Chapter 2

Can I have you back?

He didn’t want to get up. He didn’t want to see the world. He didn’t want to wake up and be remembered that Yoongi wasn’t with him anymore.

“Jimin… Jiminie please get up…”

“Please leave me alone Jin-hyung” said Jimin, sounding just as broken as he felt.

“Jimin-ah I know it's hard for you--” Jin was suddenly interrupted by Jimin.

He sat up on the bed while pouring his heart out “Hard? Jin-hyung… it’s literally impossible! It’s so hard, hyung. I could never imagine that one day I would wake up without his warmth, that I wouldn’t be able to see that beautiful smile of his. Hyung… I never thought i would wake up without a certain Min Yoongi next to me. In all honesty, I’d rather have him not be with me, than not have him at all.”

When Jimin finished talking he was full on sobbing, and Jin could’ve sworn his heart broke even more.


Jimin hated it. He hated every moment of his boyfriend’s funeral. Not because Yoongi was dead -- though that was probably part of it too -- but because he couldn’t stand seeing the people that mistreated him in any possible way, speak as if they loved him.

Yoongi’s mom? Couldn’t care less about him. She was always blaming him for his father’s death and showed that she hated him more than any bad thing to ever exist, yet here she was crying over her “beloved” son and saying how she “loved” him more than herself.

Jimin just couldn’t stand it.


He waited until everyone had left to finally approach the coffin. There, amongst various flowers laid a photo of Yoongi. He was smiling while petting their newly adopted dog, Holly. 

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This is just an introduction to the story

Hope you guys enjoyed that little angst? Lol



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souremma #1
Chapter 3: I'm not crying, you are