most is to provide for his family.


While he was busy cleaning the tables, one of his co-workers the tv to watch news. He was taken aback when he saw Onew and Minho on screen being interviewed as successful businessmen abroad. The three of them trained together in a big telecommunication company and once dreamt of being the pride of Korea. But here he was, alone and still trying so hard for their family to survive. He let that opportunity go so he can take care of his brothers. So much burden, yes, but they’re his first priority.




“C’mon, Junmyeon! I am a hundred percent sure that this will go huge someday.” Onew exclaimed.


“I have to set my priorities, bro. If I leave, who would take charge and check my family?” He was firm yet hesitation was evident in his voice. “You know my situation. It is not easy.”


He became the head of the family when their father died due to a car accident that involves Xiumin who can’t utter a word because of trauma.


“This business is technically your idea, bro. If you go abroad, you can provide more for your family. Give it more time, Hyung. Maybe it’s worth a shot.” Minho added.


He almost gave in. He almost went abroad with his friends but...Sehun, his youngest brother, gave him a warm smile one night and that made him stay.




Party goers gone wild when the DJ got into his zone. Junmyeon was busy taking empty glasses and bottles when a drunk girl suddenly approached him.


“One glass of sangria, please.”


“Another drunk girl,” he shook his head, “she should be at home helping with household chores.”


He was about to go inside the storage to get some drinks but she grabbed his shirt. “What? You got a problem with me? It’s just a in’ cocktail! I won’t get drunk.”


“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” He murmured.


Of course, she won’t give up that easily. She stood up and continued arguing with Junmyeon when a girl in pure white uniform appeared and grabbed her arm. “What the heck were you thinking, Sae Mi?”


“Aww, the lovely yet evil nurse, Min Soo Seul.” The drunk girl laughed. “How was your patients?”


Junmyeon was obviously stunned with her beauty. She looks a bit plain, nothing extravagant but she’s indeed a headturner. He just stared at her while she was lecturing her friend. It kind of felt weird how his heart started beating so fast the moment she rolled her eyes.


“I am really sorry about my friend. I swear, she’s really nice when sober.” The girl in white explained but Junmyeon did not absorb any of her words. “Excuse me, where’s the comfort room?” But he did not respond so she snapped her fingers. “Uh, hello? Where’s the comfort room?”


He was about to open his mouth but she just rolled her eyes at him and went away. It felt like he would be more unconscious than the drunk girl if his co-worker did not call him.


When he got back at his normal state, he started cleaning the glasses when he noticed a familiar face. The guy was having so much fun with his friends, dancing in the middle like they were the highlight of the party.


He immediately went out of the counter and walked straight to the guy.




His younger brother stopped then slowly turned to him with disbelief. “H-hyung…”


“What. Are. You. Doing. Here?” Baekhyun was trying to say something but no sound came out from his mouth. “Don’t you have a scheduled exam tomorrow?” Of course, Junmyeon should know. He just went to his school that morning to pay for the last installment of his tuition fee.




He did not give him a chance to explain and dragged him out of the bar, ignoring the remarks of Baek’s friends.


Junmyeon tried to contain his anger but he just can’t help it. “Who helped Kyungsoo for dinner?”


The younger’s forehead creased. “Why would you ask such a thing at this time?”


“Did you help Xiumin Hyung to prepare his bed?” He continued asking about household chores--Baekhyun’s tasks to be specific. “You should be at home studying for exam! This is so frustrating, Baekhyun!” Junmyeon clenched his fist but he just can’t throw it at his brother ‘cause he believes that it’s not right. This is not what Appa would like.


“For once! Can you just think of yourself? We’re not getting any younger, Hyung! We can think on our own. We can decide on our own! You don’t always have to tell us what to do and what to say!”


Junmyeon was taken aback. “What did you say?” It stung. It hit him so hard that tears were starting to form in his eyes. “Don’t I even have the right to reprimand you?” Baekhyun can’t look straight at him because of anger.


“If only Xiumin Hyung is normal, he would be cool with this. I hope he gets better so you won’t have to step in my way.”


He grabbed his collar and almost punched him but he can’t even touch his face with his fist. “Well, I also hope that so I won’t be the one being burdened to provide for you.”


“No one told you so! I don’t even want to go to school! It’s such a waste of time when I can just look for a job, already.”


“You don’t know what you’re saying, Baek. Life is not as easy as you think it is. You should work hard on everything you do. You must learn how to sacrifice.”


“Don’t make me end up like you Hyung ‘cause I don’t want to. I don’t want to be as miserable as you are.”


Baekhyun pushed him then ran away. Junmyeon followed him and the most unfortunate thing happened. The moment Baekhyun crossed the street, Junmyeon did not even bother to look at the streetlight and a delivery truck hit him.




The serious and cold hearted KyungSoo was hiding his tears with his handkerchief.


“Hyung, stop crying.” Sehun tapped his shoulder.


“I just can’t...believe Junmyeon Hyung…”


“I told Hyung that I will not cry anymore since I’m a big boy now.” But then, he wiped the tears that were slowly forming in his eyes.


Chen came with Chanyeol who’s carrying Junmyeon’s bag.


“What the heck happened?” Chen asked while panting.


Sehun pointed out Baekhyun who’s staring blankly on the floor. He just lost his mind when he saw his brother lying on the street, swimming in blood.


Jongin, who’s still wearing his school uniform, was rushing towards Baekhyun. Anger was evident in his eyes when he threw a punch at his brother. Baek fell on the ground but he’s still lost, he did not even look at Jongin.


“What did you do this time, Hyung? What did Junmyeon Hyung do to you for you to hate him so much?”


“I...I don’t…” he just can’t think properly. I don’t hate him, was what he wanted to say.


Chanyeol pulled Jongin. “You calm down. Even if you hurt him a thousand times, it wouldn’t change what happened.”


“What did the doctor say?” Chen asked Kyung Soo.


And as if on cue, the doctor went out of the emergency room. He looked for the patient’s guardian but none of the boys responed right away.


“Well, he’s my brother.” Chanyeol stepped in front of him. “How is he?”


“Are you his older brother?”


Chanyeol rolled his eyes. “We have no time for that. How is our brother?”


The doctor shrugged it off. “He’s lucky enough to survive after the big amount of blood that he lost. But, he’s still unconscious and it’ll take time before he wakes up. We will transfer him to another room in a while.”




“None of us was his guardian.” Jongin started while he’s staring at his older brother lying on the hospital bed. “We never really cared for him,” his voice broke and tears started to fall from his eyes.


“Where’s Eomma?” Baek asked.


“I told her what happened...but she told me that he’ll be okay.” KyungSoo answered while preparing their breakfast--just six cups of ramen--on the side table. “But I am really sure that she’s just out with her friends playing cards again. I heard their voices.”


The boys did not attend school the next day since the incident because they wanted to stay with Junmyeon except Baekhyun.


“Where are you going?” It seemed like Jongin is still mad at him.


“Can’t you see? I’m going to school. I have a scheduled exam today.” He said while fixing his uniform.


“Can’t you see? Junmyeon Hyung is fighting for his life,” he shook his head in disbelief. “Don’t you really care?” He stepped near him but Sehun and KyungSoo was able to stop him.


Baekhyun picked up his bag and went near the door. “He would be glad that I’m going to school. I know that he’ll be happy if I take the exam today. I don’t want to waste his time, money and effort for nothing.”


“I don’t want to be a burden to him anymore. I don’t want to disappoint him. I want him to be proud of me when he wakes up. Thank you, Hyung,” he added in his mind. With that, he left his brothers.


Afternoon came, Chen went back to the hospital with their brother Xiumin who insisted to see Junmyeon. The oldest among the siblings cried the moment he saw his younger brother.


He kept on talking to his unconscious brother even though there’s no sound coming out. He pulled out his pen and paper that has been his friend for years now.

“The other night, Junmyeon went to my room and talked to me thinking that I’m already asleep. He vented out all of his frustration and that...he wants to rest.” The boys were watching their older brother and one by one they reflect on everything that Junmyeon did for them. “I should be the one working so hard for our family but he took responsibility without any hesitation.”


Chen sniffed then followed. “I easily get irritated whenever he cracks a joke that sometimes I tend to say hurtful words to him. But in the end, he’ll apologize and say that he won’t do it again.” He looked at his brother, “hyung, your jokes are not that bad. It’s just a bit corny but I promise, when you wake up I’ll laugh at all of it.”


“I’m sure not all of you knows but Hyung has a part-time job as a waiter in a bar. I went there once for a friend’s birthday celebration and I saw him mopping the floor and being scolded.” Chanyeol immediately wiped the tears that fell on his cheeks. “I left without telling my friends. Not that I am ashamed of him but...because I can’t stand him serving me. I don’t feel that I deserve that. A few weeks after, I learned that he also works in a convenience store in Gangnam. From then on, I lessen my gaming hours and looked for ways on how can I help Hyung in our daily expenses.”


Yeol remembered that day when he held out the money he earned to Junmyeon and he told him to keep it instead since it is his first ever salary.


Kyung Soo took a deep sigh, “he doesn’t even think twice whenever I ask him to buy something for me, especially when it comes to food.” He stood up and get a cup of ramen--the one that was meant for Baekhyun--for his Xiumin Hyung. “He told me once that he feels good whenever he sees us eating together.”


One of the closest to Junmyeon is Jongin. The boy went near his unconscious brother and lightly massaged his arms. “I know nothing about his sacrifices but I know that he loves us dearly. Sometimes, I wonder what did he do in his past life for him to deserve this. Do we even deserve him as a brother?”


“Stop acting like we’ve never been nice to him.” Chen interrupted.


“Yeah. We’re nice to him sometimes...but upon hearing all his burdens, everything was not enough.”


Kyung Soo nodded in agreement.


They all looked at Sehun, the youngest and most clingy to Junmyeon, waiting for him to say something. He’s the spoiled one. “Hyung is the one I love the most.” More than anyone in this world, he only adores Junmyeon who took care of him and raised him. He was so young when their father died. Whenever he needed a parent to attend their school affairs, it was his Hyung who went as his guardian every time.




Onew and Minho learned about what happened and so they decided to cover up all the hospital expenses of Junmyeon. They also visited him and told Xiumin about everything. They’re really curious why does Junmyeon have to work hard given that he has a lot of money. He did not declare to his family that he invested stocks in Onew and Minho’s company--apparently, it was his brainchild.


Months passed and Junmyeon is still unconscious. His brothers had their own schedule of visiting and taking good care of their brother. They also started being responsible with the household chores which was headed by Xiumin.


Chanyeol, Chen and Baekhyun were in-charge of the daily expenses. They’re all working students and the ones who always get scolded by their mother.


Eomma was very furious one afternoon before she went out with her friends to play cards.


“Chanyeol! I need 10,000 won.” She went inside Yeol’s room who’s busy packing his stuff for school.


“I don’t have that. Ask Baek!”


She rolled her eyes at him. “You’re really no use.”


Baekhyun who’s obviously trying to escape was caught off guard while putting on his shoes. “Baekhyun-ah! Where do you think you’re going?”


He’s thinking twice if he’ll be honest or not. If he’s going to tell the truth that he’s going to work, she’ll definitely ask for more but if not she will insist that he has something to give.


“To my friend’s house.”


“Spare me 10,000 won first before you hang out.”


“I don’t have money!” The two of them continued arguing about it that frustrated everyone inside the house. “I said I have nothing to give you! I’m not like Junmyeon Hyung who will spoil you with all he has.” He was about to leave but she grabbed his shirt then pushed him forcefully that made him fell on the ground.


“You don’t have the right to talk back to me! I’m your mother!”


Baekhyun gathered his strength to stood up. What she just said triggered the hell out of him. “What? My mother? When was the last time you became a mother to me--to us? Can you please remind me ‘cause I totally don’t remember.”


“You bast-...” She was about to hit her child but Xiumin came and stood in front of her. “Another bastard. You’re all no use!”



Sehun who’s pretending to be a strong guy finally let his guard down and cried in front of Junmyeon when it was just the two of them inside the ward. “Hyung...when are you going to wake up? Everything is a mess when you’re not around. Eomma and Baekhyun hyung fought the other day. It wouldn’t happen if you...you’re with us.” His voice broke and crumpled the bed sheets out of frustration. “I miss you Hyung. I miss you.”


He only stopped crying when he heard someone sobbing by the door. He gave it a look and it was just a nurse.


“Why are you crying?” He asked like an innocent kid.


“It’s just that...you cried like he’s dying.” She started going near them to check on Junmyeon.


“No, it’s the other way around. Our family is falling down without him.”


She patted his head like a younger brother. “Don’t worry. He’ll wake up soon.”


“How did you know?”


“Because he can’t bear seeing you in tears.”


Sehun frowned but at least he stopped crying. “I’m a man now. Forget what you saw, okay? I did not cry, okay?”


The nurse just laughed at him.


And on that night, all of his brothers were in the hospital. They’re tired of going home when they cannot even consider it as their home.


They were busy chatting and playing with each other when Xiumin stood up the moment he saw Junmyeon’s fingers moved.


“What? What’s wrong, Hyung?” Chen asked. Xiumin pointed at his dongsaeng’s fingers. “What?”


Kyung Soo, as if he understands what’s happening, stormed out of the room to call the doctors and nurses.


They did all the necessary procedure and after a few minutes...he came back.


He slowly smiled to all of his brothers.

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Thank you!
It's my first fic to be posted here in aff. And I'm freakin' out cos it's been months or a year (?) since I wrote a story again. Please bear with me.

PS. I am sleepy af rn. Jalja!


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Aircond #1
This is so sweet & so easy to read. Good job author-nim! Is it selfish of me to want a sequel haha
Juanetaaa #2
Chapter 1: I dont know what to say... Suho deserves better than all this.. i like your story author-nim
sammyblah #3