BTR - 1

Beneath The Rainbow

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BTR - 1


The storm woke him up, no actually he was already awake since before. The news spread like wild fire, bringing him back to what the boss had said. 'Take a break Jiyong, go back to school and finish what you had or supposed to do in the first place,'. To him, it was unfair. Often times, his mates or even his colleagues had asked him to do the same thing. But he had refused because fame got to him at such a young age. But now, he was going to go back to school whether he likes it or not because guess what? His freaking boss just cancelled his entire world tour. Yeah, that's about it.

"Come on Ji, we've got your back," Youngbae said, patting him in the back while offering him a can of cheap beer. It was easy for them to say that because honestly? The one going through the real was him, not them. He wish he had listened then. Maybe things won't turn out so bad. Being with different kind of girls, partying until dawn, skipping or missing some of the most important events, being late for fanmeets, not cool yes but somehow, he just did what he did to get the attention of the crowd. He love being called the bad boy you know. It gets to him.

"Hyung, it's only going to be a few months top, then we're gonna get you back to this music life," Daesung added, joining them. Slowly, all the boys joined him. He admit, he felt scared but relieved at the same time. He's got them. He's not a leader for nothing you see. They need him. Big Bang needs him.

"Promise me you loads will behave while I'm gone, and Bae, please take care of my girl," Jiyong winked at Youngbae playfully. They all then laugh and enjoyed the time together. But definitely not Jiyong because the next day, his life is about to change.


Jiyong's POV


"Oh god! You're actually real!!!!! Guys, we have a rapper as our classmate!" The girl that just screamed in my face, yep, that one, shouted across the room. Everyone cheered to the news and some begun taking snaps of me. I admit, it feels too surreal to be this close to people, normal people like them. It's a good feeling but also a shocking one. Particularly, only one girl caught my eye. She was sitting one seat in front of me, sleeping peacefully with her headphones on. I couldn't see her face properly as it was mostly covered with her jacket. Petite. That's what she is. I wonder who she is.

"Oppa, will you also be going to prom?" another fake blond girl asked me, batting her fake eyelashes to me.

Before, I would just jump at the opportunity being this close to someone as looking like her but now, I would rather complete this school and get back 'to my music career. Wasting time won't be in my urban dictionary. I smile at the girl but said no to her politely. She smashed her s completely to my left arm and whine like a hyena would.

"Why? You should go or you would miss out on a fun date and day," she winked.

"Mont, did you ever know that disturbing one's sleep is bad? It could cause you, your life. Did you ever read, in one of the law books, disturbing someone who is in a deep sleep, could bring you instant death? The body is meant to wake up naturally, not get shoooook by some whiny ," the girl who was sleeping in front of me suddenly said, turning towards our direction.

Mont, the one I assumed, gasped in shock but kept her cool.

"Don't lie Dara, everyone knows you're nothing but a big fat liar in this school, with a great a-hole of a father," Mont replied, flipping her hair and that hair of hers, yeah, it hit me! Not cool.


Dara, from what I found out her name was, just smile but didn't say anything. In fact, she just growled out loud and Mont ran her off away from me and out the door. "Thanks," I muttered to her. She just wave me off and continued with her sleeping. Now, explain to me people, who the hell is Dara????? She just blew me off with her cool, arrogant and yet cute attitude. A first trio combination I've ever seen from a girl. PHEW! Control Jiyong, this dragon will sure have a lottttttt of blue balls in the near future.......JUST Kidding!



Author's Note,

Enjoy the first chapter! Let me know what you think of it. Don't forget to subscribe, comment and upvote! Please do read my other stories too! Thank you. - Jiyongmaddie

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Chapter 2: very interesting!!! cant wait for more!!!!
hope jiyong is the first who fall inlove!!
Chapter 1: already love it!!! love dara personality!!!
please update more!!