
How Good Wendy is

Irene loves a lot of thing about Wendy. If she was told to list down what she likes while dating Wendy, she would give you a 100 pages of notebook full of how good (it’s never bad, Irene thought) Wendy is as a girlfriend. She would even go to the whole nine yard by preparing a PowerPoint only containing how good Wendy is as a family, a friend, a shoulder to cry on and most importantly, as a girlfriend, as her girlfriend.


The way Wendy treats her on morning.


It was barely morning, but sunlight was already peeking through the curtains of the couple’s room. Groaning due to the sunlight, Irene fluttered her eyes open and looked around. Noticing that Wendy was not there, she sulked and roll around the bed like a kid. After few seconds of rolling around, the dark haired woman got up lazily from their bed and walked into the bathroom while muttering some incoherent words with furrowed eyebrows.


Opening the bathroom door, Irene’s eyes were wide open as she saw Wendy inside, washing her face while only wearing an oversized T-Shirt and cute (y) black lacy underwear.


Hot? Yes.


ing hot? Definitely.


It’s not that the older woman had never seen Wendy wearing that kinda outfit before (Heck, she even saw Wendy on the bed with sultry face), it’s just that Irene has this weak side of herself every time she sees her girlfriend half . Wendy’s hair was tied up into a messy bun, making her ier. That’s what Irene thought.


Feeling giddy, the older of the two quickly staggered herself towards Wendy with a big smile on the face and quickly back-hugged her girlfriend, placing her chin on the latter’s shoulder.


“Oh, you’re awake?” Wendy asked as she turned her head to get a better look at Irene. The latter just nod like a kid, which never fails to make Wendy giggle.


With her face full of foam from the soap, Wendy pecked Irene on the lips and giggled more as soon as she saw Irene’s lower face covered with her foams. “Good morning baby.” Wendy said and washed her face using the tap water.


“Now go wash yourself while I prepare breakfast for us.”


Irene nodded like a puppy and quickly washed herself while the latter walk to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.



“Why are you eating so slowly?” Irene asked as she kept eyeing Wendy who doesn’t even finish half of her food even though Irene had already finish hers.


“I just can’t help it.” Wendy said as she flashed her sweet smile at Irene, which made the latter’s hear swell in happiness, gaiety, merriment and especially swell in love. “I keep staring at how beautiful you are this whole time.”


“Ah, Son Seungwan stop being cheesy!” Irene said and quickly covered her face in embarrassment on how greasy Wendy can be.


“You like it tho.”


“No, I love it.”


The way Wendy treats her when she’s sick.


Irene took a day off today, since she’s not feeling well. She didn’t inform Wendy about it since she knew too well how paranoid her girlfriend can be. Laying on the couch lifelessly, Irene watched the boring documentary in the television since she doesn’t have the energy to even take the remote control on the coffee table. The poor girl is snivelling non-stop for a few hours now and the headache is killing her. She contemplated whether to call Wendy or not but she knew that calling Wendy will only mean the whole day getting lectured by the latter on how important personal hygiene is. Irene was in the verge of falling asleep but the sound of the front door opening prevented her from doing so.


Oh no. Please let it not be Wendy. She thought even though she knew too well that Wendy and her are the only one who know the passcode of their penthouse.


Indeed, much to Irene’s nightmare, it was in fact Wendy, walking into the house and her eyes were wide as soon as she saw Irene laying down with no energy.


“W-Wan? What are you doing here? Aren’t you at work?” Irene asked, trying to sound as normal as she can.


She failed.


“Hyun? Are you sick?? Why didn’t you tell me??” Wendy flabbergasted, dropped her bag and quickly walked towards Irene.


“I-I am not.”


“Liar. Your voice is nasally.” Wendy said and quickly put her palm unto the latter’s forehead. “Oh my god you’re burning Hyun!”


“Wan I am fine don’t worry.” Irene assured Wendy but she knew too well that the younger would not take the bait.    


“No you’re not. I’m calling a day off today.”


“W-what do you mean? You have job Wendy!” Irene was now worried because her girlfriend would take a day off just because of her.


“I am the CEO they don’t care if I’m gone, Hyun.” Wendy assured her girlfriend as she sat down on the floor, beside Irene. “I’m gonna change clothes and make some soup for you. I know you haven’t eaten yet.” The younger said as she caressed Irene’s hair softly, showing Irene her warm smile.


“… Okay.” Irene gave up.


The whole day was spent with Wendy taking care of her sick girlfriend, not forgetting to lecture her about the importance of personal hygiene.


But, Irene was still glad that Wendy would go extra mile just to be beside her.


The way Wendy acts brave even though she herself is scared.


“W-Wan ah…” Irene muttered as she shook Wendy who was sleeping calmly beside her.


Wendy immediately woke up due to Irene’s violent shaking. “W-What is it?” She asked with hoarse voice and sit up straight.


“T-There’s a cockroach in this room.”


“How could you be so sure?”


“I s-saw it flying to your work desk.”


Having no other option, Wendy stand up even though she herself is scared of cockroach too. Taking a magazine on the table lamp beside her, Wendy switched the light on and there it was, a cockroach on her work desk. Gulping her saliva down, Wendy approached the cockroach slowly while Irene keep placing her eyes on Wendy and the cockroach and again at Wendy.


“B-Be careful.” Irene warned.


However, before Wendy could hit the cockroach hardly, it flied around the room, making both of the women screamed their lungs out. Feeling unsafe, Irene quickly run towards Wendy and hid behind the shorter girl.


“W-Where is it?” Wendy said and looked around cautiously.


“I t-think its o-on the wall.” Irene said and pointed to random places, as if it would help Wendy.


Out of the blue the cockroach flies towards the two women, making them scream yet again and both of them quickly dashed out of their bedroom, not forgetting to close the door behind them.


“I’ll take the mosquito spray!” Irene said but was stopped by Wendy.


“No, it doesn’t work, trust me. I’ve done that before.”


“Then what should we do?” Irene asked and sit on the floor as if her energy was out completely. “Both our phones are in there. We can’t call for help.”


“I have an idea.” Wendy said and the latter quickly looked at her with gleaming eyes. “But you’re not gonna like it.”


“I’m pretty sure nothing is worse than this.”


Wrong. Irene was wrong.


Here they are, walking (since the car keys are in the bedroom too) to the nearest convenience store just to buy a cockroach spray, while wearing their pyjamas. Wendy dug up their piggybank (that was placed in the kitchen counter) for money, but she failed. In the end, they decided to take the piggy bank with them.


“We literally look like hobos. We don’t even have our IDs with us!” Irene said as she was holding her lover’s arm tightly, intertwining their fingers together.


“Shush love, don’t attract too many people.” Wendy said as they made their way into the convenience store.


Walking towards the spray isle quickly, both of them searched for the cockroach spray in there. After few minutes of searching, they finally found the spray.


“How much should we buy?” Irene asked as she poured out the coins that they brought form home and counted them. “Jesus Christ we look pathetic.”


“Let’s just take a dozen, are the coins enough?”


“Wendy! Why do you want a dozen spray??” Irene asked, taken aback at her girlfriend’s statement.


“Well, I don’t want to go inside that goddamn room and neither do you so let’s just spray the cockroach from outside, okay?” The short girl said as she looked at Irene with pitiful eyes.


“… Fine.” Irene gave up.


They took 12 cans of cockroach spray and now they were faced with a new problem. Who’s gonna pay for it. Using coins.


“You pay it.” Wendy said as she shoved the basket full of sprays into Irene’s arm.


“No! You pay it!” Irene pushed back the basket into the latter’s arm.


“No, you! You’re the one who always pays for our groceries!”


They kept pulling and pushing the basket until Irene had enough. “You pay it, and I’ll let you top the next time we do it.”


Wendy was intrigued.


“… Deal.”


Walking to the counter with her head hung low, Wendy kept murmuring some incoherent English swearing words and thought of how stupid she felt that time. But it’s okay, as long as she gets to top Irene the next time they do it.


Paying for the sprays was the most embarrassing thing Wendy had done in her whole 24 years of living. The cashier kept looking at her with curious and judgemental glare as he was scanning the sprays.


His eyes were wide and felt like he would pass out as soon as Wendy pulled out the piggybank and shake it to make the coin drop on the counter.


“… Is this a prank? Cause if it, is I swear-“


“No its not!” Wendy quickly denied and kept shaking the piggybank. “A cockroach broke into my girlfriend and my room, and we left all our belongings there and this is the only available thing to pay for the sprays. I swear this is not a prank.”


Thank god the cashier didn’t pry further and sighed as he kept counting the coins scattered messily on the counter. I hope I am going to get paid extra for this.


The couples ended up fogging their whole bedroom with the spray and as soon as they opened the door wide, the room smelled like cockroach spray. But Wendy didn’t regret doing that, since the damn cockroach was lying dead on the floor due to the excessive sprays.


Thank god for sprays.


The way Wendy notice every small thing that she likes.


“Hey, Hyun?” Wendy asked as both of them were cuddling on the couch while watching the television.




“Let’s go out, tonight’s weather is nice.”


Looking at Wendy, Irene smiled widely and planted a chaste kiss on her girlfriend’s lips. “Okay.”


Driving on her blue BMW convertible, both of them were keeping quiet as Wendy kept driving to a place she had in mind. They were accompanied by the slow jazz music playing on the radio that Irene liked so much.


The night sky looked very beautiful tonight and this is the perfect day to go out on a date with Irene, Wendy thought.


After few minutes of driving, Wendy stopped at the top of the hill, where they could clearly see the city lights glowing so brightly below them. Wendy opened the car’s roof and invited Irene to sit at the back, to which Irene obliged happily.


Laying themselves on the backseat, Irene wrapped her hands around Wendy’s waist tightly while the latter wrapped her hand around Irene’s neck. Irene was looking at the bright stars on the sky with a smile on her face. Wendy know how much Irene love looking at the sky.


“It’s beautiful…” Irene said in awe, smiling widely.


Wendy, who was looking at Irene all this time, smiled warmly. “Yeah, it is.”



The way Wendy is always there for her.


Both of them were in the church, feeling gloomy. Both of them were wearing black dresses and sat at the most front of the seat, since Irene lost someone who was very dear to her. As the funeral mass kept on going, Wendy kept looking at Irene who looked on the floor all the time, trying to hold her tears from streaming down. She held her girlfriend’s arm tightly, caressing it once in a while using her thumb just to comfort Irene.


At the end of the mass, the visitors would shake hands with Irene’s family, and Wendy kept on standing beside Irene, eventhough she’s not part of the family, yet.


The burial of Irene’s grandfather was even sadder. Irene kept crying the whole time and buried her face at the crook of Wendy’s neck, trying her hard not to look at the casket six feet under, getting piled up with dirt. Wendy kept caressing Irene’s shoulder softly while whispering her some healing words or even some random phrases just to make the latter calm down.


During the whole ride back, Irene fell asleep due to tiredness and Wendy decided to play some of Irene’s favourite jazz songs on low volume. Wendy carried Irene bridal style as they make their way into their penthouse.


Placing Irene softly on the bed, Wendy heaved a sigh of relief and quickly changed her attire to something more comfortable, not forgetting to do that to Irene too. Those black dresses are haunting to Wendy. She couldn’t even imagine what would linger inside her girlfriend’s mind this whole time.


Wendy laid beside Irene and covered both of them with blankets. She quickly engulfed Irene into a tight hug, and as soon as she did that, Irene woke up due to her warmness.


“Go back to sleep, love.” Wendy said and smiled at the tired Irene, and quickly pecked her puffy eyes.


“Thank you…” Irene said with hoarse voice and buried her face in Wendy’s neck.


“What for?” Wendy Irene’s hair softly.


“For being there for me.”


“Isn’t that what girlfriends are supposed to do?” She smiled and kissed Irene’s head softly.


“I don’t know what would I do without you.” Irene pouted and looked at Wendy with worried eyes.


“Stop saying that. I am always here for you and that is what Important.” The younger of the two said and kissed Irene’s lips softly.


“I love you.” Irene said as soon as they stopped kissing, caressing Wendy’s cheeks softly.


“I love you too Hyun, so much.” Wendy smiled warmly and planted a chaste kiss on Irene’s lips again. “Now go to sleep. You’re tired.”


And that moment, Irene finally realized how good Wendy is as a girlfriend. Scratch that, how great her lover is. And she is more that thankful to have Wendy in her life.









A/N: Pls comment on what you thought of this fic and don’t forget to upvote if you enjoyed it ^^

Sorry for any grammar mistakes.

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Chapter 1: 💙💖💙💖💙💖
orangebearies #2
love this one shot, i really enjoyed reading it, i think it’s one of the ones i would keep re-reading, thank you for writing this :)
Chapter 1: They are both softieeee.
ShinHye24 1340 streak #4
Chapter 1: Here again!! nedeed some soft WR :)
Chapter 1: love it 💗💙🥺🥺
Chapter 1: so soft 🥺
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 1: In 2018 I read this and commented in 2019 I only read this to kill me from the WenRene drought in 2020 I read again, and I commented again yeaaay but I have read this 4 times
Chapter 1: why cant they jus smack the cockroach with a broom or a magazine damn i really cracked at that part jsksksjs
I really like the poster!