Where I strangely belong.

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Link to fanfic- http://archiveofourown.org/works/9089284/chapters/20664007

Fanfic trailer-  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpjKOUDAJNI

Credits - Archivent


An outcast is what he was. Jimin faced rejection every day until he became used to it. Yet no one ever told him why. It was his life's mystery. Yet here he was, 23 years old with two strange men at his doorstep, telling him that their boss had personally requested Jimin to join their company, J.P.I.D.

“What do you guys do exactly?”

The two men exchanged looks and turned back to Jimin. “Jeon Paranormal Investigation Department. We solve paranormal cases.”

Jimin turns pale and replied quietly with an “Oh.”

To say that Jimin was terrified was an understatement. Because he knows how easily scared he is with horror stuff, not that he would admit it out loud. But it left him wondering, why would the boss of such a horrifying department, request for Jimin personally.

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Chapter 17: Hi I’m sorry for bothering you but I can’t seem to find this fic and I really really really want to read it ??