~1 Moving


*beep beep beep beep*

I woke up by the sound of the alarmclock. Today was the day to move all of my stuff to the new room i'll be living in at school campus. I walked to the bathroom and started brushing my teeth, after that i took a nice warm shower and then proceeded to choose my outfit. "Let's see~ what should i wear.." i whispered as i scanned all of my clothes. After staring at my closet for a while my stomach started to grumble. "Okay i give up, i'll just eat breakfast first." I walked to the fridge "pizza for breakfast? Doesn't sound too bad but i'll just eat the cornflakes." After getting my food i turned the tv on while eating breakfast.


After breakfast i got dressed in some casual-ish clothes.

After breakfast i got dressed in some casual-ish clothes

"Yeah this will be fine." I nodded in approval to my mirror. "I guess i should start packing up."



"Ahh finally i'm done~" i said while stretching my arms and back. I grabbed my phone and texted my brother. *Jaemin oppa, i'm done with packing can you head this way now with that van?* *Yep, i'll be on my way now.* After 10minutes Jaemin had arrived. We started to load the van up with those boxes and headed our way to the school campus.


"So.. are there female and male dorms?" Jaemin asked. "No, i don't think so." Jaemin didn't look too happy about that but i didn't care too much about it. The rest of the car ride was full of talking about random stuff. After an hour and a half, we've finally reached my new school. I told Jaemin to wait by the car while i was going to get my dormroom number. "Hello, my name is Lee Jaein and i am here to get my dormroom." The lady at the desk looked at me and smiled. She looked at her computer and typed probably my name in. "Let's see, here we go. You are in room 47 and that is in the second building." I thanked the lady and walked back to the car. The school was pretty big and there is a lot of space.



Jaemin and i just finished moving my stuff into my room. The room was alright, it had enough room for 2 students.

I didn't see anyone's stuff in the room so i guessed that my roommate hasn't arrived yet

I didn't see anyone's stuff in the room so i guessed that my roommate hasn't arrived yet.


"Hey, you wanna go get some dinner? You can choose wherever you want to eat, i'll pay." I looked at jaemin with wide eyes "Oppa! Thank you~ I want to try out the famous restaurant here nearby."

We ate at the place and it was pretty amazing, the food was delicious and there was a cool cooking show type of thing going on. It was getting late and Jaemin went back home after dropping me off back at the school. We said our goodbyes and now here i am. Standing in front of the school by myself. "This is going to be something..." i sighed and walked back to my room. Being too tired to try and pack everything out, i only grabbed my laptop and headphones. And i went back to trying to write a song. I have never been able to write a song that i liked, it really isn't easy. Especially if you were someone like me who never had any music lessons. "Why doesn't it sound good, i changed it so many times and it still sounds crap." I started to get a bit frustrated and just gave up and went to bed.

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