Nobody knows (Memories)

P!nk Series

(A/N : this is my one shot memories. I don't want many short one  shots , so copied and paste here ^^)



I found his account on Instagram. 

Yes, my first love, Eric.

Actually it had been around one year that I saw his, I just didn't want to follow him.

I met him in our high school, junior class. He was transferred student from US. 

Since the very first day he introduced himself , I had a crush on him.

To what?? Hmmm...I don't know.

He wasn't top student in the class. Neither worst. He just...uh...didn't want to study. But there was a subject he really good at, English. Maybe because he lived there for long time, his English was very good and he got high grades in English. But in others, he was just normal or sometimes below normal range.

He was in the list of brats. One time, our home teacher got very mad at their playful behavior, teacher said he will mix all the students and make them sit with girls or nerds, like me.

Yeah, like a drama, he was told to sit beside me. I have to say our teacher's method was kinda effective. Because All the naughty brats and talkative girls became obviously quiet down after changing seating plan. Since from the day, his place became beside mine, I got a perfume smell from him. Not only just from his body and his clothing, I got that scent from his bag, his books, all his things. It's so strange. I got that scent only from him. Till today, after almost 16 years had passed and he was the only one whom I can get that scent. I love that perfume scent. I would intentionally bumped him , made his things fall and I would pretend to pick them up just only to smell his perfume scent from his belongings. There were days I borrowed his books and put them under my pillow ,and slept.

He has big pretty eyes, thick lips, sharp nose and tin skin which is considered as y among our pale skin colours. He looks like a living statue of David.If I need to answer why was I so attracted to him, I can only answer because of his handsome figure and his English was good. Maybe.

There was a day where we had to measure our body weight, height, BMR for our physical fitness. And he was in charge of measuring height. When it came to my turn, I was total reckless . He held one of my shoulders and said "please stay still" and another hand on my head. It was quite simple act. But that day I went home with my heart pumping in double speed than normal days. And his perfume scent, it lingered around me whole day. I even didn't change my school uniform and went to sleep like that.


After sitting beside me, that guy whose grade was around normal became worst. -_- 

Whenever I said 'Study ,JungHyuk ya", that bastard didn't even care to reply me. But after one week of my continuous nagging , I finally got a reply from him 'Okie.' But just reply.

Whenever teachers gave homework, he never did them. So I had to write for two people. It was not easy to write for two people in limited times, so I always wrote for him first . And yes, when teachers punished the ones who didn't finish the homeworks, it was always me who got the smash. After he saw me getting punishment, he tried to do homework together with me. We tried to solve mathematics problems together. He always explained me about English grammar which I didn't understand. There was one time, when we got wrong answer in maths and teacher asked us, from whom did we copy. He confidently said "We solved it together." Yes, and       we got smashed together.

That day my palms were red from the smash. It was so hurt too. I was rubbing my hands when he came and said me "Give me your hands" and then he placed mine on his mouth and gave me warm breaths to relieve pain. That day, I learnt one thing that even if I had to face hardships, with him, I am sure all the things will be and can be passed.

There was a girl in our classroom whom he was interested in.She was a pretty girl with long hair , she always had cute hairpin on her hair. Of course I knew he wanted to sit beside her desperately . Even in the mid of me explaining Maths to him, I noticed that he glanced at her. While I was practicing English grammar ,he would be deeply quiet and staring at that girl laughing and having snacks.

After two months, seating plans were changed again and looked like god heard his prayer, he was placed beside that girl. And beside me, another nerd was placed. He was so damn happy. When his friends noticed him having crush on her and with her, his laughters would fill the room. Even though we didn't have a chance to sit together again, he came beside me during break time ,saying "Let's do maths problem together."

He always wandered around me asking "Done History homework?? I am done, do you want to check??" And opened his books to show me. I don't remember what I replied back him, probably nothing. I think I just kept quiet and kept myself distant from him.

Whenever he was around me, his crush would say "Eric Mun, your place is here. Why are you going others' place??" Then he laughed and asked her back "What?? Do you miss me already??" And went back to sit next to her. And I am quite sure that he didn't see me biting my lower lips whenever he left me for her.

Next days,he came to talk to me, but I hazily remember that I only smiled him back. 

One day, when I entered the class, I found his bag beside my seat. I was quite startled and went out to look for him. I found him in basketball court, playing a game.He scored a goal and even dared to give fly-kiss to junior girls who were sitting in audience seats. Bastard!!!


When he saw me, he ran towards me and whispered "I have to explain you grammar. So I am going to sit with you." 

Our home teacher noticed switching seats and asked, "Eric Mun, why are you back with Your guardian Syung??" (Because his grades were getting much higher after sitting with me, teacher named me as his guardian). That time I remembered he replied teacher back with mischievous smile "I want to sit with him only. If I can't sit with him, I will complain to my father about you." But we all didn't know whose his father was or what he was. But we all left him to be like that.

Later, I noticed that, when he arrived first to school, he would busied himself and waited for me at the front gate. When I arrived school, he would run to me and said " I was waiting for you, Hyesung ya. Let's go together "

I wonder if he still remembers the days I waited for him at the front gate when I arrived first. Probably don't, right??

Whenever we two walked together, had lunch , laughed out loud, did crazy things together , I received glances from that pretty girl whom he used to have crush on her and some classmates.

I didn't know what his feelings he had on me back then , but one day when I caught cold, he took off his sweater and let me wore his. When I got back home and told my parents about what happened to me at school that day, he became my hero in my story.

When school closed for summer holidays, he asked me my phone number. But in those days, we couldn't afford to have a telephone. I could only replied him "Give me yours and I will contact you". After one month, I firmly clenched the paper which had his phone number on and ran to the phone booth and called his number for the first time.

When he heard my "Hello", his first words were "Hyesung ya, how could you ??"

We talked on phone for about one hour that day and when he was about to hang up, I told him that my father's got promotion and we needed to move to another town. He became silent after my words. I didn't remember who hang up first, maybe me.

I was busy for moving and luckily I forgot to remember him that time. After moving and finally settled everything, my father bought a telephone to home and the first one to use it in family was me.

We talked almost everyday, every night, 

We talked about him wanting to have a pet

We talked about me being mistaken as a girl when I went to buy some groceries.

We talked about his mom making Kimchi Fried rice for him as breakfast 

We talked about me putting half bottle of sesame oil secretly in my mom's cooking and got scolded.

We talked about him learning how to cook from television shows and he promised me that he will cook for me one day.

One morning, he phoned me to come to the cafe near my house. I was quite surprised but anyway I went there. There he was, waving me happily when I stepped in. He became more handsome during past months.

I got double surprised when he told me that he asked his mom to let him attend the Language academy near my house.

When I said,"Eric, you need to ride train for about one hour to come here from your town" he just smiled and said "This is the only way for me to see you" 

He did come to my town to attend that academy every weekend. Saturday and Sunday's afternoons after his class had officially became our dating times. Well, I couldn't apply the word "Date" though since we were actually nothing. Just best friends. Yes, we were just best friends.

When summer had ended and we were about to attend our senior year, he phoned me like usual and we two , talked about hours. Then he told me that his parents won't let him use telephone anymore since Senior year is important . I didn't know how to respond. Should I reply "Of course, they should!" Or "No, I want to talk with you"?? Whatever at the end, I only said "Study hard, Jung Hyuk ah." And he replied "Okie" 

That's was his last words I heard.

The end of our story. Even before we began, it had ended.

And we both became senior students , college students, graduated, got jobs and continued our life in different ways.

Mun Jung Hyuk a.k.a Eric Mun was in one of my almost faded memories. One day, I was quite bored using Instagram , I scrolled down the newsfeed lazily, and found his account on "People you may know list"

I wasn't very sure that was him, so I clicked his account and checked his account inquisitively. I found one of his photos with his mom and just then I was sure that was him. He didn't change much. He just became more handsome.

One thing, whenever I saw his account in people you may know list,his  profile pictures were always different. To be more precise, the girls he took photo were different every time.

From his wall, I could guess that he was doing some music production with his friends.Well, I have to admit that I really don't want to know about him that much. I have to say we both have different life style, while his wall was full of his photos taken in clubs, shows , my wall was full of poetry, some famous drawings and some inspirational quotes. We were like oil and water which can never be mixed. When I found one photo of him kissing a girl with some dirty caption, I decided to stop checking his account.

But every time I found his account on IG (with different girls photos), I subconsciously clicked and checked his account. I really hope him to finally find the love of his life one day and settle down.

One day, I accidentally clicked like on one of his photos and that evening , I got follower request from him. His profile picture was couple photo of him and a pretty girl.

I didn't click "Accept" I just left his request in that way.

Next day, he canceled back his request.

Let it be.

Now it has been around more than decades that we last talked to each other.

Is he still using the same perfume??

Is he still good at English ??

Is he still warm person like he used to be??

Can he cook well now??

Does he still remember his promise about cooking for me??

And did he , even for once , dream about the day we getting punishment together.........??

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turyka #1
Chapter 11: This is surely ing perfect..
I love Pink(she's so underated) and I love Shinhwa.
Great shots i love them all ❤(ӦvӦ。)❤
Chapter 11: I like this chapter so hilarious!! my delusional mind hahaha thanks for writing this one
Chapter 11: 'Hehe haha' with the actresses XD
Awww sweet.. I like this chapter. Thanks for the update :)
liyana6196 #4
thanks for update dear ^^ even though you're busy.. fighting!!
Chapter 10: hahaha that happy reunion is sooooo cute xD
missstery #6
Chapter 10: Thanks for the continuation and the happy ending. I really liked see that they meet again and I think that they will be happy together
rinonori #7
Finally, the happy ending :) thank you.
TatianaShin #8
Chapter 9: Waah, this chapter us great! I hope there's a continuation. Thanks you!
missstery #9
Chapter 9: Thanks for the update, good story. Will there be continuation? I really would like to know if they met and what happened next. You are going to say that I always ask for continuation, but I really love the happy endings and see that they meet again and be happy together.
liyana6196 #10
Chapter 5: aigoo hyesungie.. such a spoiled brat.. be strong with your boyfriend behavior eric-shi.. fighting!! love you dear author-nim :)