We don't talk anymore

All I need

The next morning, TOP woke up, he started up at Daesung for a second. Daesung was already awake, he'd been awake for a while. He looked down at TOP.

"Good morning." Daesung said.

"Morning." TOP replied.

"Well, how'd you sleep?" He asked.

"I slept good. You?"

"I slept fine. Well, we should probably get you home, huh?"

Daesung looked at his phone.

"Yea I suppose."

After they got ready, TOP drove Daesung home. They sat parked out in his driveway for a few minutes.

"S-So....um...was it true...?" Daesung asked shyly.

TOP looked at him, curiously.

"Was what true?"

"That you...burned holes in your ex boyfriend's clothes?"

TOP sighed.

"Yea. I was pissed. He cheated on me, I like fire, so there you go." He replied.

Daesung stared for a few minutes.

"Oh...i-i'm sorry...I would never cheat on you.." Daesung said.

TOP smiled.

"Thanks. I wouldn't cheat on you either."

Daesung blushed.

"T-thank you. U-um well I guess I better get going..I'll see you at school though." He said smiling.

TOP nodded.

Daesung went to his room, and flopped down on the his bed. Was he really thinking...he started to like TOP? Of all people...? He was worried about what everyone would say. The next day at school, it was presentation day. TOP and Daesung were first. 

"You nervous?" TOP whispered.

Daesung nodded.

"A little. You?" He whsipered back.

TOP shook his head, smiling cutely.

"We got this. Okay?" He whispered, squeezing Daesung's hand gently.

Daesung smiled and they headed up front to do their presentation. Daesung stuttered a couple times, but after talking more, he got more comfortable and confident. TOP smiled proudly. After the presentation, other people showed their projects. After class, Daesung and TOP left, the minute they were outside, they hugged each other tightly.

"I am so proud of you!! You did great!" TOP said 

"Thank you! But me? No you did phenomenal!" Daesung replied happily.

Over the next few weeks,they got closer, and spent almost every day together. However, they also argued more too.

"Why don't we ever do anything fun?" Daesung pouted.

"What are you talking about? We do fun stuff all the time." TOP said.

"No we don't. You are always busy now."

"Uh...yea? Because of school. And I have a job now. Remember?" TOP said.

Daesung frowned.

"Well...you could still make time for me!" He said

TOP rolled his eyes.

"No. I don't. We aren't dating! You're just some kid I got stuck with for a project. You don't really mean anything to me." TOP said harshly.

Daesung looked down, hurt.

"O-oh...well fine. I'll leave then." He said.

"Daesung wait I...I'm sorry." 

Daesung looked at him.

"I don't believe you...I'll uh...give you some space." He said, turning on his heel, slamming the door.

TOP screamed out loud.

"Damn...why did I say that?" He said frustrated.

He tried calling Daesung, but never got an answer. He groaned. 

"Why won't he at least answer?!" He yelled frustrated, throwing his phone across the floor.

On Daesung's end, he cried constantly. He really liked TOP. So he felt pretty heartbroken. Even though they were never actually dating. He ignored TOP as much as he could, unless they were forced to work together. He constantly wondered if TOP cared. He noticed the many calls, but thought he would just start a fight again. He missed being close with TOP, but didn't know how to tell him. He secretly wanted TOP to chase after him.


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izzatys #1
Chapter 11: Good story (^_^)/
Chapter 11: I'm glad everything worked out in the end
Chapter 11: Yay for completion
Chapter 7: read all of the chapters and this is so good, but we all know some trouble will arrive soon for this cute couple
Chapter 4: Awww tops being nice im lovin the story so far