Chapter 9

Our Days
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jeongyeon pov

'ugh, my head hurts.' I tried opening my eyes. It was dark but there was one light on me. My hands were tied behind my back and my feet were tied together. I looked around and it seemed like I was in a warehouse. I tried to free myself but to no avail. Soon, someone was walking in the darkness, I recognize the person's figure, but I was sure when that person spoke. It was jungkook, "you're awake." I didn't reply back. 
"Do you know what I'm going to do with you?" He asked. Again, I didn't reply. He came closer to me and slapped me hard. I winced in pain. "What happened to your mouth? Did you forget how to speak?" He chuckled.
"No, but you're an who doesn't mean to me. So who are you for me to answer you?" I said. That got me another slap. I felt my lips bleeding, but I didn't care. I heard another voice from behind me. 
"Yo, jungkook, what are we going to do with her?" It was jimin.
"Yeah, I wanna do alot of things to her." I think that was j-hope.
"First of all, I want to beat her up, after I taught her a lesson, you guys can do whatever you want with her." Jungkook said while smirking. He told them to leave us alone. I was scared at this point. He came closer and he was about to whisper something into my ear, but I bumped my head into his, he cursed. But what I did got me a punch in my stomach. Jungkook is very strong, which is why I was terrified. He came closer to me, but this time he yanked my head and he whispered, "after this, you're gonna wish you never punched me." 
"Like I care, as long as I'm here you're not gonna touch nayeon, I swear the second we're done here I'm going to kill you with my bare hands."I spit at him, and that made him really angry, because he started punching me repeatedly on my face. I couldn't see anything. He then grabbed my chair and threw me on the floor. The chair broke and there were sharp pieces of wood scattered, I took a small piece and started cutting the rope that was tied around my hands. As I was doing so, he came and kicked me again and again. I felt my ribs breaking and Peircing through my lungs. I screamed. The pain was awful, I couldn't handle it, it was getting hard to breathe. I just tried my best to continue cutting the rope. Jungkook at this point was just talking to me and occasionally kicking me. Soon, the rope was cut and I took a piece of the chair and waited for him to come closer, when he did I hit his head and his head started bleeding, I tried to get up at free my feet but I was too slow he already punched me and called his friends.
"You're a tough girl jeongyeon. My favorite type." Jimin said while he was securing my hands again. We were alone. He started opening his zipper and his pants and he was in his underwear. He then came to me and started kissing me forcefully. His hands were sneaking under my shirt, making hi

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Chapter 31: Update soon please~ love your story
Chapter 31: Heol you're back! Im glad. Another nice update
kristin_qtink #3
Chapter 31: Happy ending ;D
Author-nim, Please update soon, i cant wait for what happens to everyone! please update, your story is very nice <3
Dhei_oktv31 #5
Chapter 30: I hope everything will be alright..
Dont forget to update soon, author-nim. Fighting!!
GirlCrushJeongyeon #6
Chapter 29: Long time no update
k_tl22 #7
Chapter 30: how is jeongyeon doing ? I want to read jeongyeon's part too.. TT
homerosimpsons #8
Chapter 18: i like dogs
Chapter 29: author nim, i really like the story and i hope you update soon! Hwaiting!!
k_tl22 #10
Chapter 29: when will you update T^T