trading card game

Nu'est as anime - scenarios

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Concept: An anime to sell a trading card game that focuses as much on mystery as on the power of friendship.

Plot: Aron is the owner of a failing family café and despite endless hard work the wind never seems to turn. His grandmother calls him to her deathbed to tell him a well-kept secret – the location of the fable deck.

This legendary deck full of elite cards could propel anyone to the upper ranks in the highly coveted master level of the annual tournaments – or so it is told. This is not due to the cards themselves, which are high tier but far from unique. No, it’s the power of the fable deck to grant its owner the luck of the draw – and equal luck in all other things in life.

Aron, whoever, doesn’t even think about entering the tournament. He’s not even sure he believes in the card soul like the old folk do. He wants to get the fable deck just to sell it and continue his life in slightly less misery.

JR and Ren were the second and third place winners of last year’s tournament. And the year before. And the year before that. The duo is determined to get first place and they will stop at nothing. When they overhear Aron’s conversation with his best friend at the café, they don’t realize Aron would have been willing to sell the deck and instead try to steal it.

It’s the aforementioned best friend, Minhyun, who catches the thieves.

Aron is strong-armed by the duo with colorful hair into dueling them for the right to ownership of the fable deck. To no one’s surprise, things go badly for Aron. But then he feels, for the first time, what can only be the card soul.

With newfound confidence and a new purpose in life, he handily beats his opponents and enters the tournament on the same day.

JR and Ren are not the only enemies Aron makes. His first serious match is against Baekho, who seems to realize who he’s going up against. Not ashamed to loose against the fable deck owner, Baekho is nonetheless shocked to find out that Aron is a complete newcomer.

Struck by greed, and perhaps a respect for the card soul, Baekho becomes a strange mix of rival and bodyguard. One the one hand, he doesn’t think Aron deserves to own the fable deck over him, but he trusts the card soul to have picked correctly and protects the “chosen one” wherever he can.

Is Baekho just waiting for his chance to strike or does he know more than he lets on? Do JR and Ren work only for themselves or is there a shadow looming, who makes sure the two have a vested interest in not turning on each other?

Reception: With all the force of a major merchandise behind it, the anime runs for many, many seasons. The core cast develops an uneasy truce as external enemies show up, who threaten not just the fable deck wielder but perhaps even the card soul itself.

The audience is treated to detailed explanation of the rules governing each card and, as normal for the genre, most episodes’ es happen to coincide with the resolution of a tournament battle.

Of course the fandom consists to a large part of players, but well-paced arcs and compelling, not totally absurd storylines help draw in a fan base greater than the core demographic.

[This is the picture that stared my journey to write these dumb Nu’est as anime things, as pointless as they are. You can’t tell me JRen don’t look like Jessie and James in this one.]

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Chapter 4: This idea is golden. Seriously, I don't know how you manage to water down the entire show in narrations like these for the plot as well as the reception, because the concepts are so good, I'd have been tempted to make my own fan fiction of each by now! Really entertained by these, and I'm excited to keep going.
Chapter 7: What is this? Minhyun looks good in every hairstyle? How is this even possible????

You wanna know what else is even possible? How the heck am I suddenly able to un-see Ren’s classic blond ponytail, and now all I see is PINK. Is that a wig? Honestly, I can’t remember anything anymore.

I’ve been wanting to read this chapter the most, but I needed to go in order. I was really big on Yu-Gi-Oh! when I was younger, so this is making me nostalgic.

“To no one’s surprise, things go badly for Aron.” Yep, that’s it

They do look like Jessie and James, thanks. And by default, my mind went to imagine them in the outfits, and boy am I glad I’ll probably forget that image by morning.

Wow, so you saw this photo and you were just like, “anime…”? Coolio

I feel like Yu-Gi-Oh! was more of just duels in every episode—at least when I re-watched it. So this is sounding a bit more like Pokemon (i actually have no idea what I’m talking about)

Many, many seasons? Yep, that’s Pokemon.

Wow, this is so interesting because it’s so many different scenarios, even if they’re not actually written out, but just described briefly. This is how I usually prepare for stuff I’m going to write, but just to write this out and be like “done” must be something. How long did it take to come up with this? Honestly, it does sound easy, but because I’m the way I am, it would take me a million years just to write the plot part out tbh
Chapter 6: You know, I never really paid attention to their heights before, but—wow Minhyun is tall.

So I really only had to read the first paragraph of the Plot to know that I would very much watch this. I like the sound of Dr. Hwang Minhyun. Not so much Director Kim JR or Therapist Choi Ren. I think it’s because those are stage names and they don’t usually work on me when you use their surnames. Only Baekho’s works because it sounds more normal and is similar to his actual name. Even Aron may work, but the only thing ruining it is that every time I read his surname, all I hear is “quack”.

Oh, so apparently something I would actually watch is something others didn’t really seem to enjoy. That just about sums up my friendship with this one person and is why I took my aunt to a concert instead of her whoops.

Twenty-Four episodes in one season; that’s what I’m talking about!!!!!!

I’m sorry, but Director Kim / Parasite ship is like the BaekBama thing. Or just all the weird ships I’ve heard of. Have you heard some of them? Because they’re wild, and the fact that some people even wrote fics out (even as a joke) is just amusing and confusing.
Chapter 5: Ok I figured it out. JR just doesn’t have a distinguishable feature I can connect him in every picture, because to me—HE LOOKS DIFFERENT EVERY TIME.

Like I literally saw him first when I went to this page, and I was just like, WHO ARE YOU?

Do you just know these words? Like, do you actually know them when you’re writing them? Because even I don’t know when I can use a super cool and big sophisticated word, but you’re just throwing them out there like a …something idk I’m not good at analogies.

OR ANYTHING involving words

I literally stared at the word “more” once and was confused if that was how it was really spelled because I hadn’t written it out in so long.

You even invented a fandom meme for a show that doesn’t even exist.

“[Honestly, I’m taking myself on a journey every time I write one of these.]” —Is it because you get to imagine the whole thing, while I spend time looking up definitions?

I guess with these kinds of things, we get basic descriptions, but get to imagine the rest ourselves? That’s cool, but I just had a thought for the first time of nu’est as actual anime characters and not their real fleshy human selves and idk if I want to anymore. jkjk

For some reason this is reminding me of one of their more recent music videos, which is actually my favorite song by them now.
Chapter 4: Wow, I really like Ren’s hair in this photo. I love this hairstyle on him in general. However, I’ll never forget blond ponytail.

That moment when I am actually Aron.

REN omg yes (i had to look up multivalent)

“Tall and handsome Minhyun—“ Yes.

Also, why I keep typing Mingyu when I try to type Minhyun is beyond me.

Oh man, seasons with only five episodes in each one. Sounds like those Netflix originals that I watch that only have like 6 or 7 and don’t even end in very good spots.

Also idk why this picture made me think of this, but for some reason I was never able to actually memorize JR’s face. Like, the FACE hairstyle he had prevented me from actually knowing how his face was memorable, and even from then on with other comebacks, I never could remember his face. One time there was a picture of NU’EST I was looking at that I didn’t know was them because I saw JR first and I was like, “he’s familiar, but who?” and then I saw Minhyun and—

I feel like my comments are usually only how I can relate to the characters, and my own personal thoughts that come up during it, but what else can I do when it’s in this format? I actually do like this way, though. There’s just something about it...
Chapter 3: You lost me at "robots from space". HA jkjkjk

Seriously though, “putting boys into reversed engineered robots with comically big guns” I DON’T EVEN KNOW how to imagine that. I just imagine the big guns, comically big guns.

I didn’t even watch Produce 101. I haven’t even gotten past episode 4 of exo showtime and I’ve tried to watch it TWICE.

Also, I can’t believe you actually spelled out 101. People don’t even spell out numbers less than 100 unless they’re single digits (I do tho so that's all that matters).

what the fuc k is a kafkaesque i’m not even attempting to look that one up

never mind i did and i’m super confused who is Franz Kafka i’m not looking it up

never mind i did and i’m still super confused but probably because i skimmed instead of really reading idk how do you find out this

I feel like I’m missing a lot of stuff because I didn’t watch the show, but I really can’t. I don’t have the patience to sit through something. I’ve reloaded nct dream’s music video twice in my browser but I haven’t watched it yet please diagnose me why am i like this

No, but it was a mess, wasn’t it? With all the scandals that kept coming out. I guess that’s what happens when you have that many people. Moral of the story: if you’ve done problematic , don’t become a celebrity. also move away and change your name.

god i am missing so much because i didn’t watch it--all i know is that Minhyun made it in the top eleven and i am happy because he is my bias since the beginning of nu'est, but sad because the others did not make it in.
Chapter 2: oh god if i’d have to go through a bunch of files in a humungous library just to find my own—

"just send me to hell"

I mean, just imagine dying and just—“finally” BUT you have to go through a bunch of freaking files. Doing this for FIVE seasons. more like—

season one, episode two
me: oh I found my file, it says “HELL” well that’s a wrap seeya

abnegation—there you go again teaching me vocabulary I’ve never heard of. Best teacher I’ve ever had, tbh. aaaaaaand i’ve already forgotten the definition whoops

no, but like, i don't even need anything other than this description to know that i'd watch the crap out of it. i couldn't help but think of one of my favorite animes from high school where they're all dead and something has to happen before they can move on idk honestly i'm not even sure if i finished watching it.

but i'd watch all of this because i'm a pos but if i LIVED (even tho i would be dead) it oh no—“hell here i come”

watch me go to heaven
Chapter 1: "(Why? Because anime)."

I mean, honestly.

"He turns bro against bro..."

I relate to Baekho, except the part where he gets a job around food. I can't do that because pressure, and food, and loudness, and people.
I mean, I sell shoes to PEOPLE, but you know what I mean, right? I don't have to take their orders or make their food, and listen to their complaints, but they do expect me to be an expert on shoes. Like omg, my dream job, right? (no)

Oh, so I imagined Ren dressed as the grim reaper, but having the blond hair (I always think of Ren in his debut hairstyle--the ponytail never leaves me) and idek what I feel about it, but it fits.

"The result is paralyzing anxiety." k. relatable.

The fact that instead of taking care of a sack of flour (which i've literally only seen in tv shows), or even the weirdly realistic babies I would never be caught dead with, they're taking care of an egg is horrifying. Imagine the nervousness of it all. But how else could they really know if you replaced the egg? Maybe it they took the wax and wrote a message without telling students and that's how they tell? idk, we literally dropped them from a roof in 5th grade (rip). The closest I came to doing that was in 2nd grade when we took care of baby(?) pumpkins. I was the only one in class who gave mine the opposite name...his name was Joshua.

I'm really fascinated by the format you chose this time. Literal descriptions instead of full on novel like blah blah blah. It's like I'm reading a Wikipedia page about the show, especially since it says it ran for two seasons. I hate open ended shows tho idk what to think.

oh, and ew, cornflakes