



Bells rang throughout the school. It was time. Swarms of students tried forced themselves through doorways and back into the large building before them. As usual some weren't necessarily prepared for the amount of strength some students had and would fall or accidentally push into students before them.


"Sorry, I'm sorry." As usual senior student Tiffany Hwang found herself in this situation. She was rather small and weaker compared to many of the students. People knew that and despite any sort of supposed hierarchy people obviously liked to be jerks regardless of age.

People had their appearent reasons for being like this to but each as petty and dumb as the last. Whether it be that she wouldn't date them or people were simply jealous of her was all useless anger and she knew that. Familiar laughs hit her ears as she tried to get away and slip through the masses of other students. 


Fortunately for her this day she had gotten through and began walking by a group of freshmen. She stayed close to the wall as her feet picked up the pace and her eyes stayed looking straight ahead. Up ahead she saw a familiar yet blurred face peek out the washroom door and quickly get back in.

As soon as Tiffany was outside the door she was pulled in. "What the heck?!" She groaned a bit before quickly being released. "Tiffany relax. It's just me."  With her hand on the doorknob out of the washroom she turned around.


"Yuri, do you like giving me heart attacks?! This seems to be a common theme with you." Immediately trying to ease Tiffany, Yuri slowly walked up to her closing the gap and wrapped her arms around her waist. While looking down down at the girl she lowered her face so was by her ear. "Shh...there's someone else here. Just stay here with me until they leave," her voice the lowest whisper she could possibly muster up.

She looked back at Tiffany for a response. Furrow in her eyes brows she hesitantly nodded in response. Hearing the other girl with them unlock the stall door Yuri almost pushed Tiffany away before they could be seen. Yuri began pretending to fix herself up in the mirror. "Oh, hi Sunny!"


Yuri flashed the other short girl a quick smile. Tiffany remained by the door out of simply being awkward. She leaned against the wall to act like her placement was intentional. The other girl walked out of the stall and sauntered over to a sink near Yuri.  "Shouldn't you be in class by now? Please don't tell me you're skipping again." While quickly washing her hands she somewhat scolded Yuri.

"Nevermind. I don't want a reply. I'm not part of whatever mess is to come from whatever it is you're doing." Quickly drying off her hands Sunny shook her head and dashed out the washroom. "Bye Tiffany~" Her bag quickly slung back over her shoulder. As soon as Sunny left Tiffany darted for Yuri. Much like Sunny she knew the kind of person Yuri was.


Though much unlike Sunny though, she had a hard time saying no to Yuri's antics. The two were much closer than others knew. "Now Tiffany..." Yuri went over to the girl and took her hand. She walked her over to her backpack that she had on the counter. "Please listen to me here." While the two still held hands Yuri rubbed her thumb lightly over the back of Tiffany's hand. Her head quickly checked back at the door to see if anyone else was going to enter.

It was not that likely since class was starting in seconds but she felt it was best to check. "Ever since every teacher in the school has somehow developed a grudge against us...and ya know moved our seats to other sides of the class. I feel like we should say it and go spend time together today." Letting go of the girl's hand she opened up the largest section of her bag and handed Tiffany a gift to sweeten the deal. 


Tiffany simply stood in silence and opened the gift.  " shouldn't have. You really shouldn't have," Her eyes widened in shock. In her hands she held a scrapbook that was three quarters full. It was almost like Tiffany forgot she had class today and began flipping through the book. Picture after picture of all the fun things they've done together, little things from the amazing food they had on certain days and even little excerpts of text messages scattered thought the book.

"It's not full on purpose...I want us to do the rest together.  I had been saving up from work to get all this done perfectly but again, I want us to complete it." Yuri had the biggest grin on her face as she saw how into it Tiffany was. "We've both been so busy lately..." With a sigh she zipped her bag back up. "Kinda why I dragged ya here. I know this isn't the best time but if you would just consider coming with me during school and-"


She was cutoff from her rambling. "Yes..." Tiffany nodded whilst hugging the book tightly. As Yuri put on the bag Tiffany was the one to grab her hand this time. "Let's hurry then. You know how I feel about people asking questions about us. Even if I know they don't know." Yuri lead the way and peeked her out, eyes lighting up at the sight of an empty hallway.


"On the count of three we run for it." Her grip tightened on the shorter girl's hand and Tiffany tightened hers around the book. "1....2..." Yuri braced herself. "3!" Tiffany practically pushed Yuri out of the washroom and made a run for it. Laughing at how she was cut off yet again Yuri attempted to keep up. "When did you get so fast?" Tiffany laughed at the question as the two dashed for the main exit. The clang of the door swinging open and hitting one of the exterior walls was enough to tip off a group of students who were also skipping. These students in paticular had a fondness for not only skipping but pushing certain girls...




(To be continued...)


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