Just the Beginning

Joy Ride

"Wait... you're firing me..?" Minseok looked at his boss in disbelief as he sat in the fancy office and gaped at him. 
"I'm sorry... we've been trying to cut our budgets for months but now we just have to fire a handful of people... It's nothing personal Minseok, we can recommend you to other companies if you like." Minseok's boss looked at him with sincerity and sighed softly. 
Minseok looked down at his lap and then back at his boss. "Thank you, but I think I'm going to go on a break first..."
His boss nodded and stood up, walking around to Minseok. "Alright son, contact me whenever you want okay? You've been a good employee these past 6 years..." He smiled and patted his shoulders. 
"Thank you, sir, have a good day..." He smiled softly and left the room. He went to get his things and drove back to his apartment. 

Minseok walked in and put his stuff down on the floor and sighed. 
"Who's there? Suho?" Minseok's roommate, Baekhyun peeked his head out from the kitchen and smiled. "Hey Minnie~ What are you doing back so early? Kyungsoo isn't going to work today." He sat down on the couch with a big bowl of cereal as Kyungsoo walked out of his room with his pajamas.
"I... um, I got fired today..." He looked down as he sat on the couch and sighed deeply. 
Baekhyun gasped and immediately put down his bowl as he threw himself at Minseok, hugging him tightly. 
"NO! I'M SO SORRY!!!" Baekhyun started sobbing in his chest as Minseok looked at Kyungsoo with a small grin.
Kyungsoo chuckled lowly and took a sip of his coffee while asking Minseok calmly. "Why'd they fire you?" 
Baekhyun, who had tears on his cheeks, turned his head to Kyungsoo. "How could you be so insensitive?!" He started sobbing again in Minseok's chest.
"Baekhyun, you're crying more than me, and I'm the one who got fired." Minseok chuckled and looked at Kyungsoo again. "He said the company had to cut down its budget, so they're firing me and others."
Kyungsoo nodded his head as he finished his coffee. "I see... well, at least you have enough money to be off for a while." He sat down next to Minseok and smiled softly. 
Minseok nodded and took Baekhyun off his chest. "Get off of me. I'm not even sad..." He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Baekhyun, who was wiping small tears from his cheeks. "But it's still saaad~"
Minseok got up and went up to the kitchen, opening the fridge. "Not that sad. Besides I can finally take a break now!" He grabbed a beer and opened it, taking a sip as he closed the fridge.
Minseok looked at the pictures on the fridge and smiled softly. He noticed a picture of the three of them younger in front of an old car. He chuckled and turned to Baekhyun and Kyungsoo. 
"Hey, guys... when was the last time we went on a road trip?" They both looked at him with completely different expressions. Baekhyun was slowly forming a huge smile while Kyungsoo widened his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows. 
"That sounds like a great ide-" Baekhyun's voice went up two octaves higher as Kyungsoo interrupted him calmly. "Not a good idea." 
Minseok whined and went back to the couch. "Come on Soo! You're the only one with a big enough car!" Kyungsoo shook his head firmly and crossed his arms. 
"No. Last time Baekhyun stuck his out the window and peed all over the highway." Kyungsoo raised his voice slightly and looked at Minseok. 
Minseok pouted cutely and sat next to him, cuddling into his side. "Pleeeeaaaasssseeee~? I just lost my job, Soo..." He looked up at him as Baekhyun also joined him.
A few seconds later, Kyungsoo sighed and nodded slowly. "Fine. Only to take a break and you two have to buy the stuff we need." Kyungsoo got up and went to his room as Minseok and Baekhyun beamed at each other. They both got up and went to the market to buy everything they needed for their trip. 

The next morning Kyungsoo woke up to Minseok and Baekhyun already in the living room with everything packed for the trip. He groaned and changed his clothes as he drank his usual coffee and staring down Baekhyun and Minseok.
Minseok smiled at him and poked his sides playfully. "Hey maybe while on the trip, you'll meet a cute girl?" Kyungsoo finished his coffee, taking it to the sink and took a deep breath as he turned to them. "I doubt it. Let's go."
They all went out and put their light package in Kyungsoo's pickup truck as they all got in. Kyungsoo in the driver's seat, because God knows he'd never let them drive his truck, Minseok in the passenger's seat and Baekhyun sitting in the back. Later on, they went on the barren highway of the hot summer of Seoul on their way to the best (and short) roadtrip ever.


A/N: Heeey this is my first fanfiction that I actually want to do so um please be nice. Sorry It's so short but I promise the chapter will gradually get longer^^

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Chapter 1: ouuuuuh that's good that minseok takes it so well, i think i would have cried like baekhyun hahahaha
exciting news, i'd like to go on a road trip too ** hope they'll enjoy themselves heheh