Closet Key I

In Another Life

Krystal was straight. She was sure of it. At least she was until she and her best friend reached senior year. 


Her face was scrunched up in concentration as she chanted "I'm straight" as she watched a certain tomboy practice on the football field. Like every other day, she waited for Amber and went home together. It was a practice that they did since meeting each other back in kindergarten.


She watched Amber skillfully pass her teammates to kick a goal in and celebrated by running around. The tomboy made eye contact with her and winked with a playful smile. Amber had made it a habit to show off to Krystal during practice. The latter smiled back and tried her best to stop the blush creeping onto her cheeks. 


Krystal was straight for sure -- the hard beating on her chest was nothing, right? She asked herself. It also didn't mean anything when she felt hot because Amber looked so good with a thin layer of sweat on her very toned arms. These weird reactions on her best friend's presence had started over three months ago when they had just began senior year.


Growing up together, the pair were inseparable. It was peculiar to anybody if one was seen without the other. They were opposites on different aspects -- Amber was a social butterfly while Krystal chose to keep to herself at most times; Amber was an athletic type while Krystal was more on an intellectual who liked to study a lot. Despite these differences, the two were perfect for each other. 


Krystal's ice princess exterior always melts away whenever she was with Amber. And although the latter had a lot of close friends, Krystal was different and you could see it in the way she was always protective of the other girl. Amber literally called Krystal her princess while she happily gets called stupid by the latter. It wasn't an insult, no way. It was simply how the younger Jung showed her affection to the girl. 


On their first day of senior year, the pair were walking home from school when they encountered hoodlums who started hitting on Krystal.


"Hey beautiful, want us to show you a good time?" A man said with a sly grin. There were three of them and they reeked of smoke and alcohol.


Krystal felt really uncomfortable and instinctively grabbed Amber's shirt. Amber clenched her teeth and put her arm around the younger girl, pulling her close.


"Sorry, . Nobody disrespects my girlfriend. Or any woman for that matter" Amber said with venom in her voice. She was getting ready for a fist fight just to protect her princess. Krystal pressed herself closer and circled her arms around her waits. She hid her head at the crook of Amber's neck.


"I'm scared Ber" She whispered. She swore she could hear Amber's heart beating fast. She wondered if it was because of their closeness or the situation. 


"Don't be. I'm here" Amber replied, gripping her tighter. The older girl stared down the men and dared them to talk back. Meanwhile, Krystal could hear her own heartbeat rise. Her fear was slowly subsiding, being in the comfort of Amber's arms. 


She heard the men scoff and leave, muttering curse words toward Amber. Once they were far enough, Amber's grip on Krystal loosened. She almost whimpered at the loss of contact but heat rose to her cheeks again when Amber cupped her face to look at her.


"Are you okay?" Amber asked, concern written all over her face. Krystal couldn't help but feel warm and fuzzy inside as she nodded.


"Thank you" She said softly. They started walking again and Amber linked their arms together.


"Anything for my princess" Amber replied. 


It wasn't like skinship was new to them, but ever since Amber pretended to be her girlfriend in front of those guys, Krystal felt a bit different with her. She thought about it a lot and why she wished that it wasn't just pretend. Sure, she loved Amber -- but just as a friend. Right? 


She was lost in her own thoughts and didn't notice Amber jogging up to her, all sweaty and y. 


"Soojung" Amber called. It snapped her out of her trance and looked at the older girl who was now in front of her. It had become their tradition for Krystal to watch Amber practice. The younger girl always brought her water and snacks they could eat together before they left for home. Knowing how busy Amber was, she probably forgets to eat and take care of herself.


"Oh- sorry" Krystal blushed being caught thinking of the girl. Amber grinned and took a seat next to the girl. Their arms brushed and Krystal grimaced at the touch of sweat.


"YAH! YOU'RE SO SWEATY" Krystal complained and grabbed a towel, dabbing Amber's face and arms. They heard a few squeals below them and saw "Kryber" fangirls. It wasn't intentional but a lot of people actually shipped them. It was because of all the chemistry and closeness they had. Krystal scoffed and continued wiping Amber's face. Although she did have to hide a blush creeping on to her face.


"Not only do I have to worry about your fangirls, we also have those delulu shippers down there" Krystal complained. She was still busy convincing herself she was straight. Amber feigned getting hurt and laughed.


"I don't know... maybe they aren't that delulu" Amber said seriously. Krystal stopped and stared at her. It took a few seconds before Amber broke into laughter once again. A red-faced Krystal attacked the other girl with smacks to the arm. 


"Yah Amber Josephine Liu" Krystal said as she huffed. After giving Amber a smacking she deserved, the younger girl crossed her arms.


"Aw come on Soojung. It's cute" Amber said with a smile. Krystal's face grew a shade of pink again. She decided to distract her by getting the food she prepared.


"Omg you made Tacos" Amber said as she grabbed one of the soft hand made tacos Krystal occasionally made her.


"Yeah well you scored the winning goal last week, I figured you deserve it" Krystal said as she took her own taco and they ate in peace talking about anything and everything.


It wasn't long before they left school and were walking home. Amber suddenly remembered something and got excited all of a sudden.


"Hey Princess, Henry's hosting a party later tonight at his place. Wanna come?" Amber asked hopefully. Krystal groaned, she hated parties.


"Stupid. You know how I hate parties. Too many people and they make me so uncomfortable" Krystal said. Even the thought of her being in a crowded house surrounded by drunk high schoolers made her shiver.


"Please Princess? I'll be with you the whole night and promise not to leave your side" Amber pleaded and showed the younger girl her puppy dog eyes. Krystal couldn't help but melt at the other girl's cuteness. She put her hand on her head and shook it.


"Fine" She replied. Amber jumped up and down and proceeded to twirl Krystal in the air. 


"Yah put me down" Krystal said, but she was laughing as they spun around. Amber finally set Krystal down and grinned at her.


"Yay. You're the best Soojung" Amber said. The pair proceeded to go home and got ready for the night.






Its been a while. I've decided to make this high school AU where in Straight! Krystal discovers she may have feelings for her bestfriend. Closet key is wordplay that Amber is the key that opens Krystal's closet for her to "come out". Get it? Hehe


Tune in to the next chapter to find out what happens when Krystal gets drunk and is all possessive with Amber. A lot of things are in store, especially when the gang starts to play spin the bottle.


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2074 streak #1
Chapter 2: Cannot wait for the next chapter. Kryber is so CUTE in capital letters gosh
Chapter 2: Yes! I'll wait for it! And I'm getting exciteeeeeed!!!!!?
tylerous #3
Chapter 1: i can't stop smiling! super cute.
YourSmile-I #4
Chapter 2: Thanks... update soon
PhoebeLe94 #5
Chapter 2: So good!!!
junstone #6
Chapter 1: fresh story, I love it.
Chapter 1: its a date then hehe
looking forward to this authornim