Room 1


All Yixing could hear was the continuous ticking of a clock that he could never find and the occasional ringing of a bell. The bell sounds like its the start of lesson or the end of it. Well, what could he be expecting, after all Yixing was walking down a hallway in an abandon school building.


The hallway was dusty and cold, making him sneeze. But as Yixing continues down the hallway the air becomes stale and not long after a horrible stench hits his nose. It was a combination of decay and blood. Yixing had to hold back from throwing up. He wanted to turn away but was met with a wall, meaning he had to continue on. He turn and continue to walk down the hallway. As he walked he suddenly steps on a puddle. Yixing looks down to see that the puddle that he stepped on was dark red. Realising that he stepped on a puddle of blood he jumps back in fear.


Looking up to see that the once clean hallways was decorated with blood now. Some fresh, some dried. It took all his might to hold back his scream that was tearing at his throat to come out. How did an empty hallway turn into this, he though. Without a choice Yixing continued on forward. His own body taking control of its self, he stopped in front of a door. His hands lifted itself and place itself on the door nob, despite his struggles not to. 


Yixing hand twisted the door nob and pushed the door open. He was met with a pungent smell. He closed his eyes, afraid of the sight in front of him. But when he open them, the room was empty except for an open window and a tree outside. Yixing sighed in relief, a little confuse on what was so scary about this room. He walked forward this time being able to control his own body. But as soon as his whole body was in the room. The door closed by itself and was locked.


Yixing couldn't do anything but only walk towards the open window to look for away out. However with each step he took the smell of decay became stronger and so did the sound of sewing could be heard. It really left Yixing confuse, why was there the smell of decay when he sees nothing rotting. Holding his breath as he quickly walked to the window. He sticked his head out to see if there was anyway out. He felt something wet drop in his head and face. He wiped the liquid off and looked at his hands to see that it was red. He brought it to close to his nose and smelled that it was blood. He looked up to see that it was coming from the said 'tree' in front of him. He couldn't make out what was above him so he looked forwards.


Yixing screamed a silent scream, his voice failing him, for the time in since he entered the hallway. The 'tree' was no ordinary 'tree' but a 'tree' created by decaying and fresh amputated arms stitched together lousy. Some of the arms were dangling from the weaken stitches. He tried to turn away from the tree and run back to the door, but again his body was not his to control. Instead of running away, his body brought him forward, till half of his body was dangling out of the window.


Suddenly the hands started to move, they were clawing their way closer to him. Yixing tried to run away again, but his body was still not responding to his mind. Yixing could only watch helplessly with tears running down his face, a silent scream coming from his mouth as the hands reaches out to grab him.


Yixing sat up to see the walls of his bedroom. Cold sweat running down his forehead, tears in his eyes. He held onto his blanket tightly, unsure if he was still in the dream or that he was really in his room. The smell of decay still lingering in his nose and the tingling sensation of the hands that grab still could be felt. Yixing only knew when he was no longer dreaming was when his dog jumped onto his bed and his face. He hugged his dog tightly as he sobs softly wetting his dog's fur with his tears. Yixing was glad that the dream was finally over, but he didn't know, that this night was only the beginning of the never ending nightmare and the infinite doors that awaits him to open.

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Ohh thisss is reallyyy goooddd... so eeriee.. i really can feel the chill and horror.. and you really good at explain the situation and scenery... and it just an introoo arghhh im dying to know what the hell happen to yixing... why is he has those nightmare... what secret underneath it... aaaa... please update ittttt... too bad you just use one tag 'yixing', making not many people find this story... i suggest you add exo, horror and another tag if any character will appeared... good luck...